Want More Happiness In Your Life? Cut These 15 Types of Friends Out

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Friendships are supposed to be one of the best things about life! Yet sometimes, we find ourselves entangled with people who do more harm than good. In those cases? We need to learn how to protect ourselves. Let’s look into the 15 types of friends you might want to reconsider keeping in your inner circle if you’re aiming for a happier, healthier life.

1. The friend who’s always borrowing something

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This friend always seems to be in need—of money, your belongings, your time, or your skills. While it’s normal to help friends occasionally, this person takes advantage of your generosity repeatedly. They might be slow to repay loans (if they repay at all), return items in crap condition, or expect you to drop everything to help them at a moment’s notice. A friendship should be a balance of give and take, not a one-way street of constant demand.

2. The friend who’s skeptical of your abilities

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This friend always has a reason why your dreams won’t work out. Whether you’re starting a new business, pursuing a creative passion, or making a big life change, they’re quick to point out all the potential pitfalls. While it’s valuable to have friends who can offer realistic perspectives, this goes beyond healthy caution into dream-crushing territory. Their constant skepticism can chip away at your confidence and enthusiasm, potentially holding you back from taking the good kind of risks.

3. The friend who has no respect for your time or schedule

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They show up unannounced, call at inappropriate hours, or keep you on the phone for hours with no regard for your other commitments. While spontaneity can be fun, this behavior crosses the line into inconsiderate territory. A respectful friend understands boundaries and the value of your time. If you find yourself constantly having to rearrange your life to accommodate their lack of consideration, it’s time to reclaim your time and set some firm boundaries.

4. The friend who always seems to be in a constant state of crisis

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They think the world is forever conspiring against them. Every setback, no matter how minor, is a catastrophe of epic proportions. While initially you might feel compelled to help, over time you realize that no amount of support or advice ever changes their outlook. They reject solutions and seem to revel in their misery. Being around this friend can be emotionally exhausting and may even make you start to question if the world is really such a terrible place.

5. The friend who’s in everyone’s business

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Initially, it might feel like you’re in an exclusive club, privy to all the juicy details. But remember: if they’re talking about others to you, they’re likely talking about you to others. This type of friend can create a toxic environment of mistrust and drama. Plus, constantly focusing on others’ lives can be a distraction from all the good things in life!

6. The friend who’s a non-stop venter

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We all need to vent sometimes, but this friend takes it to an unhealthy level. While initially, you might feel needed as their sounding board, over time, this constant negativity can be exhausting. If you find yourself dreading their calls or feeling drained after every interaction, it might be time to distance yourself from this complaining companion.

7. The friend who can’t stick to plans

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They’re constantly canceling at the last minute or just not showing up at all. While life can certainly get busy and occasional rescheduling is understandable, this friend takes it to an extreme. You find yourself constantly rearranging your schedule to accommodate their flakiness or feeling let down more often than not. That’s a clear sign it might be time to let this friendship fade away.

8. The friend who won’t let you win

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Had a great day at the gym? They had an even better one. Feeling under the weather? They’ve got a tale of near-death illness that’ll make your sniffle seem like a walk in the park. This friend can’t help but turn every conversation into a competition they must win. It’s exhausting and belittling, leaving you feeling like your experiences and feelings are never quite good (or bad) enough.

9. The friend who feeds off of your emotional energy

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According to Psych Central, this emotional vampire constantly needs your support, advice, and attention, but rarely reciprocates. After spending time with them, you feel drained, as if they’ve sucked all the positivity out of you. While it’s important to be there for friends, this level of emotional dependency can be unhealthy for both parties. If you find yourself constantly giving without receiving, it might be time to set some boundaries or reconsider the friendship altogether.

10. The friend who has an opinion about everything

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Your choices—from your career to your love life to what you had for lunch—are all subject to their scrutiny and disapproval. Being around them can make you second-guess every decision and mess with your self-confidence. A true friend should lift you up, not tear you down. If you find yourself constantly on the defensive or afraid to share aspects of your life for fear of criticism, it might be time to distance yourself.

11. The friend who doesn’t genuinely celebrate your successes

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Instead of being happy for you, they might make backhanded compliments or try to compete with you. This behavior stems from their own insecurities, but it can cast a shadow over your happiness and make you hesitant to share your joys. A true friend should be your cheerleader, not someone who makes you feel guilty for your successes.

12. The friend who is always caught up in drama

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Life is never dull around this friend—and not in a good way. They seem to attract (or create) dramatic situations wherever they go. This friend might draw you into their conflicts, expecting you to take sides or help clean up their messes. Over time, their chaos can start to affect your own peace of mind and even spill over into other areas of your life. It might be time to step away.

13. The friend who guilts you

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Whether it’s not spending enough time with them, not agreeing with their opinions, or not helping them out to their satisfaction, they have a way of twisting situations to make you feel guilty. They might use passive-aggressive comments, sulking, or even direct accusations to manipulate your emotions. A healthy friendship should be based on mutual understanding and respect, not emotional manipulation.

14. The friend who thinks the world revolves around them

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According to Psych Central, the narcissistic friend will dominate conversations, make everything about their needs and experiences, and show little genuine interest in your life. While they might be charming and entertaining at times, there’s no real reciprocity in the relationship. They expect you to be there for them at all times but are rarely available when you need support. This one-sided dynamic can be emotionally draining and leave you feeling invisible and undervalued.

15. The friend who never has anything positive to say

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They have a talent for pointing out the potential downsides of any situation, no matter how positive. While a bit of caution can be helpful, their constant negativity can be a real downer. Over time, their pessimistic outlook can start to color your own perspective, making it harder for you to see and appreciate the good things in life. If you find yourself feeling deflated after interactions with them or hesitating to share good news for fear of how they’ll negatively spin it, it might be time to cut ties.

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