15 Signs You Can’t Make Up Your Mind And Are Eternally Indecisive

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Hi, fellow waffler! If you’ve ever spent 30 minutes deciding what to watch on Netflix, only to give up and scroll through your phone instead, this one’s for you. Let’s get into the telltale signs that you might be the poster child for indecision. Buckle up…or don’t. It’s your call. (See what I did there?)

1. Your Amazon Cart is a Graveyard of Indecision

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You’ve got 47 items in your cart, each with its own 20-tab research session behind it. Will you ever actually buy that air fryer? Or that set of resistance bands? Or that book on how to be more decisive? The world may never know. One thing we do know, though—according to Psychology Today the act of being so indecisive may be linked to neuroticism.

2. You Have a Love-Hate Relationship with Multiple Choice Tests

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On one hand, the options are right there. On the other hand…the options are right there. You can spend an entire exam period flip-flopping between A and C, convinced that the answer is simultaneously both and neither.

3. Your Closet is a Rainbow of Unworn Clothes (with Tags)

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You bought them because you couldn’t decide in the store, thinking you’d make up your mind at home. Spoiler alert: You didn’t. Now your closet is a boutique of brand new, never-worn items that you’re still unsure about.

4. Your Friends Have Started Making Decisions for You

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“We’re going to that new Italian place at 7. Wear something nice. I’ll pick you up.” Your friends have realized that if they want to actually do anything with you, they need to take charge. You’re secretly relieved, but also slightly annoyed because what if you didn’t want Italian? (But then again, you’re not sure what you do want, so…)

5. Picking a Movie is Your Personal Everest

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By the time you’ve read every synopsis, checked all the ratings, and watched all the trailers, it’s bedtime. You’ve spent more time deciding on a movie than it would have taken to watch one. Or two. Or a whole season of a TV show. Palm, meet face.

6. You’re the Master of the “Maybe” RSVP

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Committing to plans feels like signing a lifetime contract. What if a better option comes along? What if you’re not in the mood that day? Your calendar is a sea of “tentative” events and your friends have started placing bets on whether you’ll show up.

7. Your Hobbies Are All Works in Progress

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Knitting, painting, writing, coding—you’ve started them all! Finishing them? Well, that’s another story. Your home is a museum of half-finished projects because you can’t decide which one to focus on. Who knows? Maybe combining yarn, watercolors, and Python will create the next big thing in the art world!

8. Your Idea of Hell is an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet

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So many options! How can you possibly try everything? What if you fill up on something and miss out on something better? You’ll need a plan, a map, and possibly a support group to tackle this culinary challenge.

9. You Have Multiple Playlists Called “Final Version”

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Final Version. Final Final Version. Actually Final Version This Time. No Really This Is The Final Version. Your Spotify account is a timeline of your inability to commit to a playlist order.

10. You’re Always “Five More Minutes” Away From Being Ready

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Getting ready to go out with you is an exercise in patience for your friends. You’re always almost ready, just need to decide on shoes. No wait, maybe a different shirt. Actually, should we just stay in?

11. Your Favorite Word is “Unless…”

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You’ve finally made a decision! Hurray! But wait… your brain immediately starts conjuring up scenarios that could change everything. “I’ll wear the blue shirt, unless it’s going to be hot, in which case maybe the white one, unless we’re going somewhere fancy, then perhaps…” Your decisions come with more conditions than an insurance policy.

12. You’re a Serial Tab Opener

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Your browser looks like it’s trying to break a Guinness World Record for “Most Tabs Open Simultaneously.” You start researching one topic, which leads to another, and another, and before you know it, you’ve got 50 tabs open across three windows. Why close any of them? You might need that information…someday…maybe.

13. Your Dating App Matches Think You’ve Ghosted Them

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In reality, you’re just trying to craft the perfect response. Should you go with a joke? A question? A casual “hey”? By the time you decide, they’ve probably met someone else, gotten married, and had kids.

14. “I Don’t Know, What Do You Want to Do?” is Your Catchphrase

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Planning anything with you is like playing a game of decision ping-pong. “Where should we eat?” “I don’t know, where do you want to eat?” This back-and-forth can go on so long that by the time you decide, it’s breakfast time again.

15. You’re Reading This List and Still Can’t Decide if it Applies to You

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“Well, some of these sound like me, but not all of them. Maybe I’m indecisive? Or am I just thorough? I should probably read more articles to be sure…” If you’re feeling like your trait is mostly undesirable, some good news: according to the BBC, recent research suggests that the struggle to come to a quick conclusion can have an upside. Since it protects people from some important cognitive biases. Kinda cool, huh?

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