Want To Live a Chill Lifestyle? Here Are 15 Habits of People Who Rarely Feel Stressed

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While the rest of us are running around like chickens with their heads cut off, there are some people who seem unfazed by the world’s shenanigans. What’s their secret? Well, stress balls, we’re about to dive into the habits of the perpetually chill.

1. They embrace the “Meh” philosophy

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They understand that not everything deserves a “there’s a fire!” reaction. Forgot your umbrella and it’s raining? Meh, you’ll dry. Missed your train? Meh, there’s another one coming. By categorizing life’s little hiccups as “meh,” they save their energy for things that truly matter. It’s about caring proportionately.

2. They’ve got their bedtime routine down pat

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Sleep is a non-negotiable part of these people’s days. Screens are banished, relaxation is prioritized, and their bedroom is treated like a sleep sanctuary. They know that a good night’s sleep is like a reset button for stress, and they’re hitting that button like it’s going out of style. According to the Sleep Doctor, getting enough sleep also helps them recover faster from a stressful event.

3. They’ve got a strong support squad

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They know they don’t have to go it alone. They’ve built a network of supportive friends, family, or professionals who they can turn to when things get tough. It’s like they’ve got their own team, ready to assemble when stress threatens to take over the world (or just their day).

4. They’re comfortable saying “no”

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Yup, you read that right: they can say “no” without the world ending. Shocking, right? They understand that every “yes” is a “no” to something else, often their own peace of mind. They’re not being selfish, they’re preserving their energy for what truly matters to them.

5. They treat their bodies like a shrine

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Here’s the thing: these people understand that physical health and mental chill are two peas in a pod. They move their bodies regularly, whether it’s yoga, running, or dancing like no one’s watching (even if the neighbors definitely are). But they’re not obsessive about it. It’s more about feeling good than looking good. They eat well but don’t freak out over a slice of pizza. It’s all about balance, baby.

6. They’ve gotten really good at being mindful

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Now, don’t roll your eyes at the M-word. These stress-free individuals aren’t necessarily sitting in lotus position for hours. Their mindfulness is more about being present in whatever they’re doing. Whether it’s savoring their morning coffee or really listening to a conversation, they’re fully there. They’ve figured out how to turn off the background noise of life and tune into the present moment.

7. They’ve cracked the code of time management

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Not in that “every-second-is-scheduled” kind of way. Nope, they’ve mastered the art of estimating how long things actually take. No more squeezing a week’s worth of tasks into a day. They build in buffer time, which means they’re not constantly running from one thing to the next. And here’s the kicker: they actually schedule downtime. Mind-blowing, right?

8. They’re best buds with uncertainty

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While the rest of us are trying to predict the future like amateur psychics, these people have made peace with the unknown. They understand that life isn’t predictable, and that’s okay. Instead of stressing about what might happen, they focus on how they’ll handle whatever does happen.

9. They’re solution seekers, not problem dwellers

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When life throws lemons, they don’t just make lemonade—they’re thinking about lemon meringue pie, lemon sorbet, and hey, maybe even a lemon-based cleaning product. They don’t waste energy complaining about problems, they channel it into finding solutions. It’s like they’ve got a mental toolkit always ready for life’s DIY disasters.

10. They’ve ditched comparison for self-compassion

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The “compare and despair” game? They don’t play it. These humans have realized that everyone’s running their own race, and there’s no point in comparing your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 20. Instead, they’ve become their own cheerleaders, treating themselves with the same kindness they’d show a good friend.

11. They’re gratitude gurus

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They’re not just grateful for the big stuff, they’re finding silver linings in even the most mundane moments. Stuck in traffic? Great time to listen to that podcast! Rainy day ruined your plans? Perfect excuse for a cozy movie marathon! By focusing on what’s good (especially the little things according to Psychology Today), they’re leaving less room for stress to crash the party.

12. They make sure they take micro-breaks

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These stress-free superstars have peppered their day with mini-moments of chill. A five-minute meditation here, a quick stretch there, maybe even a power nap if they’re feeling fancy. It’s like they’re giving their brain regular pit stops in the race of life, and it’s keeping their stress levels running on fumes.

13. They’re emotionally aware

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They have become experts at predicting and preparing for their emotional forecast. They know their triggers and have strategies in place for when the emotional storms hit. Feeling anxious? They’ve got a breathing exercise for that. Angry? Time for a quick walk or a punching bag session.

14. They’re lifelong learners

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They approach life with a learner’s mindset, seeing every experience—good or bad—as a chance to grow. Stressing about a new challenge at work becomes a learning opportunity. They’re collecting life experiences, taking what’s useful, and leaving what’s not behind.

15. They practice radical acceptance

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Last but not least, they accept what they can’t change. Energy spent fighting reality is energy wasted in their book. Instead, they focus on what they can control and let go of the rest. They’re like surfers, riding the waves of life instead of trying to control the ocean.

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