15 Things No Middle-Aged Man Should Be Doing In Life

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No one likes aging, but the better you live your life, the more gracefully you age. There’s no denying that things get harder on your body as you reach middle age and beyond, but if you take care of yourself, you can remain in peak physical condition until your golden years. It’s important to avoid certain things to remain healthy, especially as you reach your 40s.

1. Skipping health screenings

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As you get older, it becomes more and more important to go to the doctor more regularly. Health complications pop up more often in 40-year-olds than in 20-year-olds. So, the consequences of ignoring your annual check-up are more dire as you reach middle age. Heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol start to appear in middle-aged men, so getting ahead of things can increase your longevity.

2. Spending too much time sitting

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Unfortunately, anyone who works an office job or in front of a computer will spend a significant portion of their life sitting down. As you age, sitting all day becomes more detrimental. It increases the risk of obesity and related illnesses. As a result, it’s important to make time for exercise. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. Even getting in a 30-minute brisk walk is better than nothing.

3. Ignoring your mental health

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While physical health is important, so is mental health. Men more than women often ignore their mental health for fear of being judged. Sadly, this can lead to increased stress and related illnesses. Suicide is also high among single men as they reach middle age. So, caring for your mental health is equally important as caring for the physical.

4. Letting yourself maintain poor posture

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Sticking with the problem of sitting in a chair all day, it’s easy to develop poor posture. This can lead to lower back pain and weak abdominal muscles. By doing specific exercises to strengthen these areas, you’ll have an easier time maintaining good posture throughout your workday.

5. Ignoring your prostate health

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Prostate health is often something that gets made fun of, but it’s no joking matter. Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer among men, with 1 in 8 men receiving a diagnosis at some point in their lives. Fortunately, it’s a highly treatable type of cancer, but only if you get screened for it so that it’s caught early.

6. Smoking

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We’re not breaking any news here by saying that smoking should be avoided in middle-aged men. It should really be avoided by everyone, but as men age it becomes even more important. Smoking can lead to lung cancer and a wide variety of other health issues.

7. Letting your diet get out of hand

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As men age, their metabolism slows. As a result, it becomes more challenging to avoid gaining weight. Nonetheless, it’s incredibly important to avoid gaining weight as you age because obesity has one of the highest risk factors for many types of cancer. Even being overweight rather than clinically obese can increase your risk of many health issues.

8. Avoiding a colonoscopy

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Colon cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, but it’s also preventable. Getting a simple colonoscopy can help you avoid the disease and treat it if it’s caught early. During a colonoscopy, precancerous polyps are removed before they can become cancerous.

9. Not stretching after workouts

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One of the biggest mistakes men make as they age is not maintaining their flexibility. Even men who work out regularly often ignore stretching because it’s too much of a hassle. It makes sense, if you’ve already put in the effort to do a workout, why waste your time with stretching? Sadly, this can have a negative effect on your health. Stretching releases muscle tension and can improve energy levels.

10. Not exercising enough

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Simply not exercising enough is one of the biggest mistakes men make as they reach middle age. Exercise is important for maintaining your overall health. Cardio is a great tool to increase your heart health. It keeps you in good shape and enables you to participate in active activities well into your 40s, 50s, and 60s.

11. Ignoring weight training

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While cardio is incredibly important, so is weight training. Many men are big fans of weight training when they’re younger, but then as they reach their late 20s and 30s, they discover running or other forms of cardio. It’s more convenient to go for a run from your house than to go to the gym to use the weights. However, ignoring weight training is bad for your health. It can reverse age-related muscle loss, burn fat, and lower blood pressure.

12. Not getting your hearing checked

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One of the unfortunate parts of aging is your hearing getting worse. However, unlike eyesight, which is obvious when it starts to decline, many people don’t notice that their hearing has gotten worse over the years. Getting your hearing checked every few years is incredibly important because if you don’t, it will only get worse.

13. Not getting treated for ED

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Many men suffer from erectile dysfunction in silence. It’s embarrassing to talk about, and many men think it’s a stain on their manhood. However, it’s a common issue that plagues many men as they reach middle age. There’s no reason to have a bad sex life in your 40s, 50s, or even 60s. So, don’t hesitate to see a doctor if you’re suffering from ED.

14. Not getting quality sleep

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Life gets busier as you get older, and as a result, it gets harder to get the sleep you need. Many men also suffer from insomnia, which makes it even more challenging to get eight hours of sleep a night. Without adequate sleep, the body can’t repair itself. As a result, more health problems can pop up. So, if you’re suffering from insomnia, see your doctor.

15. Drinking too much alcohol

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Drinking alcohol can be fun with friends, and it can help you unwind after a long day. In moderation, it’s perfectly fine to drink alcohol, but many men take it too far. Excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer and heart disease. Experts don’t recommend having more than two alcoholic drinks a day. There can be exceptions, but your average shouldn’t be higher than two.

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