15 Signs You’re About To Have A Major Life Breakthrough

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If you ever feel like you’re waiting for something big to happen but not sure when you’re in the right place. The bad news: We can’t tell you exactly when the breakthrough will happen. The good news: We can tell you the 15 signs that’ll show up when it’s about to happen. Read on so you can prepare accordingly.

1. You want to give up.

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This can be interpreted as a wake-up call from the universe. When nothing is happening, it frees up time to reflect on the goals you’re working towards—it allows you to assess whether or not those goals align with your most authentic self and then shift them accordingly.

2. You’re restless.

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Feeling restless can often indicate there’s a big change ahead. It’ll feel uncomfortable but that’s because your conscious mind hasn’t caught up to what your subconscious mind already knows: a transition is coming. Instead of letting this overwhelm you, take it as the universe’s way of preparing you to navigate this shift.

3. You’re having vivid dreams.

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If you go from having negative or not-super-memorable dreams to positive, uplifting ones, then that’s a sign. According to Psychology Today, your dream world is a reflection of what is or what will be happening in your waking life. The universe is just giving you a little taste of the change that’s coming.

4. Your interests are changing.

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As you evolve, so do your passions and interests, and when your inner world changes, so does your outer world. You may have the urge to resist these desires, but try your best to embrace them from a place of curiosity and openness.

5. Things have been stagnant.

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We know this one sounds a little counterintuitive but stick with us. This is the universe’s way of building up to the big change that’s about to come (kind of like that deep breath you take before running a race). It feels uncomfortable, but this static time is best used to reflect and prepare.

6. You feel more intuitive.

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Have you ever suddenly gotten an urge to go down a particular path and it ended up working out? That might’ve been a sign of a breakthrough. When you trust your gut and follow your instincts, the universe rewards you with more helpful guidance.

7. You feel sad.

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Going through a big shift is an emotional experience, and according to Harvard Business Review, we have a very complicated relationship with change. While it would be nice to drop the old habits and ways of thinking as soon as a change occurs, that’s just not how it works. Part of having a breakthrough is working through the heavy and uncomfortable emotions so you can release them. Once you do that, you’ll be able to meet your breakthrough with a lighter, more healed energy.

8. You’re noticing lots of coincidences.

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Like hearing the same song or seeing the same image every time you’re about to make a decision. This isn’t a coincidence at all actually, it’s the world’s way of signaling to you that you’re on the right path and you’re aligned with your purpose.

9. You’ve let go of control.

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When you’re able to let life flow naturally, you’re instilling trust in the universe. You know that life is uncertain, so you take it in stride and embrace it. That allows you to approach new situations and opportunities with a high level of flexibility and openness.

10. You’re meeting people who inspire you.

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No matter what you’re working towards in life, the universe will always put someone in your path to create a spark. Whether that’s simply just seeing that what you want exists or making a more personal connection, these people entering your life can signify a major breakthrough.

11. You’re getting a lot of creative bursts.

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If things have felt a little stagnant lately and you start getting pops of inspiration, that’s a sign! It shows that your neural pathways are awake and ready to run with whatever breakthrough comes your way.

12. You’re releasing old patterns.

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Letting go of old habits—like texting that one ex—that no longer serve you is a big sign you’re about to level up. When you kick nasty habits to the curb, it makes room for a breakthrough (and new, better habits) to enter.

13. You’re more patient.

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Even if things have been feeling kind of stuck, you’ve taken it in stride. You know that good things take time and you’re willing to wait for them! It’s kind of like this: you know how when you want to find a partner it seems so hard and then when you stop thinking about it someone pops into your life? Same with major breakthroughs.

14. You’ve gotten clearer on your purpose.

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Whether you know exactly what you were put on this earth to do or you’re just getting closer to it, you’ve been doing some serious soul-searching. Regardless of how far you are in that process, you’re getting more aligned day by day and that’s a sign of a major breakthrough.

15. You’re not scared of change.

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Change used to be something that kind of scared you. But now? You’re getting more okay with it and the idea of stepping out of your comfort zone no longer feels like concrete in your chest. You know that in order to get to a breakthrough, you have to accept some level of change.

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