The Bible Might Not Be Cool With These 16 Habits Of Yours

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The Bible offers timeless wisdom on how to live a good life. While some of its teachings might seem outdated, many of its core values still have relevance for modern living. Let’s playfully explore some everyday habits that wouldn’t exactly earn a gold star according to the Good Book.

1. Having A Resting Grumpy Face

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While we all have bad days, the Bible emphasizes joy and gratitude. Constant grumbling and negativity go against verses like Philippians 4:4: “Rejoice in the Lord always…”. A more positive outlook, even amidst challenges, is strongly encouraged in its pages.

2. Obsessively Scrolling Social Media

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The Bible warns against covetousness, which extends beyond material desires. Constantly comparing yourself to others’ carefully curated online lives can breed dissatisfaction with your own. It also eats up time that could be used more fruitfully according to biblical values.

3. Telling “Harmless” White Lies

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Exaggerating a bit? Calling out sick when you just need a mental health day? While common, the Bible is pretty clear about honesty in all things. Verses like Ephesians 4:25 (“…speak the truth to each other”) leave little wiggle room for even seemingly minor untruths.

4. Loving Gossip a Little Too Much

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Who doesn’t enjoy hearing some juicy tidbits? We all gossip from time to time, but the Bible repeatedly warns against gossip and slander. Spreading rumors or engaging in salacious chatter about others’ lives goes against the principle of loving your neighbor as yourself.

5. The Art of the Passive-Aggressive Compliment

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“That dress is…interesting…” isn’t fooling anyone. The Bible advocates for direct but kind communication. Blessing someone’s heart with thinly veiled criticism might be socially acceptable, but it lacks the genuineness and good intention biblical teachings promote.

6. Prioritizing Your To-Do List Over People

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Constantly hustling is praised in modern culture, but the Bible takes a different view. It places priority on relationships, generosity, and putting others’ needs before your own. Being too busy to lend a hand or truly be present with loved ones wouldn’t earn you brownie points in biblical terms.

7. Holding Onto Grudges Like They’re Trophies

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The Bible champions forgiveness, even when it’s difficult. Nursing old hurts goes against the spirit of numerous verses like Colossians 3:13: “Bear with each other and forgive one another…”. Refusing to let go of past wrongs is seen as harmful to yourself, not just the offender.

8. Turning Venting Sessions Into Complaint-a-thons

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Sometimes you need to vent, that’s human! However, the Bible cautions against constant complaining. It distinguishes between expressing frustration and slipping into a spiritually damaging pattern of focusing on the negative while neglecting gratitude and seeking solutions.

9. Putting Your Own Needs ABOVE ALL ELSE

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While self-care is important, the Bible champions serving others. A relentless focus on your own desires and comfort goes against its emphasis on generosity and considering the well-being of those around you. Selflessness might seem old-fashioned, but biblical wisdom sees it as essential.

10. Retail Therapy as Your Emotional Crutch

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Had a bad day? Buy some new shoes! The Bible warns against materialism and finding fulfillment in possessions. While treating yourself occasionally is fine, relying on things to fill a deeper void or numb negative emotions is at odds with its teachings on seeking lasting joy from within.

11. “Fake It ‘Til You Make It” As Your Life Motto

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Modern culture endorses projecting confidence even when you don’t feel it. However, the Bible values humility and authenticity. While there’s nothing wrong with striving for improvement, it advocates acknowledging your flaws and weaknesses as part of the journey, offering growth opportunity.

12. Mastering the Art of Selective Empathy

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Feeling compassion for those in your inner circle, but not caring much about the suffering of strangers, is sadly common. The Bible advocates for a much broader sense of empathy, extending kindness and understanding to everyone, regardless of whether they directly impact your life.

13. Casually Using God’s Name as an Interjection

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Saying “Oh my God!” is so ingrained in speech many don’t even think about it. But, the Bible explicitly forbids taking the Lord’s name in vain. While modern culture might not take this seriously, it demonstrates a lack of reverence considered important in the biblical context.

14. Seeking Validation Through Likes and Followers

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Craving external approval is a trap the Bible warns against. Basing your self-worth on social media metrics goes against finding true confidence and identity from within, rooted in your relationship with God, rather than the fickle opinions of others.

15. Bending the Truth When a Little Self-Promotion Is Helpful

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Embellishing your resume or hyping your accomplishments to impress? The Bible is clear that honesty and integrity are non-negotiable, even if a bit of exaggeration could give you an edge. From its perspective, worldly gain is worthless if it sacrifices spiritual character.

16. Your Idea of Rest Is Binging 6 Hours of Netflix

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There’s nothing wrong with unwinding with a good show! But the Bible emphasizes a different kind of rest, one that replenishes the soul. This includes prayer, reflection, time in nature… activities that connect you to something deeper than mindless entertainment.

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