If You Have Any Of These 40 Personality Traits, You’re An Extremely Toxic Person

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No one likes to think of themselves as a toxic person, but if you have these personality traits, the label may fit a bit more smugly than you’d like to admit. No one’s perfect and we all have our flaws, but these behaviors are problematic and will earn you a reputation for being someone everyone is better off avoiding altogether.

1. Manipulative behavior

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If you’re always pulling the strings in relationships or situations to get what you want, that’s manipulative behavior. It’s about controlling people for your benefit, often at their expense. This kind of behavior kills trust and can leave the people around you feeling used and powerless. It’s not just playing smart; it’s playing dirty.

2. Dishonesty

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Regularly lying, bending the truth, or hiding things? That’s a one-way ticket to becoming a toxic person. As Psychology Today warns, dishonesty breaks down trust, the foundation of all healthy relationships. Whether it’s big lies or little white lies, they add up, and soon enough, people start to question everything you say.

3. Lack of empathy

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If you find it hard to understand or share other people’s feelings, that’s a lack of empathy, Psych Central explains. This trait can make you seem cold, uncaring, and indifferent to other people’s struggles or pain. It’s not about being tough; it’s about being disconnected from the emotional well-being of those around you.

4. Narcissism

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Narcissism goes beyond just having a big ego. It’s an inflated sense of self-importance coupled with a need for constant admiration and a lack of regard for other people’s feelings. Narcissists often leave a trail of broken relationships and can be emotionally damaging to those close to them.

5. Constant criticism

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Everyone’s a critic, but if you’re always finding fault and never satisfied, that’s toxic. Constant criticism can wear down someone’s self-esteem and confidence. It’s one thing to offer constructive feedback; it’s another to constantly belittle and nitpick. If you do this, you seriously need to stop.

6. Gaslighting

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Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where you make someone question their own sanity or perceptions. It’s a dangerous form of emotional abuse that can leave people feeling confused, anxious, and unable to trust their own judgment.

7. Selfishness

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If it’s all about you all the time, that’s selfishness. This trait means consistently putting your needs and desires above everyone else’s, often without regard for the consequences to other people. It can leave the people in your life feeling unvalued and neglected.

8. Jealousy

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A little jealousy now and then is human, but when it’s constant, it becomes toxic. It often stems from insecurity and can manifest in possessiveness, suspicion, or resentment. It’s a trait that can smother relationships and create a hostile environment.

9. Aggressiveness

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There’s a difference between being assertive and being aggressive. Aggressiveness can be intimidating and damaging, creating an environment of fear. It’s not about being strong; it’s about being hostile.

10. Impulsiveness

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Acting without thinking can be reckless and often leads to hurtful or harmful situations. Impulsive behavior shows a lack of self-control and can be destabilizing to those around you. It’s not about being spontaneous; it’s about being unpredictable in a negative way.

11. Irresponsibility

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Irresponsibility means shirking your duties and obligations regularly. It’s about making commitments and then bailing, leaving other people to pick up the slack. This trait creates a lack of trust and puts undue pressure on those around you. It’s not about being carefree; it’s about being careless.

12. Blaming everyone else and never taking responsibility

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Always pointing fingers at other people for your own mistakes? That’s a classic sign of toxicity. Blaming other people means you’re not taking responsibility for your actions. It leads to a culture of defensiveness and mistrust and shows a lack of maturity and accountability.

13. Lack of remorse

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If you mess up and feel no guilt or desire to make amends, that’s a lack of remorse. This trait shows a disregard for the feelings and other people’s well-being. It’s not about being tough; it’s about being insensitive to the impact of your actions.

14. Passive-aggressiveness

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Passive-aggressive behavior is expressing negative feelings indirectly rather than openly talking about them, per Psychology Today. It creates confusion and conflict without the chance for clear resolution. This behavior is frustrating for other people, who can sense the hostility but are left unable to address it directly.

15. Unreliability

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Consistently failing to do what you say you will? That’s unreliability. It leaves people feeling like they can’t count on you. Whether it’s missing deadlines or breaking promises, this trait strains relationships and shows a lack of respect for other people’s time and efforts.

16. Pessimism

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Being a downer all the time can drain the energy of the people around you, Headspace notes. Constant pessimism breeds a negative atmosphere. It’s one thing to be realistic; it’s another to be perpetually negative, which can sap people’s morale and dampen the overall spirit.

17. Control freak tendencies

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If you always need things done your way and can’t delegate or let go, that’s a control freak tendency. It’s about a lack of trust in people and a need to micromanage, often leading to stress and resentment in relationships and teams.

18. Unforgiving nature

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Holding grudges and being unable to forgive can make you toxic. It’s about hanging onto past wrongs and not letting other people grow or change. This unforgiving nature can lead to bitterness and an inability to move forward in relationships.

19. Gossiping

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Gossiping is spreading rumors or private information about other people. It’s a form of betrayal and can quickly poison environments. Gossip creates a culture of mistrust and can damage reputations unfairly.

