15 Sad Reasons People Stay In Unhappy Relationships

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In a perfect world, no one would stay in a relationship unless they really wanted to. They would only stay with someone because they’re in love and want to be with that person. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. There are many reasons why people stay in unhappy reasons — here are 15 of them.

1. They’re afraid of being alone.

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People will stay in unhappy relationships for a lot of reasons, but none outweigh the fear of being alone. This excuse for staying in an unhappy relationship is more likely to appear the longer the relationship goes on. The longer it’s been since someone’s been single, the more likely they are to stay because they’re afraid of being alone.

2. They’re under financial pressure.

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The economy is in a difficult state, and as a result, many people can’t afford to live by themselves, so they’ll stay with a partner because they can’t afford to leave. This is even more likely if the other person earns all the money. So, if someone is a stay-at-home mom or dad, they’re more likely to stay in an unhappy relationship because they’re financially dependent on the other person.

3. They stay for their kids.

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When people have kids, the dynamic of their relationship changes. Suddenly, their relationship is about more than just the two of them. So, when the relationship starts to fail, many people will stay in an unhealthy situation because they think it’s better for the kids. While this often isn’t true, it’s a mindset many parents have.

4. They feel like they have to for the sake of their social circle.

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Many people face social pressure to stay with their partner even after the relationship starts to crumble. If you’ve been with someone for years and years, your entire social life is built around that person. Your families might know each other, and your friend groups probably overlap. As a result, breaking up would cause all kinds of social problems, so people will stay with their partners to avoid those issues.

5. They hope things will change.

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Some people stay in relationships because they hope things will get better. Every relationship is good at the start, and most people hold on to those memories for a while before they break up. They hope that the relationship will go back to how it was in the beginning, but living in the past is usually futile.

6. They fear the unknown.

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The unknown is a huge fear of many people. When you break up with someone, your entire life will change. So much of people’s identities are wrapped up in their relationships, so when it ends, it changes everything. Not knowing what your life will be like after the relationship is a big reason many people will stay with their partner.

7. They’re emotionally attached to their partner.

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It almost goes without saying that people get emotionally attached to their partner. Even when the relationship is crumbling, people in long-term relationships will still hold some love and care for the other person. So, they’ll stick around because they still want them in their lives, even if they know the relationship isn’t right.

8. Cultural or religious beliefs keep them there.

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Many cultures and religions look down on divorce. They either explicitly forbid it or there’s a huge social stigma against it. So, many people will stay in unhappy marriages because they don’t want to be shunned by their friends and family.

9. They feel guilty about leaving.

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Even when a relationship starts to go on the downswing, two partners will still care for each other in most situations. So, the person thinking about a breakup will feel guilty about ending the relationship. They feel responsible for their partner’s well-being and don’t want to hurt them. So, they’ll stick around at the expense of their own happiness.

10. They have low self-esteem.

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According to Verywell Mind, people with low self-esteem usually feel unworthy and undeserving of better. As a result, they will stick in unhappy relationships because they either think they couldn’t get into a better situation, or they don’t deserve to get a better partner.

11. The relationship is comfortable despite being unhappy.

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People fall into habits as they go about life, both good and bad. Relationships become a type of habit for people as they go through their day-to-day routine, even when they’re unhappy. The reason people stick with habits is that it’s easier to keep going with them than it’s to change things up. As a result, many people will choose the comfort and familiarity of a routine relationship over the daunting change of breaking up.

12. They don’t have a support system.

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When you get out of a long-term relationship, it’s important to have a support system of people who can help you. People who don’t have many friends or family members in their city will find it more challenging to get through a breakup. So, rather than go through a breakup alone, they’ll choose to stay in their relationship.

13. They’re afraid of being judged.

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Regardless of the reason for the breakup, some people will always judge you for your breakup. It’s an unfortunate reality that people can be very judgmental. Whether it’s your partner’s friends, family, or coworkers, someone will likely judge you for breaking up with your partner. Fearing this judgment, many people will choose to avoid the breakup altogether.

14. They’re codependent.

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Many people become codependent in their relationships. This is a relationship dynamic where one partner heavily relies on the other for emotional and psychological needs. If someone is codependent with their partner, they’re unlikely to feel comfortable leaving them.

15. They’re in denial.

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Sadly, one of the main reasons people will stay in unhappy relationships is they’re in denial about everything that’s gone wrong with the relationship. They think back to better times and think that what they’re in is simply a rough patch. They don’t acknowledge the full extent of their unhappiness or the problems they’re having. So, they’ll stick around for months or even years longer than they should.

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