How To Be A Real Man: 17 Traits That Define Manliness

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Being a “real man” isn’t about fitting into a mold or conforming to outdated stereotypes.

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It’s about embracing your authentic self, embodying positive qualities, and striving to be the best version of yourself. Forget about the old-school clichés and instead, read on for some modern, thoughtful traits that define what it means to be a real man today.

1. He embraces vulnerability and expresses his emotions openly.

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A real man understands that vulnerability isn’t a weakness, but a strength. He’s not afraid to express his emotions, whether it’s joy, sadness, fear, or anger. He knows that bottling up emotions can be harmful to his mental and physical health, and that sharing them with other people can create deeper connections and understanding.

2. He practices empathy and actively listens to people.

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A real man strives to understand other people’s perspectives and experiences. He listens attentively, without judgment, and seeks to put himself in their shoes. He understands that, as Verywell Mind explains, empathy is not just about feeling for other people, but also about taking action to support and uplift them.

3. He challenges toxic masculinity and promotes equality.

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A real man recognizes that traditional notions of masculinity can be harmful and limiting. He challenges stereotypes that promote aggression, dominance, and emotional repression. He supports gender equality and advocates for a more inclusive and accepting society.

4. He takes responsibility for his actions and learns from his mistakes.

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A real man understands that everyone makes mistakes, but it’s how you handle them that matters. He takes ownership of his actions, apologizes when necessary, and strives to learn from his experiences. He doesn’t blame anyone else or make excuses; he focuses on personal growth and self-improvement.

5. He prioritizes his mental and physical well-being.

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A real man understands that his well-being is essential for his overall happiness and success. He makes time for exercise, healthy eating, and stress management. He seeks help when needed and prioritizes his mental health just as much as his physical health.

6. He cultivates healthy relationships based on trust, respect, and communication.

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A real man values the people in his life and invests in meaningful relationships. He communicates openly and honestly, listens actively, and shows appreciation for the people he cares about. He sets boundaries, resolves conflicts constructively, and creates a supportive and loving environment.

7. He pursues his passions and interests with enthusiasm and dedication.

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A real man embraces his unique talents and interests. He pursues his passions with enthusiasm and dedication, whether it’s a career, a hobby, or a creative endeavor. He understands that pursuing what he loves not only brings him joy, but also enriches his life and other people’s.

8. He stands up for what he believes in, even when it’s difficult.

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A real man has strong values and principles, and he’s not afraid to stand up for them. He speaks out against injustice, defends the vulnerable, and advocates for positive change. He understands that doing the right thing isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it.

9. He isn’t afraid to ask for help when he needs it.

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A real man recognizes that he doesn’t have to have all the answers or do everything on his own. He understands that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. He reaches out to friends, family, or professionals when he needs support, whether it’s for emotional, physical, or practical matters. He knows that asking for help allows him to overcome challenges and grow stronger.

10. He treats everyone with respect, regardless of their background or beliefs.

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A real man values diversity and treats everyone with dignity and respect. He doesn’t discriminate based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other factor. He recognizes that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and compassion, and he strives to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all.

11. He is a lifelong learner who seeks knowledge and challenges his own assumptions.

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A real man has a curious mind and a thirst for knowledge. He seeks out new information, challenges his own assumptions, and is open to different perspectives. He understands that learning is a lifelong journey, and he embraces opportunities for personal and intellectual growth.

12. He takes care of his appearance and hygiene, but doesn’t obsess over it.

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A real man understands the importance of personal grooming and hygiene. He takes pride in his appearance, but doesn’t let it define him. He dresses well, but doesn’t feel the need to conform to trends or societal pressures. He prioritizes comfort and functionality over superficiality.

13. He supports and uplifts other men, encouraging a sense of brotherhood and camaraderie.

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A real man recognizes that we’re all in this together. He supports and uplifts other men, celebrating their successes and offering encouragement during challenging times. He creates a sense of brotherhood, creating a safe space for men to connect, share their experiences, and learn from one another.

14. He is a positive role model for younger generations, inspiring them to be their best selves.

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A real man understands the impact he has on other people, especially younger generations. He strives to be a positive role model, embodying the values and qualities he wishes to see in the world. He mentors and guides younger men, encouraging them to reach their full potential and make a positive contribution to society.

15. He embraces his individuality and doesn’t try to fit into a mold.

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A real man knows that there’s no one-size-fits-all definition of masculinity. He embraces his unique personality, interests, and strengths. He doesn’t try to conform to societal expectations or fit into a predetermined mold. He celebrates his individuality and expresses himself authentically.

16. He is a compassionate and caring partner, father, friend, and community member.

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A real man shows up for the people he cares about. He’s a loving and supportive partner, a nurturing and involved father, a loyal and trustworthy friend, and an active and engaged member of his community. He prioritizes his relationships and strives to make a positive impact on the world around him.

17. He isn’t afraid to apologize and make amends when he’s wrong.

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A real man understands that admitting when he’s wrong is a sign of strength, not weakness, Forbes explains. He’s not afraid to apologize and take responsibility for his mistakes. He seeks to make amends and repair any harm he may have caused. He understands that humility and accountability are essential for building trust and maintaining healthy relationships.

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