If You’re A Narcissist And Want To Change, Do These 16 Things Instead

Recognizing a pattern of narcissistic behavior within yourself is the first step toward positive change. It takes courage and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths about yourself. While it’s a challenging journey, growth and healing are possible. Here are some alternative behaviors to consider incorporating into your daily life: 1. Actively listen to people without…

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18 Things “Spiritual” People Say That Actually Reveal Their Toxic Positivity

Spirituality can be a beautiful path towards self-discovery and inner peace, but it’s not immune to toxic positivity. Sometimes, under the guise of spiritual wisdom, people can inadvertently dismiss genuine emotions and struggles with well-intentioned but ultimately harmful platitudes. While genuine spiritual guidance offers comfort and support, toxic positivity can invalidate your feelings and hinder…

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16 Phrases Passive-Aggressive People Use To Avoid Direct Confrontation

Dealing with passive-aggressive behavior can be frustrating and confusing. It’s like trying to catch a shadow—you know it’s there, but it seems to slip away whenever you try to grasp it. Passive-aggressive people often use language as a tool to express their discontent indirectly, avoiding direct confrontation while still making their feelings known. These seemingly…

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