17 Things Society Tells Men to Hide (That Women Actually Want to See)

happy attractive man smiling texting

Society loves telling dudes to “man up” and bottle things up, too. But here’s the truth: vulnerability and showing your authentic self is sexy. Here are 17 things women might actually appreciate seeing more of from the men in their lives.

1. When you need help 

Needing help isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of trust. Asking for directions, admitting you’re overwhelmed, or needing a hand with chores shows you value her input and see her as a partner, not just a damsel in distress. Being real is hot. 

2. When you’re feeling sensitive 

Being a tough guy isn’t viewed as the only way to be a man anymore. Showing your emotions is a sign of strength and willingness to be vulnerable. Sharing your feelings, fears, joys, and everything else creates a deeper connection and the opportunity to get to know each other on a real level. 

3. When you don’t know something 

Saying “I don’t know” isn’t a bad thing. Nobody knows everything and admitting that you’re lost when it comes to fixing the sink or clueless about the latest political event, it’s not a blow to your masculinity. It’s just a chance to learn together and maybe share a little laugh.

4. Your dorky dance moves 

You don’t need to move like Magic Mike in order to impress the ladies. Confidence on the dance floor is way more attractive than any awkward attempts to hide your moves. Embrace your inner goofball, let loose, and have fun together. The worst that can happen? You get a hilarious story to tell later.

5. Your fear of failure 

Opening up about a fear of failure at work or a personal setback shows trust and authenticity. Everyone is afraid of failure and pretending you’re not makes you seem disingenuous. Besides, when you’re honest about what you’re going through, this gives a woman the chance to offer her support and encouragement to you. 

6. The fact that you miss her 

There’s nothing wrong or embarrassing about missing your partner or the person you’re seeing. Showing you care is cute and genuine. Besides, you’re effectively communicating how you feel and letting her know what’s on your mind—a very important thing when it comes to a healthy relationship.

7. Your openness to non-traditional gender norms

Society tells you that being a man looks one way—bringing home the bacon while letting the woman do the household chores. But that is so outdated and you’re not afraid to show that. Cooking a romantic meal, offering a massage after a long day, or expressing your emotions openly are all ways to show women what they really want to see. 

8. Your random passions 

Seeing you chase your passions, even if they seem quirky, is incredibly attractive. Whether it’s mastering the art of origami or perfecting your sourdough starter, your enthusiasm is contagious. A man who’s passionate about something is a man who’s interesting.

9. Your tears

Showing compassion and empathy is a major plus. Tearing up at a cute puppy, or listening to a really uplifting story is attractive. It shows you have a sensitive side and a big heart—and even though society has told you to hide those things, it is what women truly want to see. 

10. Showing you’re excited about the future

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Talking about future goals, dreams, and aspirations together shows you see a future together.  Why hide it when you want to lock it down? Whether it’s traveling the world, building a family, or simply growing old together, sharing your hopes creates a sense of connection and excitement for what’s to come.

11. Admitting when you’re wrong 

Nobody is perfect, not even you! (Sorry, not sorry.) But owning up to your mistakes and apologizing in a sincere way shows maturity and emotional intelligence. Nobody wants to date someone who can’t admit they messed up, right?

12. Your ability to be romantic 

Romance isn’t dead! Or at least, it shouldn’t be. Leave a sweet note on her pillow, surprise her with flowers, or plan a thoughtful date night. It doesn’t have to be extravagant—the key is putting in the effort to show you care and want to make her feel special.

13. The fact that you disagree 

Disagreements happen, but healthy communication is key. Expressing your opinion calmly and respectfully shows maturity and a willingness to find solutions together. When you listen to her perspective and are open to compromise, that’s what women want to see. 

14. Your truest self 

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Don’t try to be someone you’re not! The most attractive quality is being genuine and comfortable in your own skin. Embrace your quirks, passions, and interests. The right person will love you for who you truly are, flaws and all.

15. Your goofy grin

happy attractive man smiling

A genuine smile lights up a room and makes you instantly more attractive. Sharing your happiness, even over silly things, shows you appreciate the good times and can spread positivity like wildfire. Nobody wants to date a grumpy guy.

16. Your nerves

A little nervousness on a date or around someone special is endearing. It shows you’re genuine and not some smooth-talking player. Plus, it gives her the chance to see the real you and put you at ease.

17. Your tears of joy 

Society might say men should win or lose with stoicism. But let’s be real, celebrating a victory with a joyous outburst is contagious! It shows your passion and enthusiasm for life, which can be incredibly attractive.

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