20. Need for constant attention

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Craving the spotlight all the time? This need for constant attention can be exhausting for those around you. It often stems from insecurity and can manifest in dominating conversations, exaggerating achievements, or even creating drama to stay at the center of attention.

21. Inability (or unwillingness) to listen

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If you find yourself always talking and rarely listening, that’s a problem. The inability to listen means you’re not truly engaging with people. It’s a form of disrespect and indicates a self-centered approach to interactions, leaving people feeling undervalued and unheard.

22. Disrespectfulness

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If you’re regularly disrespectful, you’re basically trampling over other people’s feelings and opinions. It’s about not valuing the dignity and worth of those around you. This trait can manifest in rude comments, dismissive attitudes, or treating people as inferior. It creates an environment of hostility and diminishes the self-esteem of those affected.

23. Rage and anger issues

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Flying off the handle at the slightest provocation? That’s toxic. Rage and anger issues lead to an atmosphere of fear and walking on eggshells for those around you. It’s not just about losing your temper; it’s about creating a space where people feel unsafe or constantly anxious.

24. Defensiveness

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Being defensive all the time means never owning up to your faults and always finding a way to make it someone else’s problem. It stops you from learning from your mistakes and growing. Defensiveness pushes people away and hinders open, honest communication.

25. Over-dramatizing

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Making a mountain out of every molehill? That’s over-dramatizing. It’s about blowing things out of proportion and creating unnecessary drama. This behavior can be draining for those around you, as they’re constantly caught up in your whirlwind of crises.

26. Hypocrisy

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Do as I say, not as I do – that’s hypocrisy. It’s about holding people to standards you don’t follow yourself. This trait is frustrating and disheartening for people, as it shows a lack of integrity and fairness.

27. Lack of boundaries

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If you don’t respect people’s personal space, privacy, or limits, that’s a lack of boundaries. This behavior can make people feel violated and uncomfortable. It’s about not understanding or caring where you end and another person begins.

28. Mood swings

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Unpredictable mood swings can create a sense of instability and anxiety in those around you. It’s like everyone has to walk on eggshells, never knowing what version of you they’re going to get. It’s not just about being emotionally expressive; it’s about being emotionally volatile.

29. Disregard for other people’s feelings

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Ignoring how your actions impact other people? That’s a big red flag. Disregarding people’s feelings shows a self-centered approach to life. It’s about focusing solely on your needs and desires, without considering the emotional cost to those around you.

30. Arrogance

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Arrogance is more than just confidence; it’s an inflated sense of self-importance. It’s thinking you’re better than everyone else and often expressing it in dismissive or belittling ways. This trait alienates people and makes meaningful connections difficult.

31. Sarcasm

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While a bit of sarcasm can be humorous, constant sarcasm can be cutting and hurtful. It’s often used as a passive-aggressive way to express disdain or criticism. Overuse of sarcasm can create an unwelcoming and harsh environment.

32. Intolerance

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Being intolerant of people’s differences – whether it’s their beliefs, backgrounds, or lifestyles – is toxic. It’s about being closed-minded and often leads to discriminatory and hurtful behaviors. Intolerance creates a divisive and hostile atmosphere, making it difficult for diverse ideas or people to be accepted.

33. Stubbornness

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Being stubborn all the time isn’t just about being strong-willed; it’s refusing to consider other viewpoints or ideas. This inflexibility can stifle growth and progress, both in personal and professional settings. It leads to a stalemate in relationships and situations, where nothing changes because you refuse to budge.

34. Victim mentality

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Always seeing yourself as the victim, even when it’s not the case? That’s a victim mentality. It’s about refusing to take responsibility for your actions and blaming everything on external factors. This mindset keeps you from making positive changes, as you’re always handing over control to someone or something else.

35. Inconsistency

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If you’re all over the place with your words and actions, that’s inconsistency. It makes you unreliable and untrustworthy. People never know what to expect from you, which makes it hard for them to depend on you. This trait creates confusion and uncertainty in relationships.

36. Over-dependence

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Relying too much on other people for your emotional or physical needs is over-dependence. It can strain relationships and prevent you from developing self-reliance. This behavior often leads to a one-sided relationship dynamic where the burden falls unfairly on one person.

37. Emotional detachment

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Keeping your emotions locked up might seem like a way to stay in control, but excessive emotional detachment is harmful. It creates a barrier to forming deep, meaningful relationships. People around you might feel like they can never truly get to know or connect with you.

38. Over-competitiveness

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A little competition can be healthy, but being overly competitive, especially in non-competitive situations, is toxic. It’s about wanting to win at all costs, even if it means hurting people or damaging relationships. This trait can turn even simple activities or interactions into stressful encounters.

39. Cynicism

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Having a cynical view of the world can be toxic, especially when it’s constant. It’s one thing to be skeptical; it’s another to dismiss everything as hopeless or insincere. This outlook can be draining for those around you and prevents you from seeing the good in situations and people.

40. Exploitative behavior

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If you’re using people for your gain without considering the impact on them, that’s exploitative behavior. It’s about taking advantage of people’s kindness, weaknesses, or resources for your own benefit. This behavior is harmful and destructive, breaking down trust and respect in relationships.

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