The 16 Most Common Things People Lie About On First Dates

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The first date jitters, the desire to make a good impression, and the temptation to embellish the truth just a little bit can be overwhelming when you’re going out with someone new. It’s a natural human tendency to want to present our best selves, but sometimes, that desire can lead to a few white lies. With that in mind, here are some of the most common things people fib about on first dates — maybe you’ve even lied about these yourself!

1. Their actual age

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Age is just a number, right? Well, maybe not when you’re on a first date. A few years here, a few years there… It’s not a big deal, or is it? Some might shave off a couple of years to appear more youthful and vibrant, while others might add a few to seem more experienced and mature. Whatever the motivation, fudging the numbers is a common tactic in the dating game, Cosmopolitan notes, and a lot of people are really shameless about it!

2. Their job or career

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Who wouldn’t want to sound impressive on a first date? Sometimes, that desire to impress can lead to a little exaggeration about one’s professional life. A “marketing coordinator” might become a “marketing director,” a “sales associate” might transform into a “sales executive,” and a “freelance writer” might morph into a “published author.” It’s all about painting a picture of success and ambition, even if the reality is a bit more modest.

3. Their relationship history

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Ah, the dreaded “ex” conversation. It’s a topic that’s bound to come up on a first date, and it’s also one that’s ripe for embellishment. Some might downplay their past relationships, claiming they were “just casual flings” or “nothing serious.” Others might exaggerate their romantic conquests, boasting about their numerous exes or their ability to “move on quickly.” It’s all about presenting a desirable image, even if it means bending the truth a little bit.

4. Their hobbies and interests

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Finding common ground is key on a first date, so it’s no surprise that people might stretch the truth about their hobbies and interests. A casual jogger might become a “marathon runner,” a weekend hiker might transform into an “avid outdoors enthusiast,” and a Netflix binger might suddenly become a “film buff.” It’s all about creating a connection and finding shared passions, even if those passions are a bit embellished.

5. Their income or financial status

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Money talks, especially on a first date, can be both sensitive and alluring, and it’s also one that’s prone to exaggeration. Some might inflate their income to appear more successful and financially secure, while others may downplay their wealth to avoid appearing materialistic or boastful. It’s all about striking a balance and creating an image that’s both attractive and attainable.

6. Their level of education

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Intelligence is hot, right? That’s why some people might be tempted to embellish their educational background on a first date. A high school diploma might become a “college degree,” a community college degree might transform into a “university degree,” and a few online courses might morph into a “master’s program.” It’s all about appearing knowledgeable and well-educated, even if the reality is a bit more modest.

7. Their taste in music or movies

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Finding shared interests in music and movies can be a great way to bond with someone on a first date. But sometimes, that desire to connect can lead to a little white lie about one’s cultural preferences. A pop music fan might suddenly become a “jazz aficionado,” a rom-com lover might transform into a “foreign film enthusiast,” and a reality TV junkie might suddenly become a “documentary connoisseur.” It’s all about creating a sense of shared taste, even if that taste is a bit fabricated.

8. Their living situation

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The topic of living arrangements is bound to come up on a first date, and it’s also one that’s ripe for embellishment. Some might downplay their less-than-ideal living situation, claiming to live in a “cozy studio” instead of a “cramped basement apartment.” Others might exaggerate their living space, describing their “modest one-bedroom” as a “spacious loft.” It’s all about creating an image of comfort and stability, even if the reality is a bit more humble.

9. Their skills and abilities

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Everyone wants to appear talented and capable, and a first date can be the perfect stage to showcase those skills (or at least pretend to have them). A casual cook might suddenly become a “gourmet chef,” a weekend DIYer might transform into a “skilled carpenter,” and a karaoke enthusiast might morph into a “gifted vocalist.” It’s all about creating an aura of competence and creativity, even if those talents are a bit exaggerated.

10. Their political views or beliefs

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Politics can be a touchy subject, especially on a first date. To avoid any potential conflict or disagreement, some people might choose to conceal their true political views or beliefs. A staunch conservative might tone down their rhetoric to appear more moderate, while a passionate liberal might avoid discussing controversial topics altogether. It’s all about maintaining a neutral stance and avoiding any potential dealbreakers early on.

11. Their drinking or smoking habits

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Bad habits can be a turn-off for some people, so it’s no surprise that some might try to downplay their drinking or smoking habits on a first date. A social drinker might become a “light drinker,” a pack-a-day smoker might transform into a “social smoker,” and a weekend partier might suddenly become a “homebody.” It’s all about presenting a healthier and more responsible image, even if the reality is a bit less wholesome.

12. Their past criminal history

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A criminal record can be a major red flag for potential partners, so it’s understandable that some might choose to omit this information on a first date. While honesty is always the best policy, the fear of judgment or rejection can lead some people to conceal their past mistakes. It’s a risky move, but for some, the potential reward of a second date outweighs the risk of being discovered.

13. Their future plans or goals

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The future can be uncertain, but on a first date, it’s tempting to present a clear and ambitious vision for one’s life. A recent graduate might talk about their “five-year plan” as if it’s set in stone, a struggling artist might speak confidently about their “upcoming gallery exhibition,” and a serial job hopper might paint a picture of their “dream career path.” It’s all about appearing focused and driven, even if the reality is a bit more fluid and uncertain.

14. Their level of interest in the other person

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Playing hard to get is a classic dating strategy, Psychology Today notes, and it often involves feigning disinterest in the other person. On a first date, someone might act aloof, distant, or even a bit bored, even if they’re secretly smitten. It’s a way of maintaining an air of mystery and intrigue, while also avoiding appearing too eager or desperate. Of course, this tactic can backfire if the other person doesn’t pick up on the subtle cues, but when it works, it can be incredibly effective.

15. Their knowledge or expertise on a particular subject

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We all want to appear knowledgeable and well-informed, but sometimes, that desire can lead to a little exaggeration. A casual reader might suddenly become a “literary expert,” a hobbyist photographer might transform into a “professional photographer,” and a weekend gardener might suddenly become a “horticulturalist.” It’s all about appearing intelligent and accomplished, even if the reality is a bit more modest.

16. Their reasons for being single

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Being single can be a sensitive topic, especially on a first date. To avoid any awkwardness or negativity, some people might choose to embellish their reasons for being unattached. A recent breakup might become a “mutual decision,” a string of bad dates might transform into a “focus on personal growth,” and a lack of romantic interest might suddenly become a “preference for solitude.” It’s all about presenting a positive spin on a potentially sensitive situation.

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