15 Responses to Someone Who Belittles You in Front of Others

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Being belittled in front of others is never a pleasant experience. It can leave you feeling embarrassed, hurt, and unsure of how to respond. However, there are effective ways to handle such situations that can help you maintain your dignity, and composure and clap back at the perp.

1. “Someone forgot to take their mood stabilizers.”

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This sarcastic, slightly comical response can defuse tension while showing you’re not taking the comment seriously. This lighthearted yet dark humor will disarm the person dishing out the belittling and shift the mood to a more easygoing one.

2. “I’m sorry your parents didn’t hug you enough.”

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This is a strong, sharp response that could cut and shock the person who made the nasty remark. It implies they have their own deep-seated issues and insecurities which is why they need to bring others down.

3. “I didn’t realize rudeness was your superpower.”

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This response exposes their rudeness and may make them think twice before making such comments again. At the same time calling it a superpower adds a lighthearted touch that could lower the tension.

4. “Not everyone should be entitled to an opinion.”

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This response flips the script and puts the focus on them as the person in the wrong.  The language used is another take on the old, “mind your own business.”

5. “I’m sorry you are so bitter.”

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This shows you aren’t accepting their belittling comment and implies that you think they are mean-spirited. By calling them bitter you are also calling into question their true feelings and behavior which may inspire them to take a look at themselves.

6. “Let’s keep the insults to a minimum.”

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This response is assertive and calls out the person for being critical and insulting. It sets a firm boundary and reinforces the importance of being respectful to people.

7. “Sounds like you’re having a pretty bad day.”

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This redirects their nasty and thoughtless remark back to them and shows you are letting it wash over you. You are also calling out their behavior and implying they are projecting their own stress and negativity onto you.

8. “It must suck having such a negative mindset.”

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This assertive response makes it clear that you won’t accept negativity or negative comments in any form. Not only are you standing up for yourself you are also asking them to ask themselves why they feel the need to bring others down.

9. “I’d like to unsubscribe from your issues.”

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This is a sharp response that says you are not taking on their BS. You are making it clear it is them that have unresolved issues and they are trying to project them onto you.

10. “I’m so lucky to have frenemies like you.”

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This makes the person think about their motives and exposes the pettiness and hostility of their comment. It also encourages self-reflection, implies you don’t entirely trust them, and will hopefully discourage them from making any more negative remarks.

11. “You should get a job as a diplomat.”

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This shows you think they are insensitive and tactless and their comment was hurtful. It may also make them consider the difference between helpful criticism and personal attacks and why they should learn the art of diplomacy.

12. “I hope you will learn to love yourself one day.”

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This shows that you aren’t bothered by their comment or belittling. It also implies you think they are projecting because they lack self-esteem and it reinforces your confidence and commitment to self-love.

13. “I guess anger is your default position.”

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This refocuses the conversation back on them and accuses them of acting out of anger or spite. This shows you think they acted harshly and implies you feel sorry for them or see them as an angry person.

14. “Say it a little louder I don’t think the people in back heard.”

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This shows not only are you offended by their comment you are shocked they dare to belittle you in public. It may make them reconsider saying anything in public again.

15. “I didn’t realize it was bring people down day.”

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This sarcastic but non-confrontational response acknowledges their comment and shows you feel belittled and humiliated. It also puts the onus back on them, implying they have made it their business to be mean to others.

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