17 Clever Phrases To Put A Covert Narcissist Back in Their Place

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Dealing with a covert narcissist can be like navigating a minefield of passive aggression, manipulation, and gaslighting.

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They’re experts at playing the victim, twisting your words, and making you doubt yourself. But you don’t have to be their puppet. With a little wit and a calm demeanor, you can disarm their tactics and put them back in their place. Here are some clever phrases that can help you regain control of the conversation and protect your sanity.

1. “I see what you’re doing there.”

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This simple statement acknowledges their manipulative tactics without engaging in their drama. It shows them that you’re aware of their games and not falling for them. It also subtly challenges them to explain themselves, which they often find difficult to do without revealing their true intentions.

2. “That’s your opinion, and I’m entitled to mine.”

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Covert narcissists often try to invalidate your feelings and opinions, making you question your own reality. This phrase reminds them that your perspective is just as valid as theirs, and that you’re not going to be swayed by their attempts to control the narrative. It also sets a boundary and asserts your right to think and feel differently.

3. “I’m not interested in playing this game.”

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As Parade points out, covert narcissists love to play mind games, using guilt, shame, or other emotional manipulation tactics to get what they want. This phrase lets them know that you’re not willing to participate in their toxic games and that you see through their manipulation. It also shifts the power dynamic back in your favor, as you’re the one setting the terms of engagement.

4. “I hear what you’re saying, but I don’t agree.”

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This phrase acknowledges their perspective while also asserting your own. It shows that you’re willing to listen, but you’re not going to blindly agree with them just to avoid conflict. It also opens the door for a healthy debate or discussion, where both sides can be heard and respected.

5. “I need some space right now.”

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Sometimes, the best way to deal with a covert narcissist is to simply walk away. This phrase lets them know that you’re not engaging with their drama and that you need time to yourself. It’s a way to protect your energy and avoid getting sucked into their toxic vortex.

6. “I’m not responsible for your feelings.”

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Covert narcissists often try to make you feel guilty or responsible for their emotions. This phrase reminds them that you’re not their emotional punching bag and that they’re responsible for their own feelings. It also sets a healthy boundary and prevents them from manipulating you with guilt or shame.

7. “I’m going to focus on my own needs right now.”

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Narcissists are notorious for putting their own needs above everyone else’s. This phrase gently but firmly reminds them that you have needs too, and you’re not going to sacrifice your own well-being to cater to theirs. It’s a way of reclaiming your power and prioritizing your own self-care.

8. “I don’t appreciate being spoken to like that.”

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Don’t let a covert narcissist get away with disrespectful behavior. This phrase calls them out on their tone or language and lets them know that you won’t tolerate being treated poorly. It also sets a boundary and establishes your expectations for future interactions.

9. “That sounds like a ‘you’ problem.”

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This phrase deflects any blame or responsibility back onto the narcissist. When they try to make their issues your problem or manipulate you into fixing their messes, this simple statement draws a clear line. It’s a way to say, “I’m not here to solve your problems, and I won’t let you dump your emotional baggage on me.”

10. “I’m not interested in that conversation.”

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Covert narcissists love to steer conversations toward topics that make them feel superior or garner sympathy. When they start bragging about their achievements or complaining about their problems, this phrase shuts down the monologue. It’s a direct and assertive way to change the subject and let them know you’re not their captive audience.

11. “I need time to think about that.”

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Covert narcissists often try to pressure you into making decisions or commitments on the spot. This phrase buys you time to think things through and avoid being manipulated into something you’re not comfortable with. It also shows them that you’re not easily swayed by their tactics and that you value your own judgment.

12. “I don’t appreciate your tone.”

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Don’t tolerate condescension or disrespect from a covert narcissist. This phrase calls them out on their behavior and makes it clear that you won’t accept being talked down to. It’s a way to assert your boundaries and demand respect, even if they don’t think they need to give it.

13. “Your actions speak louder than your words.”

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Covert narcissists are experts at saying one thing and doing another. They might shower you with compliments while secretly undermining you, or they might apologize for their behavior without ever actually changing it. This phrase highlights the discrepancy between their words and actions, holding them accountable and forcing them to confront their own hypocrisy.

14. “I’m going to trust my own judgment on this.”

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Covert narcissists often try to sow seeds of doubt in your mind, making you question your own perceptions and decisions. This phrase reaffirms your trust in yourself and your ability to make sound judgments. It’s a way of saying, “I see through your manipulation, and I’m not going to let you control my thoughts or actions.”

15. “I refuse to engage in this negativity.”

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Covert narcissists thrive on drama and conflict. They might try to bait you into arguments, spread rumors, or create chaos just to get a reaction out of you. This phrase lets them know that you’re not playing their game. You’re choosing to rise above the negativity and focus on your own well-being. It’s a powerful way to set a boundary and protect yourself from their toxic energy.

16. “I’m not the person you think I am.”

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Covert narcissists often try to project their own insecurities and flaws onto other people, Psych Central warns. They might accuse you of being selfish, manipulative, or insecure, even if those traits are more reflective of themselves. This phrase challenges their projection and reaffirms your own self-worth. It’s a way of saying, “I know who I am, and I’m not going to let your negativity define me.”

17. “I’m done with this conversation.”

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Sometimes, the best way to deal with a covert narcissist is to simply end the conversation. This phrase sets a clear boundary and signals that you’re not willing to tolerate their behavior any longer. It’s a way to protect yourself from their manipulation and negativity and to move on with your life.

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