15 Relationship Moments That Should Have Been Dealbreakers (But Weren’t)

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We all look back on past relationships and cringe at the things we let slide.

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Love can be blind, and sometimes, we ignore those glaring red flags that should have sent us running for the hills. But hey, hindsight is 20/20, right? Let’s take a walk down memory lane and revisit some of those relationship moments that should have been dealbreakers (but somehow, weren’t).

1. When they constantly criticized your friends or family

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Remember that time your partner made a snarky comment about your best friend’s fashion sense, or that awkward dinner where they openly questioned your mom’s cooking? It might have seemed like harmless teasing at the time, but looking back, it was a clear sign of disrespect and a lack of support for your relationships. It’s one thing to have different opinions, but it’s another to belittle the people you care about.

2. When they consistently forgot important dates or events

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Birthdays, anniversaries, that big promotion you were working towards – these milestones matter. When your partner repeatedly forgot them or brushed them off as unimportant, it was a sign that they weren’t prioritizing your relationship or your feelings. It’s not just about the event itself; it’s about the thoughtfulness and effort behind it. Remembering important dates shows that you care and that you’re invested in the relationship.

3. When they never apologized or took responsibility for their mistakes

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We all mess up sometimes, but it’s how we handle those mistakes that really matters. If your partner always shifted the blame, made excuses, or simply refused to acknowledge their wrongdoing, it was a clear sign that they lacked accountability and maturity. As Psychology Today highlights, a healthy relationship requires both partners to take responsibility for their actions and be willing to apologize when they hurt the other person.

4. When they were overly controlling or jealous

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A little jealousy can be cute, but when it turns into possessiveness and controlling behavior, it’s toxic. If your partner constantly questioned your whereabouts, checked your phone, or tried to isolate you from your friends and family, it was a major red flag. Trust and respect are essential for a healthy relationship, and controlling behavior is a sign of insecurity and a lack of both.

5. When they were dismissive of your feelings or concerns

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Remember those times when you tried to share something important with your partner, and they brushed it off, minimized your feelings, or made you feel like you were overreacting? That’s not okay. Your feelings are valid, and your partner should make you feel heard and understood. If they consistently dismissed your concerns, it was a sign that they weren’t emotionally available or weren’t invested in meeting your emotional needs.

6. When they were dishonest or secretive about their past or present

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Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship, and dishonesty can shatter that foundation in an instant. If your partner was constantly lying, hiding things from you, or being evasive about their past or present, it was a clear sign that they weren’t trustworthy. Honesty and transparency are crucial for building a strong and lasting connection.

7. When they constantly put their needs before yours

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Relationships should be a two-way street, with both partners taking care of each other’s needs. If your partner always prioritized their own desires, schedule, or comfort over yours, it was a sign that they were selfish and lacked consideration for your well-being. Healthy relationships involve compromise, sacrifice, and a willingness to put the other person’s needs first sometimes.

8. When they made you feel insecure or unworthy of love

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Love should make you feel confident and empowered, not insecure and unworthy. If your partner constantly criticized your appearance, belittled your accomplishments, or made you feel like you weren’t good enough, it was a sign of emotional abuse. You deserve to be with someone who loves and appreciates you for who you are, not someone who tries to tear you down.

9. When they constantly put you down or made jokes at your expense

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Humor is important in a relationship, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of your self-esteem. If your partner regularly made jokes that hurt your feelings or made you feel belittled, it was a sign of disrespect and a lack of consideration for your emotional well-being. Healthy relationships are built on mutual respect and support, not on tearing each other down with hurtful words.

10. When they were emotionally unavailable or distant

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Emotional intimacy is a crucial part of any romantic relationship. If your partner was consistently emotionally unavailable, distant, or unwilling to share their feelings, it was a major red flag. It can be incredibly lonely and frustrating to be in a relationship with someone who shuts you out or refuses to connect on a deeper level. Emotional intimacy is essential for building trust, understanding, and a strong bond between partners.

11. When they had different values or goals for the future

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While it’s normal for couples to have some differences, it’s important to be aligned on major life goals and values. If you and your partner had vastly different ideas about where you wanted to live, whether or not you wanted children, or how you wanted to spend your time and money, it could have been a sign that the relationship wasn’t meant to last. Shared values and goals are essential for building a life together and ensuring compatibility in the long run.

12. When they consistently broke promises or commitments

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Trust is built on reliability and follow-through. If your partner constantly broke promises, canceled plans at the last minute, or failed to follow through on their commitments, it was a sign that they weren’t reliable or trustworthy. This kind of behavior can erode trust and create resentment, making it difficult to build a solid foundation for a relationship.

13. When they refused to compromise or see things from your perspective

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Compromise is a key ingredient in any successful relationship. If your partner was always unwilling to budge on their opinions, demands, or preferences, it was a sign of inflexibility and a lack of respect for your needs and desires. Healthy relationships require both partners to be willing to meet in the middle and find solutions that work for both of them, per Verywell Mind.

14. When they were addicted to substances or had unhealthy coping mechanisms

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Addiction or unhealthy coping mechanisms can put a tremendous strain on a relationship. If your partner was struggling with addiction or relied on unhealthy habits to deal with stress or emotions, it could have created an unstable and unpredictable environment. While it’s important to be supportive, it’s also important to protect yourself and set boundaries. Remember, you can’t fix someone else’s problems, and trying to do so can be detrimental to your own well-being.

15. When your gut feeling told you something wasn’t right

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Sometimes, the most important dealbreaker is the one we ignore: our own intuition. If you had a nagging feeling that something wasn’t right in the relationship, even if you couldn’t quite put your finger on it, it was worth paying attention to. Trust your gut instincts and don’t ignore those red flags. Your intuition is often trying to tell you something important, and it’s essential to listen to it and act accordingly.

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