15 Reasons Being Mysterious Isn’t Attractive And What Is

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The allure of being mysterious can be charming and attractive in movies but in real life, you can come off as cold, distant, or like you have something to hide. Cut the act, and bring your real authentic self to the table as ultimately you want people to love and accept you for who you are.

1. It Creates Distance

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Playing your cards close to your chest to create an allure of mystery can seem intriguing at first but it also creates an emotional barrier in your relationship. People can’t connect with what they don’t understand, so if you’re holding back no one can read you properly. Real attraction and creating a deep bond in a relationship comes from connection and opening up.

2. It Can Be Confusing

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When you act all mysterious people don’t really know where they stand with you. This can also cause you to give mixed signals and others can become frustrated and lose interest. Drop the act and be clearer and more open in communicating your needs, feelings, and fears. This is attractive and there is power in vulnerability.

3. It Comes Off As Indifferent

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Trying to be mysterious can make you appear aloof and indifferent. It can also make you seem tricky and untrusting. When you don’t reveal your true thoughts or feelings, others might assume you aren’t interested. Stop the game-playing and get real, when you appear honest and genuine you are much more appealing to potential partners.

4. It Makes You Seem Emotionally Unavailable

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Being mysterious can translate to being emotionally unavailable. Even if that’s not your intention it may cause someone to stop investing time and energy into something that’s going nowhere. Emotional availability is the key to creating deep, meaningful connections which is what attracts people to you and creates a healthy relationship dynamic.

5. It Can Be A Red Flag

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If you’re always trying to withhold your emotions or not reveal parts of yourself it can be seen as a red flag for others. They may wonder what you’re hiding and what your intentions are which can lead to mistrust. Transparency and honesty are far more attractive and will establish trust and a sense of security in relationships.

6. It Says Your Not Authentic

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Being mysterious can come off as insincere and inauthentic. If someone is interested in you, they want to know the real you and feel they are with someone who is confident in their own skin. Forget trying to be mysterious and be authentic, they will either like you or they won’t and if they don’t they aren’t for you.

7. It Can Make You Unapproachable

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Projecting a mysterious persona can make you seem unapproachable, which is a turn-off. People are naturally drawn to warm, welcoming people, so if you seem closed off they may think you’re cold, difficult to get to know, or not interested.

8. It Limits Trust

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Trust is the foundation of a strong, healthy relationship so being all mysterious doesn’t bode well. When you’re not forthcoming with your emotions or information can people become mistrusting of you. Openness and honesty are far more attractive qualities.

9. It Can Lead to Misunderstandings

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When you’re not clear about who you are or what you want it can cause misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and lead to tension and conflict. Being straightforward and a good communicator is a very appealing and attractive quality and will avoid issues down the track.

10. It Lacks Depth

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Being a little mysterious might seem intriguing in the beginning, but ultimately it lacks depth. People want meaningful connections so if you’re always playing it safe and on the surface, you can seem shallow and superficial. Having the confidence to share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences allows people to get to know you better and your bond will deepen.

11. It Can Be Exhausting

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Let’s be honest trying to be mysterious is a form of game-playing and it can be childish and exhausting for you and a potential love match. It takes effort to maintain that air of mystery and people may grow bored and frustrated from having to figure you out. Being open and genuine is more attractive and sustainable in the long run.

12. It Can Make You Seem Disengaged

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When you hold back others may perceive you as disengaged or uninterested. People want to feel valued, appreciated, and respected in their interactions and relationships. Be more present, take an interest in your partner’s life, give them a safe space to share their emotions, and don’t be afraid to do the same.

13. It Doesn’t Encourage Intimacy

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Intimacy whether that’s emotional or physical is important to keep a relationship alive. If you’re too busy trying to be mysterious you could be sabotaging this.  Vulnerability is the key to establishing intimacy so open up about your needs and desires, that’s when the real magic happens.

14. It Can Be Perceived As A Power Play

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Being mysterious can come off as a way to exert control over your partner and get the upper hand in a relationship. This kind of power play can cause power struggles and throw your relationship dynamic out of balance. Mutual respect and equality are the hallmarks of a happy, healthy relationship.

15. It’s Uncool And Outdated

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The idea of being mysterious to be attractive is kind of cliche. Smart, emotionally aware people value transparency, honesty, and authenticity in their relationships. If you’re hiding behind a veil of mystery people could just think you’re a bit of a fool.

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