Can You Spot a Genuine Person? 15 Signs They’re the Real Deal

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A lot of people these days seem to be putting on a show. That’s why, when you meet someone who is truly genuine, it can be refreshing! But how can you tell if someone is the real deal? While there’s no foolproof method, there are certain signs that can help you spot a genuine person, here are 15 of them.

1. They’re the same online and offline

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In a world where everything is centered around social media, this is a big one. Genuine people don’t create a separate persona for their online followers. Nope, the person you see on Instagram and TikTok is the same person you’ll meet in real life. It’s not a carefully curated image or a highlight reel, what you see is what you get.

2. They listen more than they talk

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Sounds obvious, but according to the Huffington Post, genuine people can focus intently in a conversation simply because they are truly interested in what the other person has to say. They don’t just wait for their turn to speak and one-up the person talking. They actively listen to understand—they ask follow-up questions and remember details from previous conversations. They’re less concerned with hearing themselves speak and more concerned with creating a real connection.

3. They admit when they’re wrong

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Not everyone is good at admitting when they aren’t right. But genuine people? They aren’t afraid to say “I was wrong” or “I made a mistake.” They don’t try to shift blame or make excuses. Instead, according to Psychology Today, they recognize their shortcomings, accept them, and take responsibility for their actions. Beyond that, they’re also willing to learn from their errors. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about being honest.

4. They celebrate others’ successes

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Jealousy and competitiveness? Genuine people have never heard of it. They’re not only genuinely happy when good things happen to others (and aren’t afraid to show it), but they’ll also be your biggest cheerleader when you succeed. They’re not threatened by your achievements, they’re in awe of them.

5. They don’t look for attention

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While they’re not necessarily shy, genuine people aren’t looking for the spotlight in every situation. They’re comfortable letting others shine and don’t feel the need to make everything about themselves. That’s because they are secure enough in who they are, and they don’t need other people to validate them.

6. They’re not afraid to say “I don’t know”

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You’re not going to catch a genuine person pretending to know everything. They’re comfortable enough with themselves that they have no problem admitting when they don’t know something. Plus, they’re eager to learn! They know that admitting ignorance about something is actually an opportunity for growth, not a weakness that needs to be hidden.

7. They have a sense of humor about themselves

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Have you ever been around someone who can laugh at themselves? Well, that person was probably very genuine. That’s because genuine people don’t take themselves too seriously. They know how to joke about their own quirks and mistakes, and they show a healthy sense of self-awareness day in and day out.

8. They show vulnerability

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Genuine people will always show themselves—weaknesses, insecurities, all of it. They get that being vulnerable isn’t a bad thing—far from it! They see it as a sign of strength and are willing to open up to others about their struggles and fears as a way of genuinely connecting.

9. They’re grateful

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Something that genuine people are really good at is expressing gratitude… and not just for big things. They appreciate the small stuff too. So whether it’s helping them move out of their apartment or bringing them their favorite treat when they’re stressed—they say “thank you” for it all. This attitude of gratitude isn’t forced or for show; it’s a genuine appreciation for the good things in their life.

10. They’re passionate about something

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Maybe it’s their work, a hobby, or a cause—whatever the topic, genuine people have something they’re truly passionate about. And don’t be mistaken, this passion is not just for show. It’s a real authentic enthusiasm that shines through when they talk about their spoon collection or their favorite sci-fi movie. They’re not afraid to geek out about their interests.

11. They’re comfortable with silence

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Ever been in a conversation where the other person can’t stop talking as if they’ve never been silent in their lives? Genuine people are different. They’re okay with pauses in conversation and don’t feel the need to fill every moment with chatter. They get that silence can speak volumes.

12. They’re not afraid to disagree

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Genuine people don’t just nod along to avoid conflict. Nope, they’re willing to respectfully disagree when their views are different. They know that honest disagreement isn’t a cause for a fight, it’s a way to share, learn, and create deeper understanding and stronger relationships.

13. They ask for help when they need it

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Genuine people are not too prideful. They recognize their limitations and aren’t afraid to ask for help when they need it. That’s because they know something most people don’t: asking for support isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of self-awareness and maturity.

14. They follow through on their commitments

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When a genuine person says they’ll do something, you can bet your bottom dollar they’ll do it. They value their word above all else and they understand the importance of reliability. Now, if for some reason they can’t follow through, they’ll communicate openly and quickly about it rather than making excuses.

15. They’re not people-pleasers

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Sure, genuine people are kind, but they don’t bend over backward to please every person at every moment. They’re their own person and have their own values and opinions! They’re not afraid to stand by what they believe, even if it means sometimes disappointing others.

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