“Am I Arrogant?” 20 Signs You’re A Bit Full Of Yourself

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Confidence is generally seen as a positive trait, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

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When had in excess, confidence quickly crosses the line into arrogance, and that’s not a good look. So, how do you know if you’ve gotten a bit full of yourself? If you relate to any of the following behaviors, it’s not looking good.

1. You don’t know how to (or simply refuse to) apologize.

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Saying “I’m sorry” is hard for everyone sometimes, but if you find yourself dodging apologies altogether, it could be a red flag. You might deflect blame, justify your actions, or even get defensive when someone points out your mistakes. According to Harvard Health, a true apology acknowledges your wrongdoing, takes responsibility, and offers a genuine desire to make amends.

2. You constantly name-drop and brag about your accomplishments.

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We all have achievements we’re proud of, but if you’re constantly weaving them into conversations, it might be a sign you’re trying too hard to impress. Maybe you casually mention your prestigious alma mater, your high-profile connections, or your impressive salary. While sharing your successes can be inspiring, overdoing it can make you seem like you’re bragging.

3. You interrupt people mid-sentence.

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Do you find yourself cutting people off to finish their sentences or interjecting your own thoughts before they’ve had a chance to finish? This can be a sign of impatience, a lack of respect, or an overinflated ego. Active listening involves truly hearing what other people have to say, even if you disagree.

4. You believe your ideas are always superior.

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It’s great to have strong opinions and ideas, but if you dismiss other people’s perspectives outright or refuse to consider alternative viewpoints, it might be a sign of arrogance. Remember, everyone has something valuable to contribute, and even the most brilliant minds can benefit from different perspectives.

5. You rarely ask for help.

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Do you feel like you have to do everything yourself, even when you’re struggling? Asking for help can be seen as a sign of weakness, but it’s actually a strength. Recognizing that you don’t have all the answers and being willing to seek support demonstrates humility and a willingness to learn.

6. You give backhanded compliments.

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A backhanded compliment might seem like a clever way to assert your superiority, but it can be hurtful and insincere. Phrases like “You look great for your age” or “That’s impressive for someone with no experience” might seem like compliments, but they often undermine the recipient’s accomplishments.

7. You have difficulty laughing at yourself.

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We all make mistakes and have embarrassing moments, but if you take yourself too seriously, it can be a sign of arrogance. Being able to laugh at yourself shows that you don’t take yourself too seriously and that you’re comfortable with your flaws.

8. You’re quick to judge people.

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Do you find yourself constantly evaluating other people’s choices, appearances, or lifestyles? While it’s important to have standards, being overly critical can be a sign of arrogance. Remember, everyone is on their own journey, and what works for you might not work for someone else.

9. You rarely admit when you’re wrong.

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Everyone makes mistakes, but if you find it difficult to acknowledge your own, it could be a sign of arrogance. Admitting when you’re wrong is a sign of humility and a willingness to learn from your experiences.

10. You expect special treatment.

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Do you feel entitled to preferential treatment or special privileges? Maybe you expect to be seated first at a restaurant, cut the line at the grocery store, or get away with bending the rules. This sense of entitlement can be a major turnoff and a sign of arrogance.

11. You’re always the first to volunteer your opinion.

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Sharing your thoughts and ideas is important, but if you consistently jump in before anyone else has a chance to speak, it can be a sign of arrogance. It suggests that you believe your opinion is the most valuable or that you’re not interested in hearing what other people have to say.

12. You take credit for other people’s work.

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Whether it’s a team project at work or a group effort with friends, claiming credit for something you didn’t do is a guaranteed way to come across as arrogant. It shows a lack of respect for what other people bring to the table and a willingness to take advantage of their hard work.

13. You dismiss feedback or constructive criticism.

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Nobody’s perfect, and we all have areas where we can improve. However, if you react defensively to feedback or brush off constructive criticism, it might be a sign of arrogance, per Psychology Today. It suggests that you believe you’re above reproach and that you’re not open to learning or growing.

14. You compare yourself to other people constantly.

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It’s natural to compare yourself to other people from time to time, but if you’re constantly measuring your worth against people’s accomplishments or possessions, it can be a sign of insecurity and arrogance. Remember, everyone has their own unique path, and comparing yourself to anyone else will only lead to dissatisfaction.

15. You’re always trying to one-up everyone.

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Do you feel the need to outdo everyone else, even in the most trivial situations? Maybe you brag about your latest gadget, your exotic vacation, or your exclusive gym membership. This competitive nature can be exhausting for those around you and a sign of arrogance.

16. You refuse to admit when you don’t know something.

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It’s okay to admit when you don’t have all the answers. In fact, it can be a sign of intelligence and humility. However, if you pretend to know something you don’t or try to bluff your way through a conversation, it can make you seem arrogant and untrustworthy.

17. You make decisions without consulting anyone.

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If you’re in a leadership position or involved in a collaborative project, it’s important to consider anyone else’s perspective or opinions. Making decisions without consulting your team or colleagues can be a sign of arrogance and a lack of respect for their input.

18. You have a “my way or the highway” attitude.

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Flexibility and compromise are essential in any relationship or collaboration. If you’re unwilling to consider alternative solutions or meet people halfway, it can be a sign of arrogance and a recipe for conflict.

19. You hold grudges and refuse to forgive.

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Everyone makes mistakes, and holding on to resentment can be toxic for both you and the person you’re holding a grudge against. Forgiveness is a sign of strength and maturity, while refusing to forgive can be a sign of arrogance and a refusal to let go of control.

20. You think the rules don’t apply to you.

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Whether it’s cutting in line, parking in a handicapped spot, or exceeding the speed limit, believing that you’re above the rules is a sign of arrogance and a lack of respect for people. Remember, the rules are there for a reason, and everyone is expected to follow them.

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