15 Subtle Signs You’re More Stressed Than You Think

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Stress happens to the best of us: racing thoughts, tension headaches, and that overwhelming sense of anxiety and dread. Sometimes, stress can creep up on you in a way that’s not so obvious and easy to overlook. Here are 15 subtle signs you’re more stressed out than you think—and how to save your sanity.

1. You’re Constantly Tired

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If you feel exhausted all the time, even after a good night’s sleep, stress could be the culprit. Chronic stress can disrupt your natural sleep cycle, making it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. This can lead to constant fatigue, which is your body’s way of telling you it’s overwhelmed. Stop trying to power through; take a step back to breathe, relax, and address your stress levels.

2. You’re More Forgetful

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Stress can mess with your memory and concentration, making you feel scattered and forgetful. If you can never find your phone or keys or forget what you were doing, your brain is overloaded with stress and is struggling to store and retrieve information. If you notice your memory taking a dive, take a break.

3. Your Skin is Acting Up

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Stress doesn’t just live in your head—it reveals itself on your skin. If you’ve noticed more breakouts, dryness, or flare-ups of conditions like eczema or psoriasis, stress could be to blame. When you’re stressed, your body releases cortisol, the stress hormone, which triggers inflammation in the body and causes skin issues. Remember, your skin is a reflection of your internal state, so listen to it.

4. You’re Always Hungry—or Not at All

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Stress can throw your appetite and eating habits out of whack. Some people constantly reach for snacks to cope, while others lose their appetite altogether. These changes in eating habits may be severe or subtle, but they are usually linked to how your body reacts to stress. Pay attention to your body and hunger levels and ask yourself if you’re eating or not eating because of stress.

5. You Snap at Everyone

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If your patience has worn paper thin and you start snapping or lashing out at people, stress is getting the best of you. Irritability and a short temper are typical signs you’re under stress, as your body’s fight-or-flight response is on high alert. If little things are setting you off, take a breather to check in and center yourself.

6. Your Muscles Tense Up

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The physical manifestations of stress can show up as a clenched jaw, hunching shoulders, or tension and tightness in your neck and back. When you’re stressed, your muscles tense up as a result of your body’s natural response to perceived threats. If your body is constantly tense and you feel pain, your stress levels are higher than you realize.

7. You Can’t Focus

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When you’re stressed, your mind is all over the place, which makes it hard to focus on even the most straightforward task. Whether it’s at work, during conversations, or doing things you enjoy, you can’t seem to concentrate. This mental fog can be frustrating and unproductive and add to your stress levels. A lack of focus is a signal that your brain needs some downtime.

8. You Have Weird Dreams

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Stress doesn’t just wreak havoc by day; it can invade your sleep too. If you’ve been having strange, vivid dreams or nightmares, this is your brain’s way of processing stress. These dreams can leave you feeling unsettled or anxious, which sends stress levels spiking further. Take bad dreams as a sign your stress is seeping into your subconscious and indulge in some relaxation techniques like meditation.

9. You Get Sick More Often

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Stress weakens your immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses. If you’ve noticed that you’re getting sick more often, your body is worn down by stress. Always getting a cold is your body’s way of telling you it’s struggling to cope, so take that as a serious sign to take a day off and unwind. You could get really sick if not.

10. You’ve Lost in Interest in Things You Enjoy

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One of the more subtle ways stress makes itself known is a loss of interest in hobbies or socializing. If you find yourself skipping invitations or feeling indifferent about things that used to excite you, stress is taking a toll on your mental health. This lack of interest is one step closer to burnout, so find ways to relieve stress and take steps to reconnect with the things that bring you joy.

11. You Experience Analysis Paralysis

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If you find yourself second-guessing every decision or feeling paralyzed by the thought of having to make one, it’s a sign that your stress levels are through the roof. Indecisiveness and analysis paralysis means your brain is overloaded with stress, and your critical thinking has left the building. Get off the treadmill.

12. You Feeling Anxious for No Reason

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We all experience anxiety, but if that anxiety feels crippling or you’re anxious for no apparent reason, that’s chronic stress lurking beneath the surface.  Generalized anxiety, like stress, is a mental health disorder and can make you feel on edge, restless, or unable to relax. It’s also your body’s way of signaling it’s in a constant state of alert, even though there’s no immediate threat.

13. You Procrastinate More

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If you constantly put off tasks that you used to tackle with ease, your stress levels are sabotaging your productivity. Procrastination is a default coping mechanism for dealing with overwhelming stress. The more stressed you are, the harder it is to motivate yourself, leading to a vicious cycle of more stress and avoidance.

14. You’re Experiencing Digestive Issues

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Your gut is like a second brain, so when you’re stressed, your digestive system suffers. Stress can mess with your digestive system, causing stomachaches, indigestion, or changes in your bowel habits.  Don’t ignore these signs—listen to your gut— it’s trying to tell you something.

15. You’re Overwhelmed by Small Things

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When you’re a stressed-out mess, even minor inconveniences can feel like major obstacles. If you’re finding small tasks or unexpected changes overwhelming, it’s a sign that your stress levels are maxed out. Take a step back, prioritize self-care, and find ways to manage your stress.

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