How To Spot Someone With No Soul: 18 Obvious Signs

A small caveat before we get started here: when we say someone has “no soul,” we’re not talking about vampires or devil worshipers or whatever. We’re talking about the people who seem incapable of genuine kindness, compassion, or remorse. They don’t operate like most people. While not everyone who displays a few of these traits is a full-blown narcissist or sociopath, it’s a red flag to be aware of. Trust your gut on this one!

1. They lack empathy in a way that feels chilling.

Bad things happen, and their reaction is a shrug or even a smirk. Your pain doesn’t register — that is, unless they can use it to their advantage. Emotional coldness isn’t always obvious rudeness. Sometimes it’s more of a disconnect that makes your skin crawl. As Psychology Today explains, there are many reasons people become cold, but the result is the same: someone who lacks empathy and doesn’t care one iota about anyone else’s feelings or experiences.

2. They break promises casually and feel no guilt when they hurt people.

They flake out on plans, “forget” important dates, and let you down repeatedly — and there’s never a sincere apology. It’s like your feelings don’t factor into their decision-making at all. They might even get annoyed at YOU for being upset when they’re clearly in the wrong.

3. They constantly play the victim, even when they’re to blame.

Their story always paints them as the misunderstood hero, unfairly wronged by everyone around them. Taking responsibility for anything is impossible. This tactic aims to manipulate you into feeling sorry for them, distracting you from their own hurtful behavior.

4. Gaslighting is their favorite weapon.

They’ll twist your words, deny things they said, and make you question your own sanity. The goal is to destabilize you, so you start doubting your own memory and perceptions. This gives them power and deflects any blame from them.

5. They’re masters of artificial charm, but it feels fake.

They can be the life of the party, dazzling new people with compliments and seeming interest. But with those they know better? The mask slips. The warmth vanishes, leaving a coldness that’s even more jarring because of the initial contrast.

6. They love to gossip and will trash-talk people behind their backs with glee.

No one is safe, not even their supposed friends. They revel in tearing other people down, maybe to feel superior by comparison. They’ll share intimate secrets without hesitation. The juicier the gossip, the more entertained they seem, and they’re totally oblivious to the damage they’re causing (or they simply don’t care).

7. Their apologies are hollow and solely focused on getting what they want.

If they get caught doing something wrong, the “sorry” might come out. But it’s not about genuine remorse, it’s damage control. There’s no attempt to understand how their actions hurt you, more an annoyance that they have to go through this charade to get you off their back.

8. They crave power and admiration, and view other people as pawns to use.

Their primary goal is self-serving. Whether it’s social status, workplace control, or manipulating their romantic partner, they’re master strategists. They use others as stepping stones, then discard them without a second thought when they’re no longer useful.

9. They really can’t handle criticism, even when delivered gently.

Their fragile ego can’t take even a hint of negative feedback. They lash out defensively, blame you, or shut down completely. Deep down, they know they’re not perfect, and any crack in that carefully constructed facade is a major threat they’ll fight at all costs.

10. They see your successes and vulnerabilities as weaknesses to exploit.

They’re secretly jealous of your talents or good fortune, and will subtly try to sabotage you rather than feeling happy for you. When you’re going through a tough time, they don’t offer support, they use it as an opportunity to either gain pity for themselves or kick you while you’re down.

11. They don’t truly respect anyone, not even people who should command respect.

They scoff at authority, ridicule those in positions of power, and dismiss the wisdom of people who are older and wiser than them. They see bending rules as a badge of honor and consider themselves above other people. It’s a deep-seated cynicism that prevents genuine respect for, well, anyone.

12. They have little to no remorse for the consequences of their actions.

The collateral damage they cause simply doesn’t bother them. Hurting someone’s feelings? They don’t care. Ruining a reputation? Meh, that person deserved it. Their only regret is when they get caught and suffer consequences, never for the pain they inflicted on others. Per Mayo Clinic, this could point to someone with antisocial personality disorder. At the very least, it points to someone you really don’t want to be around.

13. They lie constantly, for big things and for no reason at all.

Lying is second nature, fueled by a need to impress, manipulate, or avoid accountability. Even when telling the truth would be easier, they just can’t help but embellish, fabricate, and distort facts to serve their own needs at that moment. They often believe their own lies!

14. They lack a moral compass, seeing right and wrong as shades of gray they can manipulate.

Cutting corners to get ahead, cheating as long as they don’t get caught, and manipulating situations to benefit themselves at the expense of other people are all fair game in their eyes. They reject traditional ethics in favor of a system where what they want will always justify the means.

15. They’re incapable of genuine love. Instead, they see people as objects to use.

Romantic partners are trophies or status symbols. Friends are useful pawns. They might act like they care, but it’s a performance aimed at getting what they want — adoration, favors, money, etc. True intimacy and selfless love are beyond their understanding.

16. You never get the feeling they truly know you or care about who you are as a person.

Even in long-term friendships or relationships, there’s always a shallowness. They might know surface details about you, but there’s no deep understanding or genuine interest in your thoughts, feelings, dreams. You’re more of an appliance in their life, there to fulfill their needs.

17. They crave chaos and get bored easily, often stirring up drama for their own amusement.

Peaceful times make them restless. They start arguments for no reason, instigate fights between others, and seem to thrive on emotional turmoil. It’s a way to relieve that internal sense of emptiness for a bit. But, the high never lasts, so they create yet another destructive mess.

18. They leave a trail of damaged people in their wake.

Look at the long-term pattern. Their exes despise them, former friends want nothing to do with them, family relationships are strained… there’s a string of hurt and angry people who once trusted them. This isn’t just having a few messy breakups, it’s a consistent pattern of causing pain and leaving without looking back.

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