Here’s What To Say The Next Time Someone Insults Your intelligence

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Dealing with people who underestimate you can be seriously frustrating. Whether it’s a condescending coworker (which is an entire can of worms, according to Harvard Business Review), a rude relative, or a stranger being needlessly snobby, you don’t have to just sit there and take it. Here are some sharp comebacks to deploy the next time someone insults your intelligence.

1. “Excuse me — that was really rude!”

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Sometimes you just have to call people out directly and let them know that you’re not going to put up with their rude behavior. Let them know that you recognize what they’re doing and that it’s inappropriate. If they have any decency, they’ll apologize and change their ways.

2. “My bad. Did you need me to dumb it down to your level?”

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A little eye roll with this one sells it. They want to insult you, so turn the tables and hit them where it hurts – their own ego. Plus, it puts them in the position of explaining what they do understand, which might be very little! Know-it-alls love to act superior (and according to BetterHelp it can be due to deeper problems), but when you push them on it, they don’t have much actual intelligence to back it up.

3. “That’s bold of you to assume I care about what you think.”

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Apathy is your ultimate weapon here. Don’t get angry, and definitely don’t let them see they got to you. Instead, make it clear you couldn’t care less about their opinions. You have better things to do than waste your energy on their negativity. This is slightly confrontational in a sense, but when you’ve been listening to someone belittle you nonstop, it’s the only way forward.

4. “Did you practice that, or does being condescending come naturally?”

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Sarcasm stings, which means it can be really effective if you use it right. Make them question whether they’re actually the one who’s not so smart. A little mockery might make them think twice before spouting off their insults next time.

5. “Clearly, you don’t know me very well!”

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Keep it short, then change the subject or walk away. They want a reaction, a fight they can get involved in – you should definitely deny them that satisfaction. It also forces them to question their assumptions and leaves them confused about who you really are. They have a lot of nerve to constantly try to undermine your intelligence, especially when they have no idea of your knowledge or capabilities.

6. “Bless your heart!” (said with maximum pity)

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This one’s a classic for a reason. It’s southern charm with a side of shade that leaves them wondering if you were the rude one! They wanted to insult you, and you responded with what seems like sympathy. It’s subtle, but it’ll mess with their head. The best part is, they can never prove that you were anything but polite, which makes it all the more satisfying.

7. “Is there something productive you want to talk about, or…?”

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Get back to what actually matters, and do it in a way that subtly calls nonsense on their need to insult you. Don’t get dragged into their petty little game. You have stuff to do, and their negativity has nothing to do with that. Make it clear time is precious to you, and you won’t tolerate wasting it.

8. “Thanks, your opinion is super important. Noted.” (Then walk away)

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Offer up some fake agreement with a side of sarcasm, then ditch the conversation – that’s the key here. You’ve heard their nonsense, you’re pretending to care (it’ll sting them), and now you’re over it. Don’t sit around hearing what they have to say next. You’ve ended the conversation so it’s over.

9. “Anything else, or are we done wasting my time?”

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This shows you’re bored by their negativity, and you’re not afraid to show it. Make them squirm and put them on the spot. This comeback forces them to decide if they’ll risk another insult, or if they’ll zip it and go away. Either way, you’re sending a very clear message that you’re not going to tolerate any more of their nonsense.

10. “Interesting… any evidence to back that up?”

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Challenge their empty insults by demanding more. It forces them to think for once, and they might realize they don’t have a leg to stand on. Make them defend their rude statement with logic, and chances are, they’ll stumble over their words and look silly instead.

11. “Well, I guess you’re entitled to your opinion, even when it’s wrong.”

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This is condescension done right. It highlights their ignorance without resorting to outright cursing. They can cling to their opinion all they want, but you’ve clearly stated that you see through their flimsy argument and find them to be rude and pretty ridiculous.

12. “Okay.” (Then stare until they get uncomfortable)

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Silence is powerful, so use it to your advantage here. Don’t respond any further to someone who keeps trying to insult our intelligence. Instead, force them to awkwardly fill the void they created. Make them own their insult without you adding any fuel to the fire. Watch them get flustered and backtrack, or just plain walk away in confusion.

13. “You seem upset. Need a minute or two to gather your thoughts?”

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Instead of internalizing what’s been said, shift the focus to their emotional outburst. It either encourages them to self-reflect or they’ll just storm off in a huff (which is honestly a win too). You’re implying that their outburst isn’t rational and is likely due to their own issues – issues that have nothing to do with you.

14. “Ouch! Rough day?”

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Sympathy mixed with a dismissive edge is a great tactic. Imply that they’re taking out their problems on you, which is both rude and unfair (which might actually be true, to be fair). Bonus points if you say this with genuine concern on your face, making it even harder for them to respond or justify their outburst.

15. “You sure do spend a lot of time focusing on me.”

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Make things a little weird. This subtly hints that they might have a crush, which is totally embarrassing. Either they’ll backpedal furiously to deny it or get flustered enough to change the topic completely. Either way, they’re no longer the one with the power in the conversation.

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