The Dangers Of Being Too Agreeable (And How To Assert Yourself)
Some people are passive, and some are assertive and there are pros and cons for both. When you’re assertive, you…
15 Relationship Red Flags: What To Watch Out For Before You Get Too Invested
Wouldn’t it be great if you could notice that someone’s not suitable for you right away? Well, you can! Although…
How To Apologize To Your Kids (And Mean It)
As parents, we’ve all done it. We’ve blown up at our kids. We’ve handled a situation in a way that…
How To Disagree Without Disrespecting Someone
Disagreeing in a respectful manner can be difficult, for sure. It can take years to learn. (This post is written…
The Surprising Perks Of Getting Older That You Never Expected
While the idea of growing older might not always seem exciting, there are some truly wonderful surprises that come with…
Are You A Complainer? Here’s How To Tell – And Stop
If you’re constantly bringing the mood down with your negative attitude, you might not even realize it because it’s become…
15 Sneaky Ways Toxic People Try To Get Back Into Your Life
Toxic people can be like boomerangs—you try to throw them away, but they somehow find their way back into your…
16 Empowering Responses To “I’m Just Saying…”
We’ve all heard the phrase, “I’m just saying…” tacked onto the end of a comment that’s hurtful, insensitive, or just…
15 Simple Ways To Make Meaningful, Lifelong Connections
In a world that’s constantly moving at a breakneck pace, finding and nurturing meaningful connections can feel like a challenge….
18 Signs Someone Isn’t Just Difficult, They Have a Personality Disorder
Difficult people are hard to be around. They make you wonder where you should draw the line for inexcusable behaviors,…