16 Signs That Reveal a Man’s Battling a Midlife Crisis

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The midlife crisis is like puberty’s older, more complicated cousin that nobody wants to talk about at family gatherings. But let’s face it, guys (and ladies who are wondering what’s up with the men in their lives), this phase can hit harder than a surprise baldness gene. So, here are the signs a man might be grappling with this existential rollercoaster.

1. He has a sudden obsession with fitness

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If he’s swapped his beloved beer for protein shakes and started treating the gym like it’s his second home, something’s up. It’s great to be health-conscious, but if he’s bench-pressing like his life depends on it and checking himself out in every reflective surface, he might be trying to outrun Father Time. Watch out for excessive selfies at the gym, a new vocabulary filled with words like “gains” and “reps,” and a sudden disdain for carbs.

2. He overhauls his wardrobe

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Gone are the sensible slacks and comfortable loafers. Suddenly, he’s dressing like he raided his teenage son’s closet. Skinny jeans, graphic tees, and maybe even a soul patch? Yep, he’s trying to convince the world (and himself) that he’s still hip and happening. If he starts using words like “lit” or “on fleek” unironically, or if he’s spending more time shopping than he does watching sports, it’s a clear sign.

3. He does a career 180

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After 20 years as an accountant, he wants to quit and become a professional surfer. While it’s never too late to follow your dreams, if this career change comes out of nowhere and seems wildly impractical, it might be more about escaping his current life than genuine passion. Look for signs like sudden disdain for his current job, daydreaming about unrealistic career paths, or making impulsive decisions about his professional life.

4. He’s overly nostalgic

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If he’s constantly reminiscing about “the good old days” and trying to relive his youth, it’s a red flag. Dusting off the old vinyl collection is one thing, but if he’s seriously considering getting the band back together (you know, the one that never made it out of his parent’s garage), it might be time to worry. Watch for excessive time spent looking at old photos, attempts to reconnect with long-lost high school friends, or sudden interests in retro hobbies.

5. He parties a lot

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He’s living like it’s his college days all over again, complete with all-nighters and hangover horror stories. A midlife crisis can often manifest as an attempt to recapture the carefree party days of youth. If he’s trying to relive his fraternity days while ignoring his responsibilities, it’s time for a reality check.

6. He’s obsessed with youth culture

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Keeping up with current trends is one thing, but if he’s suddenly an expert on all things Gen Z, it might be more than casual interest. Watch for excessive use of young people’s slang, a sudden passion for youth-oriented music or movies, or attempts to befriend much younger people. If he’s more in tune with TikTok trends than his own peers’ lives, he might be trying too hard to stay “relevant.”

7. He’s jealous of his younger colleagues

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Watch for increased complaints about “young hotshots” at work, expressions of feeling obsolete, or attempts to compete with younger colleagues. If he’s more concerned about proving he can keep up with the 20-somethings than focusing on his own career path, he might be struggling with feelings of irrelevance.

8. He’s forgotten about his long-standing responsibilities

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A hallmark of the midlife crisis is the shirking of established responsibilities in favor of more “exciting” pursuits. This might manifest as neglecting family duties, slacking at work, or abandoning long-term projects or commitments. If he’s more interested in planning his next adventure than attending his kid’s recital or finishing that home renovation he started, it could be a sign that he’s trying to escape the weight of adult responsibilities.

9. He’s being very existential

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He’s waxing philosophical about the meaning of life, his purpose, or the legacy he’ll leave behind—and it’s a classic midlife crisis sign. Look for increased interest in self-help books, philosophical discussions, or expressions of regret about paths not taken. If he’s spending more time contemplating his existence than living his life, it might be time for some grounding in the present.

10. He’s an athlete all of a sudden

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One day he’s complaining about his back pain, the next he’s signing up for skydiving lessons. If he’s suddenly drawn to high-adrenaline activities that seem at odds with his usual cautious nature, it might be more than just a new hobby. While a little adventure is good for the soul, if he’s risking life and limb to prove he’s still got it, it might be time for a chat about safer ways to spice up life.

11. He’s fixated on his appearance

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Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most insecure of them all? This might manifest as an obsession with anti-aging products, consideration of cosmetic procedures, or constant comments about his looks. Watch for new grooming habits, a sudden interest in fashion magazines, or hours spent examining his hairline. If he’s more worried about wrinkles than world events, he might be grappling with the reality of aging.

12. He feels restless in his relationships

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Long-term relationships can suddenly feel like a straightjacket during a midlife crisis. He might start questioning his commitments, romanticizing the single life, or showing interest in much younger partners. Look for signs of increased arguments about trivial things, expressions of feeling “trapped” or “unfulfilled,” or a sudden obsession with dating apps (even if he’s not single). If he’s talking about needing “space” or “finding himself,” it might be code for “I’m freaking out about getting older.”

13. He’s reckless with his finances

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Goodbye, sensible savings. Hello, impulse purchases! If he’s suddenly spending money like it’s going out of style, it could be a sign of a midlife crisis. This might show up as big-ticket unnecessary purchases, risky investments, or a general “you only live once” attitude toward money. Watch for hidden credit card bills or talks about get-rich-quick schemes—it might be time to hide the credit cards.

14. He’s more irritable

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Midlife crises often come with a side of emotional turbulence. If he’s become unusually moody, easily angered, or prone to emotional outbursts, it could be a sign of internal struggle. Look for sudden irritation at minor inconveniences, unpredictable mood changes, or expressions of feeling misunderstood or unappreciated. If he’s acting more like a moody teenager than a grown man, he might be grappling with some serious midlife emotions.

15. He’s suddenly interested in trophy possessions

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If he’s suddenly obsessed with acquiring status symbols or “toys,” it could be a midlife crisis manifestation. This might show up as a fixation on luxury watches, high-end electronics, or other expensive items that scream “I’ve made it.” Watch for increased browsing of luxury goods websites, talks about deserving to “treat himself,” or a new tendency to compare his possessions with others.

16. He has extreme health anxiety

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While it’s normal to become more health-conscious with age, an obsessive focus on health can be a sign of a midlife crisis. Look for excessive worry about minor health issues, frequent doctor visits for trivial concerns, or a sudden adoption of every health fad that comes along. If he’s convinced every headache is a brain tumor and every cough is pneumonia, he might be grappling with mortality fears that often accompany midlife crises.

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