14 Habits That Child-Free Couples Will Relate To

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The decision to remain child-free is a deeply personal one, and for many couples, it opens up a world of possibilities. While parenthood absolutely has its joys, child-free couples often cultivate unique habits that contribute to their happiness and life satisfaction. Let’s look at some habits that many happy child-free couples have.

1. They go on spontaneous weekend getaways

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For child-free couples, the phrase “Let’s get out of town this weekend” isn’t just a dream—it’s a regular reality. They often keep a go-bag ready and have a list of favorite nearby destinations. This spontaneity keeps the relationship fresh and allows for fun adventures without the logistical nightmare of finding last-minute childcare.

2. They get to sleep in…whenever they want

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Sleeping in isn’t just for lazy Sundays—it’s a lifestyle. Child-free couples often embrace the luxury of uninterrupted sleep, whether it’s sleeping late on weekends or taking afternoon naps. They understand that good rest is the foundation of a happy life and relationship. It’s like they’ve discovered the fountain of youth, and it’s right there in their king-size bed.

3. They get uninterrupted hobby time

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Whether it’s painting, playing music, or building model trains, child-free couples dedicate significant time to their hobbies. They might set aside entire weekends for their passions, without worrying about soccer practice or dance recitals. This focus on personal growth and creativity often translates into a more fulfilled and balanced relationship.

4. They financially plan for early retirement

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Many child-free couples focus on aggressive saving and investment strategies with the goal of early retirement or financial independence. They might have a routine of regular financial check-ins, updating their portfolio, or researching new investment opportunities. And this really does help—according to Newsweek, being childless allows a couple to save roughly $908 a month.

5. They go on midweek dates

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Why wait for the weekend? Child-free couples often take advantage of quieter restaurants and less crowded movie theaters by having date nights in the middle of the week. It’s like having a secret pass to enjoy the best of what their city offers, without the weekend crowds. This routine helps keep the romance alive and gives them something to look forward to during the workweek.

6. They have flexible work situations

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Many child-free couples leverage their freedom to create non-traditional work arrangements. This might mean working part-time, freelancing, or job-sharing to allow for more personal time. They’re rewriting the rules of work-life balance, prioritizing their relationship and personal interests alongside their careers.

7. They prioritize their mental health

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Regular therapy sessions, couples counseling, or meditation retreats are common routines for child-free couples focused on maintaining strong mental health. They understand that investing in their individual and collective well-being is crucial for a happy relationship. Now, that’s not to say that parents don’t prioritize their own mental health, but it certainly can be harder when you have little ones depending on you.

8. They take risks in the kitchen

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Without picky eaters to cater to, child-free couples often turn their kitchen into a gourmet playground. They might dedicate evenings to experimenting with complex recipes or exotic cuisines. It’s not just about eating, it’s about the shared experience of creating something together. Their kitchen isn’t just a place to cook—it’s their personal Masterchef arena. (And good for them, because according to the National Library of Medicine, approximately 25% to 35% of toddlers and preschoolers are described by their parents as poor or ‘picky’ eaters.)

9. They’re always learning

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Without the financial and time commitments of raising children, many child-free couples invest in their personal growth through ongoing education. This might mean enrolling in master’s programs, attending workshops, or learning new languages together. Their shared commitment to learning keeps their conversations stimulating and their bond strong.

10. They engage with their community

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Tons of child-free couples channel their nurturing instincts into community service. They might dedicate regular time to animal shelters, mentor underprivileged youth, or engage in environmental conservation efforts. This shared commitment to making a difference adds purpose to their lives and strengthens their bond as a team. They’re parenting the world, in their own way.

11. They extend their vacations

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They often embrace the freedom to take extended trips, immersing themselves in different cultures for weeks or even months at a time. They might work remotely from a beach in Bali one month and explore the streets of Prague the next. Their home is wherever they happen to be together, turning the globe into their shared playground.

12. They take on fitness challenges together

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Without the time constraints of having children, these couples might train for marathons, take up rock climbing, or commit to daily yoga practices. This shared focus on health not only keeps them physically fit but also provides a common goal to work towards. They’re each other’s best cheerleaders and toughest gym buddies.

13. They embrace minimalism

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Without the need to accumulate kid-related stuff, many child-free couples adopt minimalist lifestyles. They might have routines of regular decluttering or one-in-one-out policies for new purchases. This focus on experiences over possessions aligns with their freedom to pick up and go at a moment’s notice.

14. They create a diverse friend group

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Child-free couples cultivate friendships with people of all ages and life stages. They might have regular dinner parties or game nights, creating their own chosen family. This diversity in their social circle keeps their perspectives fresh and their social lives rich and varied.

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