Zodiac Signs Ranked By Intelligence

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Intelligence comes in many forms. You could be book-smart, street-smart, emotionally savvy, etc. Astrology enthusiasts often explore how the zodiac signs stack up when it comes to intellect. Every sign has its unique strengths, which makes them all intelligent in their own right. However, some signs are known to have more of an edge in the brains department. Here’s a ranking of the zodiac signs from most to least intelligent.

1. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

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If you’re into astrology, you may have already guessed that Aquarians would be at the top of this list. Aquarians are the brainiacs of the zodiac, as they are the most innovative of the twelve signs according to MBG Mindfulness. These visionary pioneers are governed by Uranus, the planet of revolution and originality. Aquarians are known for their forward-thinking, attention to detail, and ability to think outside the box. They can always look at things in ways others may not have even considered. Aquarians have a strong humanitarian streak, meaning they often use their brains for the greater good.

2. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

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You may know them for their reputation as perfectionists, but that would just be scratching the surface. Virgos are logical wizards with an annoyingly infallible sense of practicality. Virgos are ruled by the planet Mercury, making them the zodiac’s analytical masterminds. They thrive on details and precision and are experts at organizing, planning, and problem-solving. If there’s a puzzle to solve or a trip to plan, leave it to a Virgo. They excel in career fields that require careful analysis due to their meticulous and methodical nature. Virgos like to think they’re always right—because they usually are.

3. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21).

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Scorpios can be pretty intense—but they would be the first person you’d call if you needed your own personal P.I. Scorpios have an uncanny insight into the human psyche and are masters of strategic thinking. Scorpios love a good mystery, and their investigative nature makes them the pros at solving them. Want to try and deceive a Scorpio? Think again, they’ll see right through you.

4. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

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There’s a reason that Geminis are rulers of the social scape. Geminis are ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. They have the best social mental agility, making them quick-witted, versatile, and always ready with a clever remark. Geminis can process complex information while at the same time coming up with the next exciting topic to talk about. Their dual nature lets them see multiple perspectives, making them experts at adapting to any situation. Their intellectual curiosity urges them to seek out new knowledge and experiences, so it’s no surprise they’re usually well-read and articulate.

5. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

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Caps are the zodiac’s embodiment of structure and discipline, thanks to their planetary ruler, Saturn. With a strong sense of responsibility and practical intelligence, Capricorns are all about achieving long-term goals. They’re strategic thinkers and can utilize their intellect to make informed and pragmatic decisions. Combine this with their strong determination, and it’s no wonder they often find themselves in positions of authority and leadership.

6. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

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As they are symbolized by the scales, Libras are known for their balance and diplomacy. They might not top the charts for analytical prowess, but their social intelligence is second to none. Libras have a sharp understanding of relationships and human dynamics, which makes them stellar mediators and negotiators. Their objective viewpoint on the world and their commitment to fairness allow them to easily navigate complex social landscapes. Ruled by Venus, Libras crave and create harmony in the world around them. They consider the impact of their decisions instead of acting impulsively. This level-headed approach is a hallmark of true wisdom.

7. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

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Taureans are the epitome of practicality and reliability. With a steady, grounded intelligence, they focus on the tangible and material world to the point of mastery. Taurus individuals are excellent at managing finances, resources, and practical tasks. While they might not be the most innovative, their talent for creating stability and maintaining order shows their exceptional practical intelligence. If you need someone to keep things running smoothly, Taurus is your go-to.

8. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

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Sagittarians are known for their philosophical and adventurous minds. Sagittarians can come across to some as airheaded, but it’s more like they’re often lost in thought. Guided by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and higher learning, Sagittarians are always on a quest to broaden their horizons through travel, education, and new experiences. Some, like astrologer Jill Dearman, consider them to be the most street-wise sign of the bunch. Their intellectual curiosity drives them to explore different cultures, philosophies, and belief systems. However, being someone who likes to think a lot is not the same as being the most brilliant thinker—which is why they fall on the lower end of our list. But their love for discovery often draws them to careers in academia, travel, and publishing, where they can share what they learn with the world.

9. Cancer (June 22 – July 21)

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Cancers may not always get the credit they deserve when it comes to their smarts, but they’re far from unintelligent. This Moon-ruled zodiac sign is ranked #9 because their compassionate and emotional nature tends to cloud their judgment. But Cancerians are especially emotionally intelligent, which is a crucial form of intelligence that shouldn’t be underestimated. They may not always think things through logically, but their ability to connect deeply with others and offer the best support truly sets their minds apart from other signs.

10. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

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What Leos lack in knowledge and street-smarts, they more than makeup for in sheer confidence. After all, they are ruled by the Sun, which gives them an effective and dynamic charisma that’s hard to ignore. They can perform far better than the other signs and have a natural talent for inspiring and motivating others. Who cares about the details? Leos know exactly how to “fake it ‘til you make it” and that’s enough for them.

11. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

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Success isn’t all about book smarts, and Aries proves it. Aries is often seen as the least intellectually oriented zodiac sign by some astrologers, but they are bold and proactive, which makes them thrive in the real world. Their ability to figure out their next move and execute it flawlessly shows just how smart they can be when it comes to navigating their lives. Their willingness to take risks, think on their feet, and lead effortlessly make them perfect for roles that require swift decision-making and initiative. However, their impulsive nature can lead to hasty decisions without thorough analysis.

12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

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Pisces definitely excels when it comes to empathy and intuition. Their type of intelligence is creative intelligence, as they are deeply connected to their daydreams and their spiritual side. Sure, they’re not the sharpest tool in the shed and they might need you to explain the joke before they get it. But that’s because Pisceans’ imaginations are their playgrounds. They need the occasional nudge toward logic and practicality, but the things they can conjure up in their own minds are invaluable.

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