Evil People: 18 Things They Do And How To Deal With Them

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Calling someone “evil” might seem like a stretch, but there are people out there who live up to the name. They’re vindictive, manipulative, and out to hurt people, so you’ve got to watch your back. Here are 18 common things evil people do and what you should do if they’re directed at you.

1. They twist situations for their own gain.

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Evil people are selfish. Their good deeds are always self-serving, so you can’t trust anything they do that appears caring or loving. For example, they might help you when you have a flat tire just so they can use your car the next day. Or, they might encourage you to attend a friend’s party so they have time to themselves. If you sniff out the person’s got a hidden agenda, it’s useful to set some boundaries. Stop making them your go-to person when you need support and say “no” to their requests to prevent them from being able to control you. 

2. They make you question your sanity.

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It’s common for evil, manipulative people to gaslight you. As Psychology Today explains, they do this to make you second-guess yourself, which undermines your self-esteem and confidence. For example, if you call them out on a lie, they’ll tell you that you’re imagining things or making things up, so you doubt yourself. It’s always a red flag when someone gets defensive because it shows that they’re scrambling to protect themselves. To deal with gaslighting, start keeping records of things the person has said or done so that you stop putting yourself down. Focusing on the facts will help you to regain control of the situation.   

3. They deceive you.

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To hide their evil selves from view, these people will usually lie to you. It’s all part of their act to make you believe the fake version of themselves, which is charming, kind, successful, and so on. They might also lie to avoid consequences for their actions, such as by lying about something they’ve done to hurt you so you don’t walk away from them. In other cases, evil people will lie to feel powerful and make you feel inferior. Stay calm when confronting them about their lies, but only do this if you have evidence of their deception. Avoid getting angry or shouting at them, as this can cause them to react defensively, and you never know what they’re capable of doing.

4. They don’t take responsibility.


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If someone’s evil, they might always try to deflect blame onto other people. They do this because they don’t have any self-awareness, so they don’t acknowledge their shortcomings or insecurities. It’s frustrating because they always find ways to blame you for what’s gone wrong to destroy your self-esteem and make you cater to their needs. Assertively communicate with them by using “I feel” statements, such as “I feel hurt/angry/frustrated when you blame me for situations.” It’s also good to address the blame by asking for specific examples to support their accusations.

5. They have unpredictable mood swings.

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Someone whose mood is like a rollercoaster struggles to manage their emotions. This can be dangerous because you never know when they’re going to have an outburst, causing you to walk around on eggshells around them. This behavior is also a sign that they don’t acknowledge other people’s feelings. To deal with them, first prioritize your safety. If the person makes you feel unsafe, you need to create physical distance between you. If you feel safe around them, try to talk to them when they’re calm about their moods. If their behavior continues, it’s worth encouraging them to speak to someone, such as a therapist, who can help them deal with their underlying issues.

6. They intimidate you with aggressive behavior.

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In some cases, evil people can become hostile or violent. They could make you feel scared of them because they want to dominate you. For example, they might use threatening language, such as “You’ll regret this” to install fear in you. The fear of what they might do and when can be deeply unsettling and cause you to feel emotionally attacked. It’s essential to remove yourself from the situation. You should also set boundaries with the person, preferably via text so you don’t have to see them. In the message, clearly state that their behavior is unacceptable, such as by saying, “I don’t appreciate being spoken to this way. If you continue, I’ll have to report this.” 

7. They belittle you to destroy your self-esteem.


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An evil person will try to break you down because they want to hurt people. It’s sick. One of the strategies they’ll use to undermine you and destroy your self-esteem is to give you hurtful comments, such as backhanded compliments or by humiliating you in front of other people. They want you to feel bad because it makes them feel superior. If you lack the self-worth to see how they’re harming you, reach out to friends or loved ones for support. Then, tell the evil person that you won’t tolerate their nasty behavior. Understand that they might tell you you’re overreacting or being too sensitive because they don’t reflect on their actions. It’s worth cutting them out of your life because you don’t need their toxic energy.

8. They compete with you about everything.

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In some cases, the evil person might be envious of you, whether that includes your achievements, traits, or relationships. They will compete with you to try to one-up you on everything. By doing this, they make themselves powerful while bringing you down so you doubt your worth. For example, if you achieve a goal, they’ll boast about their success instead or ask you why you’re making such a big deal of it to make you feel inferior. It’s not worth fighting with them because they won’t acknowledge their bad behavior. Instead, save sharing good news with people who genuinely feel happy for you.

