15 Cutting Comebacks for When Someone Criticizes Your Appearance

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Being on the end of someone’s criticism can be hurtful especially if it’s about your appearance. People who criticize unnecessarily are just projecting their insecurities and issues onto you. Next time someone hands out an unsolicited critique pull out one of these sharp, witty comebacks to let them know you’re not buying into their BS.

1. “How do I unsubscribe from your toxic negativity?”

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This sends a very clear message. It says that you don’t want any part of negativity, nor do you want to be around anyone who is critical and judgy.

2. “I didn’t realize we were handing out opinions nobody asked for today.”

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This shows you don’t care about what they have to say. It also implies that you think they have an over-inflated opinion of their self-importance.

3. “Hang on, let me grab you a mirror.”

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This is a new twist on, “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” You are reminding them they are in no position to criticize or judge anyone, especially when it comes to appearances.

4. “I had no idea you were a fashion stylist.”

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This instantly shows you aren’t interested in their opinion nor are they an expert. It also implies their appearance and style aren’t all that.

5. “Stay in your lane and focus on your side of the street.”

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This is a translation of the old classic: “Mind your own damn business.” It tells them to worry about their own life and appearance and keep out of yours.

5. “I’d love to agree but then we’d both be wrong.”

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This is a funny yet very cutting response that dismisses their critique. It shows you aren’t playing.

6. “Thanks, I’ll call you when I need my next ego boost.”

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This uses sarcasm to let them know you are offended but also not taking what they said to heart. It also calls them out as someone who goes out of their way to put people down.

7. “Your insecurities are not my plants to water.”

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This calls them out for what they are. An insecure person who is projecting their issues and low self-esteem onto you.

8. “Who appointed you head of the style police?”

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Short, sharp, and straight to the point. You’re letting them know you don’t care for their opinion and they have no right to give it.

9. “Do you practice being this rude or does it come naturally?”

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This speaks directly to their inappropriate behavior and shows you think they are rude. It may make them think twice before handing out criticism again.

10. “Here you are thinking I need your approval.”

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This is another firm reminder that their negative opinions are a reflection of them, not you. It also reiterates you are secure and confident and they can’t undermine that.

12. “I’m sorry you weren’t loved as a child.”

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This comeback underscores your confidence and independence and states that you love and accept yourself for who you are. It also implies they don’t love themselves and again are projecting.

13. “Did you come up with that critique all by yourself?”

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This sarcastic comment undermines the originality and relevance of their criticism. It also implies they are small, petty, and insignificant.

14. “I hope you can learn to love yourself.”

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This implies you feel sorry for them and can see they have issues and insecurities. It also validates your self-confidence and commitment to self-love.

15. “Thanks, I really needed a laugh today.”

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Just as the comment implies, you are laughing off their criticism. You don’t care for their opinion and aren’t going to validate it with a response.

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