Incredibly Subtle Forms Of Manipulation In A Relationship

When we think about manipulative tactics, we imagine the obvious culprits like lovebombing, gaslighting, drama, guilt-tripping, and emotional outbursts. Unfortunately, manipulation isn’t always so clear-cut and easily identifiable. There are subtle forms of manipulations that can fly under the radar and go unnoticed for a long time. Being able to identify these crafty strategies that…

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How To Stop Resentment From Ruining Your Marriage (Before It’s Too Late)

Many things can give rise to resentment in marriage. Sometimes, you may not even know that you’re harboring resentment toward your spouse until your marriage is on life support. This is because resentment can take many forms like irritation, boredom, indifference, anger, shame, or jealousy. If left unchecked, these negative feelings continue to grow and…

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