15 Gross Signs Your Personal Hygiene Is Seriously Lacking

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We all have those days when we just can’t be bothered to shower or brush our teeth.

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However, if you’re noticing some less-than-fresh signs a little too often, it might be time for a hygiene check-in. Here are some signs you’re falling short in the self-care department.

1. Your breath could knock someone out.

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We’ve all experienced morning breath, but if your breath is consistently causing people to recoil, it’s a sign you need to step up your oral hygiene game. Brush and floss regularly, use mouthwash, and consider investing in a tongue scraper to remove bacteria that can cause bad breath. You might also want to check in with your dentist to rule out any underlying dental issues.

2. Your body odor precedes you.

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It’s normal to sweat, especially during exercise or hot weather. But if your body odor is so strong that people can smell you before they see you, it’s time to take action. Shower daily, use deodorant or antiperspirant, and wash your clothes after each wear, WebMD suggests. If you’re prone to excessive sweating, consider using a stronger antiperspirant or talking to your doctor.

3. Your hair looks like it hasn’t seen shampoo in days.

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Greasy, stringy hair is a major hygiene red flag. Wash your hair regularly with shampoo and conditioner, and avoid using too much product. If you have oily hair, you might need to wash it more often than someone with dry hair. Dry shampoo can be a lifesaver in a pinch, but it’s not a substitute for regular washing.

4. Your clothes have stains you don’t recognize.

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We all spill things occasionally, but if your clothes are consistently stained with mystery substances, it’s time to reassess your laundry habits. Wash your clothes regularly, and pretreat any stains before washing. If you’re unsure how to treat a particular stain, consult a stain removal guide or take your clothes to a professional cleaner.

5. You’ve got visible dirt under your nails.

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Your hands come into contact with all sorts of germs throughout the day, so it’s important to keep your nails clean. Trim your nails regularly, and use a nail brush to scrub under your nails with soap and water. Avoid biting your nails, as this can transfer bacteria from your mouth to your nails and vice versa.

6. People avoid getting too close.

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If people are subtly backing away from you or holding their breath during conversations, it’s a good indicator that something’s amiss. It could be bad breath, body odor, or a combination of factors. Take a good look at your hygiene habits and make any necessary adjustments. Remember, it’s better to be proactive than to risk offending people.

7. You get the side-eye from strangers.

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Have you noticed people giving you disapproving glances or making faces when they pass by? It’s not always easy to tell, but if it’s happening frequently, it’s worth considering whether your personal hygiene might be the culprit. Pay attention to your surroundings and see if you can identify any patterns. If you’re unsure, ask a trusted friend for their honest opinion.

8. Your pets seem hesitant to cuddle.

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Our furry friends have a keen sense of smell, so if your pet is avoiding close contact or giving you a wide berth, it might be a sign that you need a shower. While it’s not always foolproof, your pet’s behavior can be a helpful indicator of your overall hygiene level. So if your cuddle buddy is keeping their distance, it might be time to freshen up.

9. Your shoes consistently emit a foul odor.

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Shoes can trap sweat and bacteria, leading to unpleasant smells. If your shoes have a persistent odor, even after airing out, it might be time to wash them or replace the insoles. You can also use shoe deodorizer or baking soda to help absorb moisture and odors.

10. You have excessive earwax buildup.

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While earwax is normal, excessive buildup can lead to discomfort, hearing problems, or even infection. If you notice a significant amount of earwax, consider using over-the-counter earwax removal drops or consulting a doctor for professional cleaning.

11. Your towels are stiff and crunchy.

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Towels should feel soft and absorbent, not stiff and rough. If your towels aren’t drying properly between uses or are not washed frequently enough, they can become a breeding ground for bacteria and mildew. Make sure to hang your towels up to dry after each use, and wash them regularly with hot water and detergent, Better Homes & Gardens advises.

12. You haven’t changed your bed sheets in weeks.

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Bed sheets accumulate sweat, dead skin cells, and dust mites over time. If you haven’t changed your sheets recently, it can lead to skin irritation, allergies, or even respiratory problems. It’s recommended to wash your sheets and pillowcases at least once a week in hot water.

13. You can’t remember the last time you washed your makeup brushes.

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Makeup brushes can harbor bacteria, dirt, and oil, which can lead to breakouts and skin irritation. If you use makeup brushes regularly, it’s important to clean them at least once a week with a gentle cleanser or brush shampoo. Allow them to air dry completely before using them again.

14. You’re constantly getting sick.

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While poor hygiene isn’t the sole cause of illness, it can certainly weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to germs. Wash your hands frequently, disinfect commonly touched surfaces, and keep your living space clean to help reduce your risk of getting sick.

15. You’re experiencing excessive hair shedding.

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It’s normal to lose some hair every day, but if you notice a significant increase in hair shedding, it could be a sign of an underlying health condition. Consult your doctor to rule out any medical causes and discuss potential treatments.

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