How to Respond When Someone Says “I Was Just Joking”

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We’ve all been there. You’re pouring your heart out to a friend, seeking their understanding and support, and they make a hurtful comment. To make matters worse, when you call out their behavior or poor choice of words, they dismiss or excuse it as a “joke.” When you know their intention was to be anything but funny.  Here’s how to respond in the face of this passive-aggressive comment.

1. “Why Is This a Joke to You?”

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This response asks them to question their motivations and why they feel the need to “joke” in a stressful situation. It underscores that you don’t appreciate them using humor to be dismissive or mean. It’s like holding up a mirror to them to reconsider their response and imply you found it offensive.

2. “I Didn’t Find It Funny at All.”

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This is a firm and straightforward response that clearly communicates you are upset by what they said. You’re not accusing them of anything; you’re just stating your opinion and showing you have boundaries. This approach opens up the conversation for them to explain what they really meant and why they felt the need to say something that could be misconstrued.

3. “I Can’t Let This Slide”

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This reinforces that you have boundaries and aren’t prepared to let their hurtful comment go. It shows you care about the person and your relationship with them and want to address and discuss the issue. You aren’t attacking them; you want to improve the connection and change the way you communicate in the future.

4. “It Hurt My Feelings.”

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When you use “I” statements to express your feelings, you are letting the person know honestly how you felt. You are also being clear and direct in communicating you found their comments insensitive and hurtful. By opening up about your emotional reaction, you are inviting them to see things from your perspective and asking them to be more mindful in their choice of words.

5. “I Know You’re Better Than That”

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This calls out their behavior, expresses your disappointment, and appeals to their better nature. It implies you felt they were not acting in a way that was helpful or reflective of their personality and your relationship. You are also putting the “joke” back on them and trying to make them see the error of their ways (and words).

6. “It Didn’t Come Off as a Joke”

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This directly challenges their claim that their intention was to make a “joke.” You aren’t being confrontational; you are firmly highlighting the disconnect between what they said and their justification. It also encourages them to reconsider how their words are perceived and why they are trying to hide what they truly want to say behind off-handed humor.

7. “Jokes Are Meant to be Funny.”

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This is short and straightforward and makes it abundantly clear that their attempt at humor failed. It also states you don’t buy their excuse that they were trying to be funny. You may come off as a little confrontational, but it makes it hard to try to justify their words as humor. It also shows you don’t appreciate and won’t tolerate this kind of attitude and approach in conversations.

8. “Am I Supposed to Find This Funny?”

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This questions their motivation for making the”joke” and its content. It also confirms that you found it offensive. It will put them on the back foot, forcing them to explain their intentions and dissect the words they used. Hopefully, they will recognize that their “joke” fell flat or was passive-aggressive.

9. “Do You Understand What You Just Said?”

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By shifting the focus back onto them and their intention, you are asking them to consider the impact of their words. You are also asking them to take accountability and pointing out that their “joke” was inappropriate or hurtful. They may get their guard up, but with a bit of luck, they will be more careful of what they say in the future.

11. “It Seems More Like an Excuse.”

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This directly challenges the idea that they were “just joking” to justify their poor choice of words. It’s more confrontational, but it doesn’t leave any room for misinterpretation. You are calling out that you see through their defense that they were trying to be funny when you are well aware they weren’t.

12. “We Clearly Have Different Sense of Humors.”

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This makes it clear you felt their comments were inappropriate and don’t consider them funny. It’s a diplomatic way of disagreeing and questioning their intentions and why they feel the need to dismiss them as humor. You are also underscoring you are offended.

13. “It Sounded Pretty Disrespectful”

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This makes it clear you feel disrespected and want them to refrain from this behavior in the future. It shows you have boundaries and won’t tolerate being on the end of hurtful comments. You are also advocating for yourself and putting them firmly in their place.

14. “This Isn’t Something To Joke About”

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This states your view on the subject without attacking the other person. It’s a way of expressing that using humor is off-limits in this situation. You are drawing a line in the sand and letting them know they have crossed a boundary and acted disrespectfully.

15. “I Didn’t Realize You Were a Comedian.”

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This is a little passive-aggressive, but it will prompt them to question why they are trying to excuse their behavior as a joke. You are also communicating that you didn’t find what they said to be funny or helpful. Nor do you believe their intention was to use humor but rather to disguise their opinion in a way that is condescending.

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