16 Clever Phrases To Use When Someone Is Being Nasty To You

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Dealing with nasty people is never fun.

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Whether it’s a snarky coworker, a passive-aggressive friend, or a random internet troll, their negativity can really bring down your mood. But instead of letting them get under your skin, why not try out a few clever phrases to disarm their nastiness and maintain your cool?

1. “I’m sorry you feel that way.”

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This simple phrase acknowledges their feelings without agreeing with their assessment. It’s a polite way to deflect their negativity and avoid getting drawn into an argument. It also subtly shifts the focus back to them and their emotions, rather than on you as the target.

2. “Thanks for sharing your perspective.”

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This is another way to acknowledge their opinion without necessarily agreeing with it. By thanking them for sharing, you show that you’re willing to listen to their perspective, even if you don’t necessarily agree with it. It’s a disarming tactic that can defuse tension and potentially open up a dialogue, Verywell Mind explains.

3. “I’ll take that under advisement.”

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This phrase is a polite way to dismiss their criticism without engaging with it. It implies that you’ve heard what they have to say, but that you’re not obligated to take their advice. It’s a subtle way to assert your autonomy and maintain your composure.

4. “I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish here.”

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This phrase can be used when someone is being particularly difficult or unreasonable. It forces them to clarify their intentions and potentially exposes their manipulative tactics. It’s a way of calling them out on their behavior without getting drawn into a heated argument.

5. “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

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This phrase is a subtle way to shift the power dynamic back in your favor. By offering your assistance, you’re taking control of the situation and putting the onus back on them to explain their issue. It’s also a polite way to end the conversation if they continue to be rude or unhelpful.

6. “I’m going to end this conversation now.”

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Sometimes, the best way to deal with a nasty person is to simply walk away. If the conversation is going nowhere, and they’re not willing to be reasonable, don’t waste your time or energy trying to engage with them. Politely excuse yourself and move on.

7. “I’m not interested in engaging in this kind of negativity.”

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This phrase is a clear and direct way to set boundaries with someone who is being toxic. It lets them know that you’re not willing to tolerate their behavior and that you’re choosing to protect your own mental and emotional well-being. It’s a powerful statement that can help to shut down their negativity.

8. “Clearly, you’re having a bad day. I hope it gets better.”

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This phrase can be a surprisingly effective way to disarm someone who is being nasty. By acknowledging their bad mood and expressing empathy, you might actually help to diffuse their anger or frustration. It also shows that you’re not taking their behavior personally and that you’re choosing to respond with kindness rather than anger.

9. “I hear what you’re saying, but I don’t appreciate your tone.”

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This response addresses the issue of how something is being said, rather than what’s being said. It lets the person know their words might be valid, but their delivery is unacceptable. It also puts the responsibility back on them to adjust their communication style.

10. “I’m not going to stoop to your level.”

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This is a firm declaration that you won’t engage in a mudslinging match. It shows you have more self-respect than to resort to their tactics. It can be a powerful way to shut down their negativity and maintain your own dignity.

11. “I’m choosing to focus on the positive aspects of this situation.”

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As Forbes notes, this statement redirects the conversation towards a more constructive direction. It shows you’re not letting their negativity consume you, and you’re actively choosing to focus on the good. It can also encourage them to reframe their perspective.

12. “I think we need to take a break from this conversation.”

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This phrase is a way to de-escalate a situation that’s getting heated. It gives both of you a chance to cool down and collect your thoughts before resuming the discussion. It can prevent things from escalating further and allow for a more productive conversation later.

13. “I’m not sure why you’re trying to hurt my feelings, but it’s not working.”

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This is a direct and assertive way to call out their behavior. It shows you’re aware of their intentions and that you’re not going to be a victim. It also puts them on the spot to explain themselves, potentially making them reconsider their actions.

14. “I’m not going to let your negativity ruin my day.”

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This statement is a declaration of your personal power. It shows that you’re not going to let their negativity control your emotions or dictate your mood. It’s a reminder to yourself and to them that you have the power to choose how you react to their behavior.

15. “I deserve to be treated with respect, and I’m not going to tolerate anything less.”

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This is a powerful statement of self-worth and boundaries. It lets the person know that you won’t accept disrespectful behavior and that you expect to be treated with dignity. It’s a way to stand up for yourself and demand the respect you deserve.

16. Silence

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Sometimes, the best response to nastiness is no response at all. By not engaging with their negativity, you’re denying them the satisfaction of getting a rise out of you. It can be a powerful way to shut down their behavior and maintain your own peace of mind.

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