Are You More Intelligent Than The Average Person? 15 Signs to Look For

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Ever wondered if you’ve got a little extra something in the brainpower department? Well, we’re about to dive into 15 signs that you might be playing life at a level of higher intelligence. Ready? Let’s do this.

1. You’re great at looking at all sides of a situation

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If you find yourself naturally seeing multiple sides of an argument, congratulations! You’re not just being difficult (though your friends might disagree). This ability to consider different perspectives is a huge signifier of higher intelligence. Your brain is running a constant simulation of “what if” and “go with me for a second here” scenarios.

2. You’re always asking the curious questions

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Are you that person who’s always asking “why” or “how”? Do you find yourself falling into Reddit rabbit holes at 3 AM? Congrats, your insatiable curiosity is a big flashing neon sign pointing to higher intelligence. That’s not to say you’re a know-it-all, you’re more of a want-to-know-it-all. Your brain is like a sponge that’s always looking to soak up more knowledge.

3. Your brain thinks a lot, maybe too much

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If you find yourself analyzing situations from every angle, considering potential outcomes, and generally turning your brain into a Ferris wheel of thoughts, you’re showing signs of higher intelligence. Your mind thinks a move (or 5 moves) ahead. Is it exhausting? It certainly can be. But it’s also a sign that your brain is not just working, but working at a higher level.

4. Uncertainty doesn’t scare you

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If ambiguity doesn’t send you into a tailspin, and you’re okay with saying “I don’t know,” you’re showing a key sign of intelligence. Smart people understand that the world isn’t black and white. They’re comfortable navigating the gray areas and don’t feel the need to have all the answers. In other words: you’re surfing the waves of life while others are frantically doggy-paddling.

5. You have conversations with yourself

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Do you have full-blown conversations with yourself? No, you’re not losing it. In fact, you’re probably exercising that big gorgeous brain of yours. According to Penn State University, talking to yourself is a sign of higher intelligence because it helps you organize your thoughts, boost your memory, and even reduce stress. You’re putting on your own TED Talk and it’s fascinating.

6. You always have music in your head

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If you find songs stuck in your head more often than not, it might be your brain showing off its pattern recognition skills. Highly intelligent people often have a knack for music and are more likely to experience earworms. Whether they delight or annoy you is a toss-up, but you’ve always got a dance party going on in your brain.

7. You can read minds (kind of)

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You pick up on subtle cues in body language, tone, and context that others might miss. It may seem like magic, but it’s not. It’s actually your brain’s speediness at processing a ton of information. Pretty cool party trick, huh?

8. You question everything (even this list)

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As you’ve been reading this, you’ve probably been mentally fact-checking and maybe even disagreeing with some points. Good! That critical thinking is your higher intelligence showing off. You don’t take things at face value, preferring to dig deeper and form your own conclusions. And we love you for it.

9. You’re the person people to go for advice

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If your friends constantly seek your wisdom for everything from relationship drama to career moves, you’re your social circle’s guru. This isn’t just about being good at pep talks, you have a really good eye for spotting patterns, analyzing them, and coming up with creative solutions. Your brain is kinda like a supercomputer.

10. You have a rather interesting sense of humor

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Do your jokes sometimes fly over people’s heads? Or do you find humor in things others might consider a bit spooky? A twisted sense of humor often indicates a mind that can make unique connections and see the world in unconventional ways. So who cares if people think you’re a little dark? At least you’re smart.

11. You’re extremely observant

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If you’re constantly noticing little details others miss, from a friend’s new haircut to the subtle foreshadowing in a movie, your powers of observation are on point. It makes sense since your brain is always recording and analyzing. Just try not to blurt out your observations about your boss’s veneers in the next meeting, okay?

12. You can focus when you want to

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While you might sometimes feel scatterbrained, when something really grabs your interest, you can focus with a real intensity. This ability to dive deep into subjects and maintain prolonged concentration is a sign of higher intelligence. Your brain has a “hyperfocus” mode that kicks in when you’re truly engaged.

13. You put things off (but still get them done)

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Weirdly enough, according to, procrastination can be a sign of intelligence. If you often put things off but still manage to pull it all together at the last minute, your brain might just be marinating on the task, processing it in the background. Just don’t use this as an excuse to put off that report any longer.

14. You can adapt quickly

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If you can roll with the punches and adapt to new situations, your intelligence is showing. This flexibility isn’t just about being easy-going; it’s about your brain’s ability to quickly process new information and adjust your behavior accordingly.

15. Your vocabulary would have Shakespeare quaking

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Do you use words that make your friends say “huh?”? Or do you effortlessly switch between different levels of language depending on who you’re talking to? This linguistic flexibility is a sure sign of higher intelligence.  You’re basically a walking, talking thesaurus with a sense of context.

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