Unique Traits Of People Who Enjoy Time Alone

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People who love spending time along are often accused of being antisocial or introverted, but that’s not necessarily the case. Just because someone enjoys their own company doesn’t mean they’re some kind of social recluse. However, people who do relish rolling solo tend to have these traits too.

1. They’re super self-reliant.

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Have you ever been friends with someone who can knit a jumper, cook a five-star meal, or fix a faulty lock in the blink of an eye? They’re the person you go to if you need something done. They’re also probably someone who loves spending time alone because they’re self-reliant. They are used to doing things for themselves, and they’re happy being this way.

2. They’re naturally introverted.

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If someone loves spending time by themselves, they’re most likely introverted. Some people are extroverted, others are introverted, and others are a mix. Introverts tend to recharge from social situations by spending time to themselves, whether reading in their room, going for a solitary walk, or taking a long bath at the end of the day.

3. They’re compassionate and empathetic.

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It might be easy to assume that someone who likes being by themselves doesn’t have a lot of empathy for others — but the opposite is true. This is because when they’re alone, they have a lot of time to process and reflect, thinking about their emotions and the emotions of those around them. They have the time to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, whether it’s a friend they’ve disagreed with or an encounter they’ve had on the way home with someone at the bus shelter.

4. They’re super creative.

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People who like to be alone tend to be creative thinkers. When alone, they want to express their creativity through drawing, painting, making music, knitting, or trying something new. Their creative energy comes out when they have the time and the space to explore it.

5. They accept their flaws.

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When someone is okay with spending time by themselves, they’re usually okay with who they are deep down. They’ve had the time to grow into themselves and accept their flaws. These might include not being overly social, shy around strangers, or shutting down in a confrontation, but they’re aware of these and are okay with them.

6. They often live longer.

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What’s interesting about people who like to be alone and spend time alone is that they tend to have longer lives. Some studies show that people who spend time alone have lower stress levels because they can manage their emotions and find outlets for their creative imaginations.

7. They have excellent friends.

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When someone prefers their own company, they tend to be picky about who they choose to be friends with. Because they don’t spend much time socializing, they prioritize quality over quantity and keep their friend group small but mighty. When they do spend time with their friends, they have more heart-to-hearts, and their friends find that they can be vulnerable around them.

8. They’re great at problem-solving.

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If you know someone who likes spending time alone, they are probably also known for being great at problem-solving. This is most likely because they take the time to go away and think about the problem before trying to resolve it. They don’t make rash decisions; they process and take it step by step. If you confide in them that you’ve been offered a job, and you need to know whether to take it, they take the day to think about your options before giving you their advice.

9. Their hobbies are meaningful.

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Someone who loves being alone doesn’t just jump from one activity to another, hoping to find enjoyment out of everything. They take time to see what they genuinely love to do, and when they find it, they stick to it. You probably know someone like this — they loved playing board games and have loved doing so for years — you know they’ll never change.

10. They have stellar concentration skills.

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Thanks to Netflix, we can now all sit down and watch the entire season of our favorite show. Someone who likes being alone is probably an expert in this. They know that their favorite show has just come out with a new season, and instead of fitting it in between all their socializing, they tell their friends that they can’t catch up this weekend because they’ve got 10 episodes to watch.

11. They’re great decision-makers.

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Not only are people who love being alone good at making decisions, but they’re good at making tough decisions. They think through each decision and take the time to look at it from both angles before deciding. For example, they might have just discovered they’ve been accepted into two colleges. Instead of making the decision straight away, they take their time, weighing up the pros and cons.

12. They’re emotionally stable.

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Someone who likes being alone tends to have a good grasp on their emotions. They don’t lash out in anger, frustration, or because they’re irritable — instead, they remove themselves from the situation and spend time processing and thinking about how they feel before returning once they’re calmer. Perhaps your partner is good at this — when you disagree, they communicate that they need time to think about what you’re saying before coming to a resolution.

13. They’re naturally curious.

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People who like being alone tend to learn about new things. They spend their time seeking information and satiating their curiosity, whether through a documentary about dolphins, a crime podcast, a historical novel, or a newspaper archive at their local library.

14. They’re adaptable.

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Because people who like spending time alone get that time to process, think, and recharge, they tend to be willing to adapt. While they might not be able to do this on the spur of the moment when given enough time, they can come around and show flexibility. For example, they just found out that the restaurant they’ve been trying to go to for half a year has just closed down. They wanted to go on their birthday next week. After some time, they’ve processed it and are happy to find another option.

15. Time is their love language.

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As MindBodyGreen explains, everyone has their own unique love language that works best for them. If someone likes spending a lot of time alone, then there’s a good chance that time is their love language. Not only do they enjoy taking time for themselves, but they like spending quality time with those they care about. As their partner, you know that one of their favorite things to do is go for a long walk together, talk over a coffee for a couple of hours, or cook dinner together.

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