Signs You’ve Got More Common Sense Than The Average Person

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When common sense is mentioned, we’re quicker to claim we have it, and other people don’t.

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It’s easier to assume that someone else will make a mistake due to a lack of common sense than ourselves. So, how do you truly know if you have a good amount? Here are several signs showing you have more than the average person.

1. Scams don’t fool you.

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How often have you picked up the phone only to talk to someone who sounds like they’re in a call center halfway around the world? They claim they have an inheritance they need someone to take, or they’re your bank, and you’ve been locked out of your account. The only way to get back in is to give them your account details. If you have a lot of common sense, you’ve most likely never fallen for this, no matter how convincing they may seem.

2. You like researching things yourself.

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You go to the doctor with an old issue, and they have a new medicine you can try. While other people might take their doctor’s word for it, if you have a lot of common sense, you might seek a second opinion or research the medicine. Before filling out the prescription, you go to Google to ensure you know as much about it as possible. As WebMD points out, it’s important to be your own advocate.

3. You have a healthy level of trust.

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If you have a lot of common sense, you trust those around you, but not to the point that you take everything at face value. When your best friend tells you that they weren’t flirting with your crush when you all went out on Saturday night, while you want to believe that they’re being honest, you confirm this with a couple of other friends who were also there.

4. You’re handy.

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When someone has a lot of common sense, they tend to look at things through a practical lens. If something goes wrong in life, instead of becoming exasperated, they approach the problem pragmatically, slowly going through the steps to find a solution. If you have a lot of common sense, you know how to change a tire, wait until the stove has cooled down before cleaning it, or unclog the toilet when there’s a blockage.

5. You don’t take unnecessary risks.

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Sometimes, in life, it’s necessary to take risks. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as the saying goes. However, if you have a lot of common sense, you know the difference between a well-thought-out risk and a silly one. For example, you decide to risk the shortcut to work because of traffic, but you wouldn’t play the petrol lottery when you know you’ll probably run out of gas before you get to the gas station.

6. You have a lot of life experience.

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Those with a lot of common sense tend to lean on life experiences to help them in the present. Perhaps you’re someone who is well-traveled, has tried a lot of different things like bungee jumping, skydiving, and rock climbing, or has risked a number of different business ventures. Your friends know you as the person who has good advice because of your experiences in life.

7. You listen to your gut.

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In most situations, when we’re faced with a choice, our gut tells us one way or another. If you have a lot of common sense, then you tend to trust your intuition in these moments and don’t leave the decision-making process to fate. For example, your friends have asked you to meet them at a cafe for lunch, and your gut tells you no. Afterward, they messaged you saying it was a total letdown, and they’re never returning.

8. You listen to how you’re feeling.

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In any situation, we can choose to go with our hearts or our heads. If you’re logical, you might choose to go with how you’re thinking about something instead of how you’re feeling. You might choose to listen to your feelings if you have a lot of common sense. If your friend has asked you to walk home late at night with them, you tell them that you’re not comfortable doing so and will pay for both of you to take an Uber instead.

9. People trust you to get the job done.

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If you have a lot of common sense, you’re the person everyone turns to for help getting a job done efficiently and effectively. If you’re working on a project with your colleagues, you’re often elected the leader because they know that you will suggest the most straightforward way to complete it. You’re the top pick if someone has to do a presentation because people like your delivery.

10. You plan, but you’re also flexible.

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If you have a lot of common sense, then you know that as much as we all like to make plans, life has a way of doing away with them entirely and turning us on our heads. This is why you are good at planning and being flexible when changing plans. For example, you planned a mini vacation for the family this weekend, but at the last minute, your partner came down with a gastro bug, so you had to cancel. You took the opportunity to make the weekend as fun as possible at home instead.

11. You keep your promises.

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If you have a lot of common sense, then you know that if you promise someone something, you’ve got to follow through on it. People believe in promises and have good faith that the person promising something won’t disappoint them. For example, if you promised to help your colleague with their work presentation at the end of next week, you mean it. You’re not going to call them last minute and tell them you can’t do it — you’ll make sure you’re there. As Rolling Stone points out, this is the best way to show respect.

12. You’re good with finances.

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As someone with lots of common sense, there’s a good chance that you take finances seriously. You aren’t a compulsive shopper, and there’s nothing you love more than sitting down at the start of the week and making a budget. You carefully put money aside in savings and for taxes and only spend money on what you need, not what you want.

13. You believe in balance.

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While you love going out with friends and having a drink on the weekends, you also believe in balance. As someone who has a lot of common sense, you believe that the week is for eating clean and exercising so that you can maintain healthy habits and take care of your body.

14. You are good at delayed gratification.

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As someone with a lot of common sense, you’ve always been known for being good at delayed gratification. When you saw that cheesecake in the fridge your partner had bought, instead of taking it out and eating it immediately, you practiced delayed gratification and waited until after dinner.

15. You believe it’s okay to change your mind.

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While you’re strong in your beliefs and values, you’re also okay with healthy debates and even being persuaded to change your mind. Perhaps you’ve had your dream car in mind for a long time that you’ve been saving up for—a Porsche 911. Then, you bring it up in conversation with your friend, who convinces you that a Mustang is a much better option.

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