Top 17 Things You Should Never Do In Life No Matter How Tempted You Are

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Life is much easier when you learn from people along the way. It’s especially important to take some lessons to heart if you want to avoid potential mistakes. Here are some things you should never do in life, even if they seem super tempting. You’ll save yourself heartbreak and pain by keeping these tips in mind as the years pass.

1. Never ghost someone.

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Experts estimate that around 30% of U.S. adults experienced ghosting in the dating world. It happens when you’ve made a connection with someone, but they disappear without saying goodbye or explaining why they don’t think you’re a good fit.

Ghosting also happens in friendships that aren’t working out. Conflict might be scary, but never ghost a friend or partner. Be kind enough to give at least one reason why you’re leaving so they get closure too.

2. Never listen to someone who doesn’t love you.

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The person you most admire might have your best interests in mind if they don’t love you for who you are. Take their advice lightly. People who don’t value you might try to steer you in manipulative directions that aren’t good for your long-term happiness.

3. Never ignore what makes you happy.

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People sometimes dismiss what they love. They might think it’s too childish or not important because their joy doesn’t pay the bills. In reality, feeling happy makes life more meaningful.

Happy people learn not to stress about everything and remain focused on what they want. Find your joy, even if chasing happiness means trying something outside of your comfort zone, like a new hobby.

4. Never remain around a negative person.

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Toxic people with consistently negative attitudes drain the life from the room. Try not to remain around them for long. You’ll preserve your mental health and prevent yourself from potentially forming the same negative perspective that makes life less enjoyable.

5. Never silence your feelings.

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It might be easier to compartmentalize your feelings for a short time, but you have to listen to them eventually. Try journaling or talking into a note-taking app to vent your thoughts. You may uncover what’s behind your emotions and learn more about yourself.

6. Never go without a goal.

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Once you finish a goal, like getting a job, you might feel like you don’t need to set anymore. Don’t give in to that temptation. Goals help people maintain their sense of drive and fulfillment. Even if your goal is just changing your perspective to break a bad habit, you’ll still feel a sense of purpose while working on it.

7. Never lose yourself in materialism.

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Advertisements are always pushing the latest products on you through TV, social media and offline ads. It might be nice to splurge on yourself every once in a while, but remember that you don’t need things to feel content. True contentment is achievable right now just by gaining a grateful perspective.

8. Never let yourself rely on just one person.

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One person should never become your whole world. If you’re giving all of your time and emotional energy to someone, it’s an unhealthy commitment. You deserve to have a broad group of friends and loved ones outside of your partner or best friend.

Letting someone have that much control over your happiness also increases your anxiety while erasing your sense of self. Taking a step back from that kind of relationship is always an option. Talk with a therapist if you’re struggling with the decision.

9. Never forget about the importance of saving money.

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Living paycheck to paycheck makes it hard to save money. Whenever you get a few extra dollars, remember to tuck some away for the future. Whether that means opening an emergency savings account or a retirement account, not planning for your financial future will be a big mistake down the road.

10. Never ignore your local library.

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It’s always a good idea to continue reading in adulthood, especially if you live close enough to visit your local library. They offer services you’re already paying for through your taxes like equipment rentals, tech rentals and educational classes. Stop by sometime to see how your library could enrich your life.

11. Never obsess over the things people say.

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If someone says something that bothers you, talk about it with them to clarify what they meant. Address any issues and work through them together. You’ll feel so much better than if you left yourself hurting over something they possibly didn’t mean.

12. Never go without a backup plan.

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You might have a great career shift coming up or aspirations that excite you. That’s wonderful, but even the best-laid plans need backup options. If your goals don’t work out, you won’t be as disappointed because there’s another path forward.

13. Never leave people waiting.

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Standing someone up on a date is incredibly rude. So is leaving someone waiting while you make a big decision. If you need time, let them know. Otherwise, you’ll make it a thoughtless habit that drives people away.

14. Never compare yourself to other people.

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It’s normal to instinctively compare your career, looks or finances with people you know or admire. When that happens, remember that everyone’s on their own journey. Someone else’s life doesn’t make yours any less valuable.

If you feel jealous of someone, process that emotion in a healthy way by recognizing the emotion and evaluating how relevant that thing or person is to your happiness. Will obtaining it make you feel complete? If not, what gap is your jealousy trying to fill? You can work that out with a therapist to fully unpack your comparison habit too.

15. Never hide things from your doctor.

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Your healthcare provider can’t help you if they don’t know the whole picture. It’s always better to tell your doctor everything that’s going on in your life. If they don’t listen well, you may need to find a doctor who’s willing to give your appointment the time necessary to make the best calls for your long-term health.

16. Never ruminate on your mistakes.

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Mistakes often haunt people. It’s an unavoidable experience, but do your best to learn from them. Were they a one-time issue or something that happens repeatedly in your life? Note any potential life lessons and positive changes you can make next time. Then give yourself the grace to move on from your mistakes.

17. Never date your boss.

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The real-world Meredith Greys and Derek Shepherds are rare. Dating your boss or supervisor just complicates things. It even makes your work life much harder if things don’t work out. Try searching for a partner outside the workplace to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

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