What To Say When Someone Says Something Hurtful About The Way You Look

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We’ve all been there—someone makes a comment about our appearance and it stings…a lot. It can catch you off guard and leave you feeling hurt, angry, or insecure. But don’t worry, I’ve got your back! Here’s a list of ways to respond when someone says something hurtful about the way you look. And always remember: you’re awesome just the way you are!

1. “That’s an interesting opinion. I happen to like the way I look.”

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By calling their comment an “opinion,” you’re subtly pointing out that it’s not a universal truth. The second part, “I happen to like the way I look,” is a powerful affirmation of self-love. It sends a clear message that their opinion doesn’t align with your own self-image, and more importantly, that your opinion of yourself matters more than theirs.

2. “I’m comfortable in my own skin. I hope one day you can be too.”

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The first part clearly states your self-acceptance, while the second part suggests that the person making the comment might be projecting their own insecurities. It’s a subtle way of saying, “Your comment is more about you than me.”

3. “Unless you’re my doctor or my partner, my appearance is none of your business.”

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This response clearly defines boundaries by specifying who has the right to comment on your body. It’s direct and leaves no room for argument. This response makes it clear that comments on your looks from anyone other than your doctor or partner are off-limits.

4. “Ouch. You must be having a really bad day to say something like that.”

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This response shows empathy while also calling out the hurtful behavior. By suggesting that their comment stems from having a bad day, you’re offering them an excuse to back down and possibly apologize. It’s a compassionate approach that doesn’t excuse their behavior but recognizes that people sometimes lash out when they’re struggling.

5. “I’m not a piece of artwork to be critiqued. I’m a human being deserving of respect.”

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This powerful response reminds the other person of your humanity. It challenges the fact that they’re objectifying you and asserts your inherent worth as a person. By framing respect as something you deserve, you’re setting a clear standard for how you expect to be treated.

6. “Thanks for the feedback. I’ll give it all the consideration it deserves.”

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On the surface, it seems polite, but the subtext is clear—their opinion is worthless to you. This can be a good option when you want to dismiss the comment without engaging in further discussion. It’s a way of having the last word while maintaining a facade of politeness.

7. “That comment says more about you than it does about me.”

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This response is a subtle but effective way to turn the spotlight back on the person making the hurtful comment. It suggests that their need to criticize others reflects poorly on their own character, not on your appearance. It’s a diplomatic way of standing up for yourself while also encouraging self-reflection in the other person.

8. “I’m comfortable with my appearance. Thanks, though.”

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This response is direct and assertive, perfect for setting clear boundaries. The first sentence establishes your self-confidence, while the second politely but firmly tells them that you don’t need or want their validation. It’s a great way to shut down further comments by making it clear that their approval (or disapproval) has no bearing on how you feel about yourself.

9. “Wow, that’s a pretty hurtful thing to say. Did you mean it that way?”

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This approach gives the other person the benefit of the doubt while also calling out the hurtful nature of their comment. It opens up a dialogue, allowing them to reflect on their words and potentially apologize. This response is particularly useful when dealing with friends or family who might not realize the impact of their words. It’s a gentle way of educating them about how their comments affect others.

10. “It’s not like you to comment on others’ appearances. Is everything okay with you?”

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Instead of becoming defensive, you’re expressing concern for the person making the comment. This can often catch the other person off guard and make them reconsider their behavior. It’s a compassionate approach that can lead to a more meaningful conversation.

11. “I’m not interested in your opinion about my looks. Let’s change the subject.”

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Sometimes, being direct is the best approach. This response clearly states your boundaries without being rude. It also offers a way to move the conversation in a more positive direction, giving the other person an easy out to change their behavior.

12. “I didn’t realize we were in a beauty pageant. When did that happen?”

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This sarcastic response uses humor to point out how ridiculous it is to judge others based on appearance. By likening the situation to a beauty pageant, you’re highlighting the absurdity of unsolicited judgments on appearance in everyday life.

13. “My body, my rules. Your input isn’t needed.”

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The first part, “My body, my rules,” is a powerful statement of bodily autonomy. It reminds the other person that you have the ultimate say over your own body. The second part makes it crystal clear that their opinion on your appearance is neither welcome nor necessary.

14. “Thanks for sharing. I’ll file that under ‘opinions I didn’t ask for’.”

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The sarcastic tone makes it clear that their opinion isn’t welcome or valued. It’s a way of standing up for yourself without being overly confrontational. The key to pulling this off is in the delivery—aim for a light, maybe even slightly amused tone rather than an angry one.

15. “I’m focusing on being healthy and happy, not meeting others’ expectations.”

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This response suggests that you have priorities beyond just looking a certain way, which can be a powerful perspective shift for both you and the person making the comment.

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