The Most Narcissistic Zodiac Signs, Ranked

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Wouldn’t it be great if you could spot a narcissist before they entered your life and wrecked it?

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Some zodiac signs have more narcissistic tendencies than others, so knowing someone’s astrological sign could help you figure out their motives — and get out if they’re all about manipulating you. Here are the most narcissistic zodiac signs to keep an eye out for.

1. Leo

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Leo is ruled by the sun, which is telling because they sometimes act as though the sun rises for them every morning! Despite their confidence and self-esteem, deep down they can be a bit dark. They have fragile egos and deep insecurities, Cosmopolitan notes, causing them to desperately seek your validation and praise. They’re the love-bombers of the zodiac, coming on way too strong to get you to like them.

2. Capricorn

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Capricorns are usually praised for being highly goal-oriented, but sometimes this can make them self-obsessed. They might be so worried about reaching their destination that they lack empathy for others. In addition, their honest, practical nature can sometimes make them critical or dismissive, causing you to duck from their venomous comments. Ouch!

3. Aquarius

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Aquarius is all about flying solo and stamping their own path in life instead of following the crowd. Although they’re innovative dreamers, they can be a bit selfish because they’re so focused on their own goals. In addition, they can sometimes be harsh with others who don’t agree with their decisions, calling their comments “honest” when they’re being downright mean. Yikes.

4. Virgo

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Since they relentlessly strive for perfection, Virgos can be too critical of themselves and others. They’re perfectionists, wanting to achieve the perfect relationship, career, and appearance. In this way, they share the narcissistic tendency of being obsessed with having a flawless self-image around others. This can easily snowball into a full-blown superiority complex, making you feel like you don’t measure up to their impossibly high standards.

5. Sagittarius

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Although Sagittarius can be fun-loving and friendly, they tend to run hot and cold. If you get too close to them, they’ll give you mixed messages to make your head spin. While they seem interested in you at first when they’re charming you, they’ll soon push you away because they’re afraid of commitment. Just like a narcissist who builds you up and tears you down. In addition, they have a superiority complex, always thinking they’re better than everyone else.

6. Taurus

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Although a Taurus can be down-to-earth, they’re symbolized by the bull for good reason: they love stampeding into other people’s lives and telling them what to do. In some cases, they can be downright bullies, feeling better about themselves when they tear others down. Their stubbornness can make it challenging to get through to them because they always think they can do no wrong.

7. Aries

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As one of the most competitive signs of the zodiac, Aries can display narcissistic tendencies, having tunnel vision when it comes to being the best. Their intense focus on what they want can cause them to ignore or neglect other people’s needs, such as in relationships. In extreme cases, their kindness can feel like a competition or a way to control others. They’re also the king or queen of unsolicited advice, which can feel manipulative.

8. Scorpio

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Scorpio is known for being an intense person. While they’re passionate and charming, they’re also extremely secretive and keep their emotions close to their chest, which can make you feel unsure of their intentions. It can be unsettling to deal with them because you never know what they’re really thinking. In extreme cases, they can be manipulative, driven by jealousy and possessiveness in relationships.

9. Cancer

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Since they have a strong gut feeling about people, Cancer can use their perceptions of others to gain control over them. Although they might make you think that they have your best interests at heart, they could be fooling you to make you do what they want. In addition, they love holding grudges and can be quite vindictive, holding your mistakes over you so you feel bad about yourself.

10. Gemini

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Known for being two-faced, per Allure, Gemini has narcissistic tendencies because they’re such skilled liars. They’re also self-obsessed, which is why they’ll dominate conversations and make everything about them. In addition, they can be competitive, which makes it challenging for them to celebrate other people’s victories if their self-confidence isn’t on point. This can make them come across as lacking empathy, even if they’re not narcissistic.

11.  Libra

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“Look at me!” is Libra’s favorite motto. Being around them can sometimes be challenging because they want to scoop up all the attention they can. In some cases, their intense need for validation can make them seem manipulative. Since they’re ruled by Venus, they’re drawn to beauty and luxury, which can cause them to try to appear perfect around others, even if they’re feeling insecure or depressed.

12. Pisces

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Pisces is generally not a zodiac sign known for being narcissistic. They tend to be selfless instead of insensitive and mean to others. They also don’t mind letting others take the lead instead of forcing their way into the spotlight. However, as a water sign they’re intense. So, if they get angry, they’ll go to great lengths to hurt and belittle you to save face.

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