15 Reasons Narcissists Enjoy Making You Jealous

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Narcissists can be hard to spot, which is why it’s easy to get into a relationship with them and almost impossible to get out. When you first meet them, they’ll lay the charm on so thick that you won’t be able to spot any red flags. However, they’ll apply manipulative tactics once they convince you to date them. Here are several reasons that narcissists enjoy making you jealous.

1. They like playing games with you.

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A vulnerable narcissist will get a lot out of making you jealous because, deep down, they love playing games with you. They love pushing your buttons, confusing you, and making you feel like you’re the one in the wrong. Manipulation is critical with the jealousy game in narcissists, so the more confused you are about how you’re feeling towards them right now, the better they’re doing.

2. They like keeping you on your toes.

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One thing that’s predictable about a narcissist is that they’re unpredictable. You never quite know what they will do next and how you will handle it. This is a stressful environment to be in, which is sure to cause a lot of anxiety. Narcissists must always be the dominant ones in the relationship; to do this, they need to ensure you can’t predict their behavior.

3. They enjoy being in control.

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Coercion is a massive part of the mind game that a narcissist might play on you. Without this, they will begin to lose their grip on you, and you’ll have a chance to stand up for yourself. As long as a narcissist has more power in the relationship and can make you jealous, they can keep you trapped.

4. They like toying with your emotions.

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Feelings are things that a lot of narcissists tend to lack. Not all people with narcissistic tendencies have an inability to feel, but they certainly have a hard time relating to others and having empathy. This is why they enjoy making you jealous because they like seeing how it affects you negatively. They don’t want you always to be happy, they want to control your feelings.

5. They like bringing out the worst in you.

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Because master manipulators relish the ability to confuse people, they love the idea of bringing out the worst in their partners. They try to make you jealous because they are looking for a reaction, and the worse your reaction is, the more it will fuel their agenda.

6. They do it to get revenge.

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Perhaps your narcissistic partner has accused you of being flirty or talking to someone you shouldn’t have. You know that these accusations are false, but narcissists have a hard time letting things go. Therefore, they make you jealous because they want you to experience the same emotions they think you’ve put them through. They want to punish you for something they perceive as egregious, even if it’s not.

7. Your insecurities make them feel superior.

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A textbook narcissist is going to try and seek out someone to be in a relationship with who has insecurities. This way, they can easily mold their emotions and have them develop a dependence on the relationship. When they make you feel jealous, they know you’re not secure in yourself which makes them feel better than you.

8. They want to make sure that you love them.

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What’s interesting is that as much as you might have insecurities in the relationship, your narcissistic partner might have them, too. They might not be secure about your feelings for them, so they invoke jealousy to reassure them that you care about them.

10. They use it as a test of the relationship.

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Throughout your relationship with a narcissist, there are going to be many times that they will use jealousy and other manipulation tactics to test the strength of your relationship. This can reveal to them whether they have a good grip on you or are losing their ability to keep you trapped.

11. They enjoy demeaning you.

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Sometimes, narcissists have relatively simple reasons for making you jealous. One of these is that they just enjoy making you feel small. They want to remind you that they’re in charge, and when you experience a vulnerable feeling like jealousy, it boosts their ego.

12. They want to see how sensitive you are.

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The last thing that a narcissist wants you to be is strong and assertive. They will ensure they keep you in your place through manipulation tactics, including jealousy. Making you jealous is a way for them to see your sensitivity. If you give them an emotion-filled reaction, they’ll know they have you right where they want you.

13. They enjoy playing the victim.

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If there’s one thing that narcissists love to do, it’s pointing the finger at others and making you feel sorry for them. They want you to believe that somehow they’re always the victim in any given situation, which is why when they make you feel jealous, they’ll turn it around and claim that they’re the ones who should feel jealous.

14. They are compensating for having low self-esteem.

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Narcissists are capable of having insecurities, just like the rest of us. One of the simple reasons they will indulge in making you jealous is because they don’t rate themselves highly. They need your jealousy to give them a confidence boost.

15. They enjoy accusing you of being irrational.

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When you’re dating a narcissist, they’re never in the wrong—it’s always you who’s making the mistakes. Another reason why narcissists enjoy making you jealous is because they like accusing you of being crazy. They’ll somehow convince you that your reasons for jealousy are unfounded and you’re blowing the situation out of proportion.

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