Habits of People Who Make Friends Easily (and Keep Them)

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Ever wonder how some people seem to make friends wherever they go? They’re not just lucky, nope, these friend-making masters have cultivated specific habits that make them magnetic to potential buddies. Whether you’re looking to expand your social circle or just curious about the science of connection, these habits will give you a peek into the minds of those who make friends easily.

1. They’re supportive of their friends’ successes

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Jealousy? These people have never heard of it. When their friends succeed, they’re the first to call them, throw them a party, or take them out to dinner. They understand that life isn’t like a pizza pie, just because someone else gets a slice doesn’t mean there’s nothing left for others.

2. They remember the details

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Did you mention your dog’s name once in passing? They’ll ask about Bruce next time they see you. Birthday coming up? They’ll remember. It’s not that they have a superhuman memory, it’s just that these people genuinely care. As a result of that, they pay attention to what people in their lives say.

3. They’re open and vulnerable

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These people aren’t afraid to share their own stories, including the not-so-flattering ones. By being real and vulnerable, they create a safe space for others to do the same. Whether they’re talking about that time they tripped on stage at graduation or when they called their teacher “mom,” they’re comfortable baring the parts of themselves that others might hide.

4. They’re positive, but not annoyingly so

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It’s true that no one likes a Debbie Downer, but constant perkiness can be exhausting too. People who are great at making friends are good at keeping a balance. They’re optimistic and uplifting, but they’re also real—they’re not going to tell you to smile when you had a horrible day at work. They read the room and are able to pull the levers of positivity up or down depending on the situation.

5. They show up

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Birthday parties, housewarming, your cat’s quinceañera—they’re there. These people understand that friendship isn’t just about the big moments; it’s about being present in the small ones too. They are reliable and dependable, and in a world where that’s not common, it’s amazing.

6. They’re inclusive

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If you were to sit down and watch these people at a party, you’d be absolutely amazed. They’re often the ones introducing people and making sure no one’s left out. They create connections not just for themselves, but for others too. They’re approachable, and according to Fast Company, that goes a long way.

7. They’re good listeners

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We’re not talking about the nodding-while-thinking-about-lunch kind of listening. These people practice active listening. They ask follow-up questions, they remember what you’ve said, they engage fully. No matter how big or small the topic, you can bet you’ve got their full attention. According to Yahoo, their natural curiosity is a big reason behind this.

8. They’re authentically themselves

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There’s no pretense here. Whether they’re a quirky sci-fi nerd or a sports fanatic, they own it. This authenticity is magnetic because it gives others permission to be themselves too. They create a fun and safe space for everyone to come as they are and that is apparent in how many friends they have.

9. They’re empathetic

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Had a bad day? They’re right there with you, offering a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. They have an uncanny ability to put themselves in others’ shoes, making people feel understood and supported.

10. They have a sense of humor

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They don’t take themselves too seriously and can laugh at themselves. This self-deprecating humor is not only fun to be around, but it’s also disarming and makes others feel comfortable. Plus, who doesn’t want a friend who can make them laugh?

11. They’re adaptable

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Whether they’re at a black-tie gala or a backyard BBQ, they can adjust their energy to fit the situation. In other words: they’re a chameleon. And that quality allows them to connect with any type of person in any type of setting.

12. They’re conflict-resolution pros

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Disagreements happen, but these people know how to address issues calmly and constructively. They hear other people out, voice their concerns, and try to find a middle ground so everyone leaves happy. They’re not afraid of difficult conversations, which actually strengthens their friendships in the long run.

13. They’re forgiving

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They understand that everyone messes up sometimes. Instead of holding grudges, they’re quick to forgive (but not forget, especially if it’s a pattern). If you forgot they had a big presentation, all good. If it slipped your mind to ask about how their date went, no biggie. This forgiveness creates a safe space for authentic relationships.

14. They express gratitude

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They don’t take their friends for granted. They regularly express appreciation, both for big gestures and small kindnesses. To put it plainly: they have an attitude of gratitude! That makes others feel extremely valued and it helps strengthen their already strong bonds.

15. They’re good at reading social cues

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They can tell when someone’s uncomfortable or wants to leave a conversation. They know when it’s time to take the subject. The point is, that they’re incredibly emotionally intelligent, and that allows them to navigate pretty much any situation smoothly. Who doesn’t want to be friends with someone like that?

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