15 Rules Clever Women Follow To Elevate Their Life

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Clever women aren’t just book smart; they have common sense and street smarts in spades. They’re not perfect and they know it, but they don’t always play by the rules. Instead, they know when to bend them and how to live life on their own terms. If you want to be more like this, here are some rules women like this follow that you can adopt for yourself.

1. They never underestimate the power of self-care.

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Clever women know that taking care of themselves isn’t selfish — it’s literally non-negotiable. Whether it’s taking a long bath every night, going for a run, or simply taking a few minutes to meditate, they prioritize themselves so that they can stay in a good physical and mental space. They understand that a happy and healthy mind and body are the foundations for a fulfilling life.

2. They embrace their quirks and imperfections.

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They know that perfection is overrated. They embrace their unique quirks and imperfections, knowing that these are what make them special. They don’t try to fit into a mold or conform to societal expectations. Instead, they celebrate their individuality and let their true selves shine (regardless of what anyone else thinks of it).

3. They surround themselves with positive and supportive people.

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Clever women know that the company they keep can significantly impact their lives. They surround themselves with people who lift them up, inspire them, and challenge them to grow. They avoid toxic relationships and drama because they haven’t got time or energy for it.

4. They never stop learning and growing.

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Clever women have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. They’re constantly reading, taking courses, attending workshops, and trying new things because they never know when they’ll discover a new passion.  They see learning as a lifelong journey (which it definitely should be, as Forbes points out), and are always open to new ideas and perspectives. Knowledge really is power, and they want as much of it as they can get.

5. They set boundaries and protect their energy.

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They know that they can’t please everyone, and they don’t try to. They set clear boundaries and protect their time and energy from people or situations that drain them. They prioritize their own needs and well-being, knowing that this is essential for maintaining a healthy balance in their lives.

6. They see failure as a learning opportunity.

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They don’t let fear of failure hold them back. They see setbacks as opportunities to learn, grow, and become even stronger. They understand that failure doesn’t mean that they’re doomed to never succeed, but that it’s a stepping stone on the path to achieving their goals.

7. They celebrate their successes and acknowledge their achievements.

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Clever women know that it’s important to acknowledge their wins, big and small. They pat themselves on the back sometimes for their hard work because they’re proud of their accomplishments. They know that they’re good at what they do and that they deserve a bit of self-applause now and then.

8. They trust their intuition and gut feelings.

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They have a strong sense of intuition and trust their gut feelings. They know that their inner wisdom is often more reliable than external advice or opinions. They listen to their hearts and make decisions that align with their values and goals, even if it means going against the grain.

9. They’re not afraid to ask for help when they need it.

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They know that they don’t have to have all the answers (because who does, really?). They’re not afraid to ask for help, advice, or support when they need it. They understand that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness, and that it can lead to new insights and solutions they might not have discovered on their own.

10. They embrace their femininity and use it to their advantage.

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Clever women know that femininity definitely isn’t a weakness, but a strength. They embrace their feminine qualities, such as empathy, intuition, and nurturing instincts, and use them to their advantage in both their personal and professional lives. They understand that being a woman doesn’t limit their potential — it makes it limitless.

11. They don’t let anyone else define their worth or happiness.

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Clever women know that their value comes from within, not from external validation. They don’t let anyone dictate their worth or happiness. They define their own standards of success and live their lives according to their own values and beliefs.

12. They take calculated risks and aren’t afraid to fail.

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These women know that taking risks is a must for growth and success. They don’t let fear hold them back from pursuing their dreams or trying new things. They understand that failure is a natural part of the learning process and that it can lead to even greater achievements in the future.

13. They speak their minds and stand up for what they believe in.

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Clever women are not afraid to express their opinions, even if they’re unpopular or controversial. They stand up for what they believe in and advocate for causes they care about. They use their voices to make a difference in the world and inspire other people to do the same.

14. They find humor in everyday situations and don’t take life too seriously.

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Clever women know how to laugh at themselves and find humor in even the toughest times (which, as Psychology Today points out, can be enormously beneficial). They don’t take life too seriously and understand the importance of lightening up and enjoying the moment. They know that laughter is good for the soul and that it can help them cope with stress and adversity.

15. They create their own opportunities and don’t wait for permission.

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Clever women don’t wait for opportunities to come to them. They create their own paths and forge their own destinies. They’re not afraid to take the initiative, step up, and make things happen. They understand that they’re in control of their own happiness and can forge their own paths, and that’s exactly what they plan to do.

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