If Someone Displays These 15 Behaviors, They’re Draining To Be Around

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We’ve all met those people who, after spending time with them, leave us feeling completely wiped out.

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It’s not just about being introverted or needing alone time; it’s a certain energy they have that seems to suck the life out of you. These people might be well-intentioned, but their behaviors create a draining effect that can leave you feeling emotionally exhausted. Let’s explore some common traits of these energy vampires and how to navigate interactions with them.

1. They constantly complain and focus on the negative.

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We all have bad days, but some people seem to live in a perpetual state of negativity. They complain about everything – the weather, their job, their relationships, their health. They rarely find anything positive to say, and their pessimism can be contagious. Spending time with them can leave you feeling down and drained, as their negativity seems to seep into your own thoughts and feelings.

2. They’re always the victim.

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Everything that happens is someone else’s fault. They never take responsibility for their own choices or actions, and they always find a way to blame external circumstances or other people for their problems. This victim mentality can be exhausting to be around, as you constantly feel like you’re being pulled into their drama and negativity.

3. They’re emotionally needy and demanding.

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They crave constant attention, validation, and reassurance. They might call you multiple times a day, text you incessantly, or expect you to always be available to listen to their problems. This neediness can be overwhelming and leave you feeling emotionally drained, Psych Central notes, as you’re constantly giving but not receiving in return.

4. They lack empathy and emotional intelligence.

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They seem oblivious to the impact their words and actions have on other people. They might make insensitive comments, disregard your feelings, or interrupt you mid-sentence. This lack of empathy can be frustrating and hurtful, as it makes you feel unheard and unimportant.

5. They’re constantly looking for validation and approval.

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They need constant reassurance that they’re loved, admired, and appreciated. They might fish for compliments, want constant affirmation, or try to one-up your stories and accomplishments. This need for external validation can be exhausting to be around, as you feel like you’re constantly being put on the spot to boost their ego.

6. They’re drama magnets.

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Wherever they go, drama seems to follow. They might thrive on conflict, create chaos out of nothing, or constantly involve you in their personal issues. Their lives seem like a never-ending soap opera, and being around them can leave you feeling emotionally drained and stressed out.

7. They’re energy vampires.

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You might not be able to pinpoint exactly why, but after spending time with them, you feel utterly exhausted. They seem to suck the life out of you, leaving you feeling drained, depleted, and in need of some serious alone time to recharge. This energy drain can be a sign that you’re dealing with a toxic person who is taking more from you than they’re giving back.

8. They talk about themselves non-stop.

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Conversations with them are one-sided monologues. They dominate the conversation, rarely asking about your life or showing any interest in your thoughts and feelings. It’s as if they’re using you as a sounding board for their own thoughts and experiences, leaving you feeling unheard and unimportant.

9. They thrive on gossip and negativity.

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A telltale sign of a draining person is their tendency to gossip and spread negativity. They might revel in talking about other people’s shortcomings, misfortunes, or drama. They might also have a knack for turning any conversation into a complaint session. Being around this kind of energy can be toxic and leave you feeling emotionally depleted.

10. They lack boundaries and overshare personal details.

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While sharing personal stories can create intimacy in a relationship, there’s a fine line between healthy vulnerability and oversharing. Draining people often cross that line, divulging intimate details that make you uncomfortable or burdening you with their emotional baggage. This can leave you feeling overwhelmed and responsible for their well-being, even when you’re not equipped to handle it.

11. They’re constantly asking for advice but never follow it.

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They’ll come to you with problem after problem, wanting your guidance and support. But no matter how much advice you offer, they never seem to take it to heart or make any real changes. This can be frustrating and make you feel like your time and energy are being wasted. It’s as if they’re using you as a therapist without any intention of actually addressing their issues.

12. They’re critical and judgmental of people.

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They have a knack for finding fault in everyone and everything. They might criticize your friends, family, colleagues, or even strangers. This constant judgment can be exhausting to be around and make you feel like you’re constantly walking on eggshells, worried about their next critique.

13. They’re always late and unreliable.

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They have a chronic habit of being late, canceling plans at the last minute, or not following through on commitments. This lack of reliability can be frustrating and disrespectful of your time, per Inc. It also creates a sense of instability and uncertainty in the relationship, as you never quite know what to expect.

14. They’re overly competitive and always try to one-up you.

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Whether it’s about your accomplishments, your possessions, or even your problems, they always have to be one step ahead. They might brag about their achievements, belittle your successes, or try to outdo you in every way. This constant competition can be exhausting and create unnecessary tension in the relationship.

15. They make you feel responsible for their happiness.

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They might guilt trip you into spending time with them, doing things for them, or catering to their emotional needs. They make you feel like their happiness is your responsibility, and that you’re failing them if you don’t prioritize their well-being above your own. This emotional burden can be heavy and lead to resentment and burnout.

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