9. They try to steal your loved ones.

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If you’re friends with or dating someone who’s got evil tendencies, you might notice how they try to become closer to your loved ones. It’s freaky, but they do this to isolate you. They also want to feel like they can steamroll over your life, taking whatever and whoever they please. To deal with the situation, focus on strengthening your friendships. Engage in shared activities with your friends to reinforce the strong bonds you share. This is more powerful than confronting the evil person, who will just get an ego boost from knowing that they’re rattling you.

10. They try to sabotage your plans.

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An evil person wants you to fail at your goals, and they’ll find toxic yet subtle ways to undermine you. This can take the form of spreading nasty rumors about you in the workplace, or asking you ruthless questions to make you doubt your decisions. They might also try to distract you from your goal, such as by faking emergencies to pull you away from an important work meeting or stressful exam. This behavior is so malicious, you need to protect yourself from further harm. The less information you give them about your life, the better, so they can’t try to wreck your plans.

11. They love it when people feel sad.

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You know someone’s evil when they delight in other people’s bad days and tragedies. They’ll tell you a story they heard about someone else’s car accident or divorce as though they’re elated about it. It’s unnerving because they feel superior when other people are in pain. When you’re having a bad day, they might run to your side — not to help you, but to see you down so they feel better about themselves. Dealing with someone who likes other people’s misfortune is draining, so look after yourself. Engage in activities that promote mental and emotional wellbeing because this person is just going to bring you down.

12. They lack remorse.

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Someone who’s evil won’t ever apologize to you. This is because they don’t reflect on their behavior or want to change. So, when you confront them about how they mock or belittle you, they’ll make it seem as though you’re the problem. For example, they might say something like, “I only said those things because you pushed me to it” or “You’re so sensitive!” Let them know their toxic behavior has consequences, such as by saying, “If you criticize me again, I’ll have to distance myself from you.” Ensure you have follow-through so they know they can’t push you around. 

13. Their family warns you about them.

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It’s weird if you find yourself in a situation where the evil person’s family members tell you not to trust the person. Although you might not feel certain about the family’s intentions, it’s definitely something you should take time to think about. It takes a lot for someone’s family to turn against them, so you want to heed the warning. Ask the family members details about the person and, if you feel safe, talk about these concerns to the person in question. Their reaction will provide you with more insights into their character, helping you to see who’s telling you the truth. 

14. They are mean to animals.

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Someone who has deep psychological issues might resort to harming innocent animals. They might do this to feel like they have control and power, or because they’ve experienced abuse, and they’re perpetuating the cycle by abusing other people. Whatever the case, this person is probably dealing with lots of anger and violence, which can be unsafe for you to be around. Instead of confronting them, report them to the local authorities and animal welfare organizations. Don’t allow them to get away with their behavior. It’s also good to cut them off by deleting and blocking their number, as you don’t want to give them any more of your time and energy.

15. They come off as super charming and kind (at least initially).

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An evil person will try to hide that they’re bad news by initially seeming like an amazing, flawless person. They might love-bomb you when they meet you, being charismatic and giving you their undivided attention. But, this intensity is a red flag because it hints at their hidden agenda to manipulate you. It’s not always easy to know what’s going on with them, so if you’re unsure of their intentions, communicate your need to slow things down. Evil people hate boundaries, so this is a good way to gauge their reaction. 

16. They don’t have any empathy.

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A lack of empathy is a common sign in narcissists, sociopaths, and evil people. Empathy enables people to understand other people’s emotions and suffering, Verywell Mind notes, whereas a lack of it can lead to total disregard for people’s well-being. People who lack empathy tend to be selfish or cruel to people. It’s pointless to communicate with them about how their lack of empathy affects you because they can’t understand what other people feel. Instead, it’s worth changing your expectations of the relationship, if you can’t cut the person out of your life. They’re never going to be able to meet your emotional needs, so you have to accept this to avoid feeling miserable.

17. They’re mean to people for no reason.

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Sometime evil people have a superiority complex that makes them behave in entitled ways, such as by treating people badly as though they’re beneath them. If you see the person treating people unkindly, whether it’s their sibling or waitstaff, it’s worth calling out the behavior and making it clear that you don’t want to be associated with it. Where possible, try to distance yourself from the person because if they’ve treated others badly, it’s only a matter of time before they’re mean to you.

18. You feel weird around them.

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Your intuition might try to alert you to the fact that the evil person’s not good to be around. Perhaps you feel unsettled after spending time with them because of their conflicting stories, or because you can feel that they’re bottling up hostile energy instead of expressing it. Whatever the case, if something feels “off” around the person, listen to that feeling. Giving them the benefit of the doubt will just make you waste your precious time on someone who’s controlling, manipulative, or toxic.

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