16 Texting Habits That Are More Annoying Than You Think

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Texting has become our go-to form of communication. It’s quick, convenient, and lets us stay connected 24/7. But let’s face it, not all texting habits are created equal. Some can be downright annoying, turning your messages from delightful dings to aggravating pings. So, let’s talk about some texting faux pas you should steer clear of.

1. Answering with “K”

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The dreaded single “K” response is the text equivalent of a door slam. Sure, you’re acknowledging the message, but you’re also saying, “I couldn’t care less about this conversation.” Unless you’re genuinely trying to end a chat, give a little more. Even “OK” feels less abrupt. Remember, a little effort goes a long way in the text world.

2. Writing a novel

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On the flip side, don’t turn your texts into “War and Peace.” If your message requires more scrolling than a Terms and Conditions agreement, it might be time to pick up the phone or meet in person. Texting is meant for quick exchanges, not for penning your autobiography. Keep it concise, or consider a different medium for your epic tale.

3. Rapid-fire texting

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Sending. Multiple. Texts. In. Quick. Succession. Is. Super. Annoying. Try to compose your thoughts into a single, coherent message. Your friends’ phone batteries (and sanity) will thank you.

4. Leaving someone on “read”

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Ghosting for days is the digital equivalent of turning your back mid-conversation. We get it, life gets busy. But if you’ve seen the message and can’t respond right away, a quick “I’ll get back to you later” works wonders. Don’t leave your friends hanging in textual limbo.

5. Overloading your messages with emojis

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Emojis are fun and can add tone to your texts. But using them excessively can make your messages hard to read and frankly, a bit childish. Use emojis to enhance your message, not replace it. A well-placed emoji is worth a thousand words, but a thousand emojis are worth…well, a headache.

6. Typing in all caps

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USING ALL CAPS IS LIKE SHOUTING IN TEXT FORM. IT’S AGGRESSIVE AND HARD ON THE EYES. Unless you’re expressing extreme excitement or warning someone about imminent danger, keep caps lock off. Your message can be emphatic without looking like you’re yelling.

7. Being vague

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Sending cryptic messages like “We need to talk” or “Guess what happened” and then going MIA is a surefire way to induce anxiety. If you have news to share, share it. Don’t leave people hanging with ominous teasers. Texting shouldn’t feel like a suspense thriller.

8. Double (or triple) texting

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If someone hasn’t responded to your first message, bombarding them with follow-up texts isn’t going to help. Give people time to respond. They might be busy, and your text avalanche isn’t going to make them any less so.

9. Drunk texting

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We’ve all been there—a few drinks in and suddenly everyone in your contact list seems like they need to hear from you RIGHT NOW. Resist the urge. Drunk texts are rarely as funny or as profound as they seem in the moment. Save yourself (and others) the embarrassment and put the phone down when you’re under the influence.

10. Abusing abbreviations

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While some abbreviations are widely accepted (LOL, BRB), going overboard can make your texts look like alphabet soup. “Hey, U up 4 grabbing som din-din l8r?” is not as cool as you think it is. It’s okay to spell out words—your fingers can handle the extra work, promise.

11. Forgetting punctuation

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Completely ignoring punctuation can make your messages confusing and hard to read. “Let’s eat grandma” means something very different from “Let’s eat, grandma.” A little punctuation goes a long way in ensuring your meaning is clear and you’re not accidentally promoting cannibalism.

12. Forwarding text chains

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We get it, you want to share the love. But forwarding every chain message, inspirational quote, or “Send this to 10 people or face bad luck” text is a quick way to annoy your contacts. Be selective about what you share. Quality over quantity applies to forwarded messages too.

13. Going off in the group chat

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Be mindful in group chats. Don’t flood the chat with messages that could have been a single text. And please, for the love of all that is holy, don’t start separate one-on-one conversations about topics from the group chat. It’s confusing and exclusionary.

14. Texting while you’re out

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Texting someone while you’re hanging out with others is just rude. It sends the message that whoever you’re texting is more important than the people you’re physically with. Unless it’s urgent, keep your phone in your pocket and engage with the people around you. The digital world can wait.

15. Overusing periods

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In the world of texting, ending a short response with a period can come across as curt or passive-aggressive. “Fine.” hits differently than “Fine”. Be aware that in casual texting, punctuation can carry emotional weight.

16. Sending a bunch of typos

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We all make mistakes, but if your texts consistently look like you typed them with your elbows, it can be frustrating for the reader. Take a moment to proofread before hitting send. Autocorrect can be both a blessing and a curse, so make sure it hasn’t turned your innocent message into something unintentionally hilarious (or horrifying).

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