Cute Personality Traits That Women Love In Men

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Everyone has an idea of that perfect partner who may or may not exist. It’s easy to go on a first date and wonder if it’s even possible to meet someone who will measure up to that list. But many women agree that when a man has certain personality traits, he seems much more attractive than others. If a man has these adorable traits, he’s definitely impressive and will stand out in a crowd.

1. Being a modest person

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Arrogance is quite possibly the most unattractive trait. Women have been on too many dates with men who have complained the whole time, insulted the server, and made harsh comments. It’s sweet when a man is modest yet has a quiet confidence. He’s sure of who he is and happy, but he doesn’t think he’s better than anyone else. Modesty is definitely a trait that women look for when searching for a real partner.

2. Being a perfectionist in the kitchen

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Cooking dinner makes for a perfect date, and women love men who can make a meal. When a man is extra careful about how he cooks, from his mise en place to making sure that he’s following a recipe, it’s adorable. Women also love when men reflect on the meal they’ve just made and wonder what they could do the next time to make it even better. This proves that he’s thoughtful and doesn’t think too highly of himself.

3. Organizing dates, trips, and events

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There’s an unfair stereotype that men are lazy and never plan anything. That’s just not true. If he enjoys being in charge of a third date itinerary, finds fun vacation hikes, and puts together a menu and playlist for a birthday dinner, it’s charming. Women like when men care that their date, friends, and family are having a good time.

4. Feeling nervous when meeting new people

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It’s particularly cute when a man is anxious about making a good impression on their new partner’s family or friends. He might spend some extra time getting ready, or try to pick the perfect restaurant for Sunday brunch. The fact that he’s putting in so much work shows that he values the relationship and is also sweet to witness.

5. Going on rants about subjects they care about

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Women might not want to date men who have opposing political opinions, and it can be a little intense when someone goes on constant political rants. But when men rant about less weighty topics, from their favorite TV show’s disappointing season finale to why pasta salad shouldn’t have mayo, it’s definitely adorable. This helps their date find out more about their likes and dislikes, and can also just be fun to listen to.

6. Cracking jokes as they go about daily life

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Most people would agree they can’t date someone who doesn’t have a sense of humor. Women think it’s adorable when a man can’t help but joke around or make corny puns. Whether he sends funny text messages that brighten up his partner’s day or makes someone laugh throughout an entire date, he’s definitely more attractive when he can make her laugh.

7. Having an introverted nature

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Everyone has their type, and some women like men who are loud, fun-loving, and chatty. But when a man wants everyone to listen to him at a party or needs to talk the most in a large group, it’s not particularly adorable. Women think it’s sweet when men are introverts who love reading, listening to podcasts on subjects they’re interested in, and prefer smaller gatherings to huge events.

8. Being polite and friendly to everyone, from neighbors to strangers

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Maybe he’s chatty with the kind-hearted older neighbor who lives on his apartment floor or people he passes by when walking around his neighborhood. Nothing will make a woman fall in love with a man faster than when he’s friendly toward people he doesn’t know well. This shows he treats others with respect and he’s a genuine person.

9. Worrying about their hair and clothing choices

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Women also enjoy when men put some effort into their physical appearance. If he asks his partner for advice about choosing an outfit for their double date or starts using a hair product that his stylist just gave him, it’s sweet to see. While women might assume that men just throw on whatever sweats or jeans they have lying around their bedroom, that’s not always the case. Many men have an interest in fashion that they want to explore.

10. Being idealistic and positive (most of the time)

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It’s a red flag if he never says anything negative and can never admit when he’s upset. But for the most part, if a man sees the sunny side of life and thinks the future looks promising, it’s an appealing quality. His optimism will not only make dates more enjoyable, but he could be an inspiring person to be around. Many women have likely suffered through many cynical past partners, and this would be a nice change.

11. Taking a spontaneous approach to their daily life

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Even the most organized woman can admit that routines can get a little stale. When a woman wants to find love, she’s going to find it endearing when a man embraces some spontaneity in his regular schedule. Maybe he makes small changes, like walking home from work (even though it takes an hour) or trying a rock-climbing gym. It’s clear that he’s interested in life and doesn’t want to focus on work 24/7.

12. Becoming quiet and shy when they care about someone or something

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It’s particularly adorable when a typically loud, chatty, and friendly man becomes quieter when something is on his mind. Maybe he has feelings for someone, or he’s got his eye on a big promotion. While of course it’s impossible to be a mind reader, women can sometimes tell what a man is thinking since he seems more silent and contemplative. This is attractive since it’s clear that he takes whatever he’s thinking about seriously.

13. Being thoughtful when choosing gifts

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Women might assume that men don’t like shopping, but that’s another stereotype that isn’t necessarily the case. One of the cutest traits is when a man enjoys picking presents for the people he cares about. It’s even cuter to see the look of pride on his face when he gives his mom the perfect cookbook when she’s become obsessed with making sourdough.

14. Being curious about other people

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When a woman goes on a date with a man who shuts her down when she shares her interests and doesn’t ask any follow-up questions, that’s terrible. When that man thinks that her hobbies, likes, and dislikes are fascinating and wants to hear all about how she spends her time when she’s not working, that’s charming. This makes him a great future partner since he’s interested in people other than himself.

15. Being interested in health and wellness

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If he counts macros, meal preps, and goes to the gym at the same time each week, it’s hard not to find that cute. Sure, he could take things too far and become too obsessive about beating his best running time or only eating clean ingredients. But as long as he finds some balance in his life, it’s nice to see him care about living a healthy life.

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