16 Reasons Why Narcissists “Forget” Their Own Bad Behavior

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Ever wondered why narcissists seem to have a selective memory when it comes to their own mishaps? It’s a baffling phenomenon, especially if you’ve been on the receiving end of their not-so-charming behavior. Their ability to conveniently forget their own wrongdoings can leave you scratching your head in disbelief. Here’s why their memory seems to fail them so much.

1. Their ego is their shield.

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According to the Mayo Clinic, narcissists are all about protecting their inflated sense of self, and admitting to flaws or mistakes would shatter that carefully constructed image. Instead, they rewrite the narrative, conveniently forgetting their own missteps and casting themselves as the perpetual victim or hero.

2. They live in a distorted reality.

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Narcissists have a knack for twisting reality to suit their needs. They may genuinely believe their own warped version of events, where they’re always in the right and everyone else is to blame. This distorted perception allows them to conveniently forget their own bad behavior.

3. They lack empathy.

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Empathy is often in short supply for narcissists. Without this crucial emotional connection, they struggle to grasp the impact of their actions on those around them. This lack of understanding makes it easier for them to forget the pain they’ve caused.

4. They blame-shift like pros.

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When confronted with their own wrongdoing, narcissists are masters of deflection. They swiftly shift the blame onto other people, external circumstances, or even you. By pointing the finger elsewhere, they absolve themselves of responsibility and conveniently forget their own role in the situation.

5. They crave admiration, not accountability.

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Narcissists thrive on admiration and validation. They’re not interested in introspection or taking responsibility for their actions. Instead, they focus on maintaining their image and seeking constant praise. This relentless pursuit of external validation leaves little room for acknowledging their own flaws.

6. Their memory is selective.

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Narcissists have a remarkable ability to remember the details that serve their narrative and conveniently forget those that don’t. They may recall every instance where they were wronged but conveniently overlook their own hurtful behavior. This selective memory helps them maintain their distorted view of reality.

7. They gaslight with ease.

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Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic used by narcissists to make you doubt your own sanity and perception of reality. They may deny their bad behavior, twist your words, or even make you question your own memories. This insidious manipulation can leave you feeling confused and unsure of what actually happened.

8. They live in the present.

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Narcissists are often focused on the here and now, seeking instant gratification and external validation. They may not dwell on past events, especially those that reflect poorly on them. This present-focused mindset allows them to easily forget their own bad behavior and move on without remorse.

9. They lack remorse.

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Narcissists often lack the ability to feel remorse or guilt for their actions. Without these crucial emotions, they have no reason to dwell on their past mistakes or take responsibility for them. This lack of remorse makes it easier for them to forget their own bad behavior.

10. They focus on their own needs.

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Narcissists are self-centered individuals who are primarily concerned with their own needs and desires. They don’t really care about anyone else’s needs or feelings. This egocentric focus makes it easier for them to forget the impact of their actions on everyone around them.

11. They’re extremely defensive.

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When confronted with their bad behavior, narcissists often become defensive. They may lash out, deny their actions, or even blame other people. This defensive behavior is a way for them to protect their fragile ego and avoid taking responsibility for their mistakes.

12. They believe they’re special.

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Narcissists have a grandiose sense of self-importance and believe that they’re special and above the rules. This sense of entitlement allows them to justify their bad behavior and forget the consequences of their actions.

13. They have a fragile self-esteem.

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Despite their outward confidence, narcissists often have a fragile self-esteem that is easily bruised. They rely on external validation to feel good about themselves. This need for constant admiration can lead them to forget their own bad behavior in order to maintain their inflated sense of self.

14. They lack self-awareness.

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According to Psychology Today, narcissists often lack self-awareness and insight into their own behavior. They either don’t understand how their behavior affects or is perceived by other people, or they just don’t care. This lack of self-awareness makes it difficult for them to learn from their mistakes and change their behavior.

15. They’re addicted to attention.

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Narcissists are addicted to attention and validation. They will go to great lengths to get the attention they crave, even if it means behaving badly. This addiction can lead them to forget the consequences of their actions and the pain they cause other people.

16. They’re manipulators.

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Narcissists are unrepentant manipulators who excel at twisting the truth to suit their needs. They may use gaslighting, guilt-tripping, or other manipulative tactics to make you doubt your own perceptions and memories. This manipulation can make it difficult to hold them accountable for their bad behavior.

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