Signs You Have A Charming Personality

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Everyone’s personality is different—some funny, some hardworking, eccentric, quick-witted, clever, or charming. Those with charming personalities can light up any room they walk into and naturally draw people to them. If you’ve never taken a personality test before, you might be wondering if you fall into this category. Here are several signs that you have a charming personality.

1. You have an infectious smile.

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If you have a charming personality, this will show through your smile. Everywhere you go, people comment on your smile—how infectious it is, how much it makes them want to smile, and how it brightens up their bad day. Your smile comes naturally, and you enjoy the reaction that it gets because it makes you feel good on the inside, too.

2. Those around you follow your example.

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If your personality is charming, then there’s a good chance that people look to you for inspiration. Whatever you’re having, they want it, and whatever you’re doing, they’re doing it. When you go to your favorite local Mexican restaurant with your friends and order spicy shrimp tacos, all your friends do the same. When you become obsessed with a new favorite TV show on Netflix, those around you want to know what it is.

3. You’re not judgmental.

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Like everyone else, you have your opinions, but you don’t let them get in the way of being kind to others. No matter what situation someone is in or who they are as a person, you seek to understand them first before you judge. For example, you might watch a crime show about female prisoners. Instead of condemning them for what they’re being charged with, you try to see their perspective and think about their upbringing and what led them to commit the crime.

4. People ask you for help.

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If you have a charming personality, you might be the person in your friend group that everyone comes to for help. Whether it’s dating advice, sharing a deep secret that they haven’t told anyone else, or just looking for help with a job application or moving apartments, everyone around you knows that you’re always willing to help a friend in need.

5. You’re often chosen to be the leader.

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How often do you get picked from a group to be the leader? Perhaps growing up, you were always picked to be the leader of your youth group when you played games or had to problem-solve. It didn’t matter if you put your hand up or not—people just naturally turned to you for this role. The same thing happens at work—if you ever have to work as a team on a group project, you’re the first to volunteer for the group leader.

6. People respect your impartiality.

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A big part of having a charming personality is being unbiased and impartial in certain situations. In your friend group, you’re most likely known as the mediator because you’re great at staying neutral and listening to both sides of the argument if two of your friends disagree. People appreciate how fair you are, preferring to stay on the middle ground for the benefit of everyone.

7. People always say good things about you.

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Whenever you meet someone new, they mention that they’ve only heard great things about you. You might have recently been introduced to a mutual friend at a party, and they said, “Your friend has told me so much about you—all good things. They say you’re the peacemaker, the glue that holds everyone together.” You’re hard-pressed to find someone with something negative to say about you.

8. You attract people easily.

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If you have a charming personality, you’ll find that strangers are instantly attracted to you whenever you’re in a crowd or at a social gathering. They are drawn to you from across the room, having heard your contagious laugh or winning smile, and want to know more. When this happens, you are open, warm, and welcoming, more than willing to converse with someone you’ve just met and give them your undivided attention.

9. You’re a great listener.

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If you have a charming personality, and everyone else knows it, then you are likely a really good listener. Your partner is always complimenting you on how well you listen and how easy it is for them to confide in you. Whether over the phone or in person, they say that when they tell you they have something to share, you put your phone down, maintain eye contact, and listen sympathetically, waiting until they’re done speaking to chime in.

10. You have a good attitude.

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Life gets the best of us sometimes, but if you have a charming personality, you might find it easier to navigate these challenging moments. Somehow, you always seem to project a positive attitude, no matter how dire the circumstances. Whether it’s getting a flat tire on the way to work, having to deal with your friend giving you the cold shoulder for no reason, or finding out you have a parking ticket overdue for hundreds of dollars, you always have a smile on your face, and know that it’s going to be okay.

11. You’re genuine.

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If you have a charming personality, it shows how genuine you are. You don’t pretend to be someone else; you’re not trying to win people over! That’s because, no matter your environment, you are committed to being yourself. You don’t try to fit in at a social gathering by mirroring what others are doing or saying—you’re just authentically you.

12. You show respect.

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If you’re known for having a charming personality, you have high respect for those around you, no matter who they are. Whether you’re talking to the waitress at the restaurant, your pastor at church, or a homeless person asking for money, you show everyone the same amount of respect.

13. You have confidence.

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Your charming personality goes hand in hand with a good amount of confidence—but not arrogance. You don’t go around pretending to know everything; instead, your confidence gives you the drive to achieve your goals and overcome what others might experience as social anxiety. You’re not afraid to complain about the food if it’s not cooked right at a restaurant, but you’re careful to remain diplomatic and respectful.

14. You love making people happy.

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One of your favorite things to do if you have a charming personality is to make people happy. When you have friends over for dinner, you play the role of the perfect host, ensuring that everyone always has a drink and is well-fed and cared for. You fuss over others’ birthdays, picking out the perfect gift, and are always the first to celebrate someone else, whether for a graduation, wedding anniversary, or job promotion.

15. You remember people’s names.

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If you have a charming personality, you probably spend a lot of time socializing and meeting new people. However, you always remember their names, no matter how many new people you meet. When someone first introduces themselves to you, you make sure to look them in the eye and use their name at least two more times throughout the conversation. At the end of the conversation, you say, “It was Harry, right?” ensuring the person knows you care about remembering their name.

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