15 Ways To Make Other People Feel Smart And Insightful

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We all love feeling smart and insightful, and it’s even better when someone else recognizes it in us. Making people feel good about their intelligence and perspectives boosts their confidence and strengthens your connection with them. Want to make the people in your life feel like the brilliant minds they are? Here are some easy tips to try.

1. Actively listen and show genuine interest.

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When someone is speaking, give them your undivided attention. Put away distractions, make eye contact, and nod along to show you’re engaged. Ask thoughtful follow-up questions that demonstrate you’re truly interested in what they have to say. This will make them feel heard and valued, encouraging them to share more of their insights.

2. Ask for their advice or opinion.

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People love to feel like experts, Psychology Today notes, so don’t hesitate to ask for their input on a topic they’re knowledgeable about. Whether it’s a professional matter or a personal dilemma, seeking their advice shows that you value their opinion and respect their expertise. This can be a great confidence booster and make them feel like their insights are truly valuable.

3. Acknowledge their ideas and give credit.

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When someone shares a brilliant idea or offers a unique perspective, be sure to acknowledge it and give them credit. A simple “That’s a great point!” or “I never thought of it that way before” can go a long way in making someone feel recognized and appreciated. If their idea is implemented, be sure to publicly acknowledge their contribution.

4. Compliment their intelligence or insight.

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Don’t be afraid to offer genuine compliments when you see someone demonstrate intelligence or insight. Whether it’s praising their problem-solving skills, their ability to articulate complex ideas, or their unique perspective on a situation, a sincere compliment can make someone’s day and boost their confidence in their own abilities.

5. Engage in thoughtful conversations.

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Don’t just talk about the weather or the latest gossip. Instead, try to engage in deeper conversations that challenge each other’s perspectives and encourage intellectual growth. Ask open-ended questions, share your own insights, and be open to learning from other people. This type of dialogue can make people feel intellectually stimulated and valued for their contributions.

6. Validate their feelings and experiences.

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When someone shares their feelings or experiences with you, don’t dismiss them or try to minimize their emotions. Instead, acknowledge their feelings and validate their experiences. Let them know that you hear them, you understand where they’re coming from, and you empathize with their situation. This can help them feel understood and respected, even if you don’t necessarily agree with their perspective.

7. Encourage them to share their knowledge and expertise.

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If you know someone who is passionate about a particular subject or has a wealth of knowledge in a certain area, encourage them to share their expertise with other people. This could be through informal conversations, presentations, workshops, or even writing a blog or article. By giving them a platform to share their knowledge, you’re helping them feel valued and benefiting people who can learn from their insights.

8. Avoid interrupting or talking over them.

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When someone is speaking, resist the urge to interrupt or talk over them. This can make them feel like their thoughts and opinions are not important. Instead, wait for them to finish their point before offering your own perspective. If you need to clarify something they said, ask a question rather than jumping in with your own assumptions.

9. Refer to their previous comments or ideas.

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One way to show you were paying attention and value someone’s input is by referencing something they said earlier in the conversation. This reinforces their sense of being heard and demonstrates that you’re actively integrating their ideas into the discussion. It could be as simple as saying, “Going back to your point about X, I think…” or “That reminds me of what you said earlier about Y.”

10. Show appreciation for their unique perspective.

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Everyone has their own unique way of seeing the world, shaped by their experiences and background. Acknowledge and appreciate this diversity of thought by expressing interest in their perspective. Ask questions like “How did you come to that conclusion?” or “What’s your experience with this?” This shows you value their individual viewpoint and are open to learning from it.

11. Give them space to elaborate on their ideas.

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When someone shares an idea, don’t immediately jump in with your own thoughts or counterarguments. Instead, give them the space to fully flesh out their idea and explain their reasoning. Ask clarifying questions if needed, but avoid interrupting or steering the conversation away from their topic. This allows them to feel heard and respected, and it can also lead to a deeper understanding of their perspective.

12. Offer constructive feedback and suggestions.

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If someone is open to feedback, offer it in a way that is both supportive and helpful. Focus on the strengths of their idea or perspective, and offer suggestions for how they might further develop or refine it. Avoid being overly critical or dismissive, and instead, frame your feedback as a way to help them build upon their existing knowledge and insights.

13. Celebrate their successes and milestones.

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When someone accomplishes something significant, take the time to celebrate their success. This could be a work achievement, a personal goal, or even a small victory. Acknowledging their accomplishments reinforces their sense of self-efficacy and makes them feel good about their abilities. It also strengthens your relationship by showing that you’re invested in their growth and happiness.

14. Be open to learning from them.

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Everyone has something to teach us, so be open to learning from the people around you. This could involve asking for their advice, reading their work, attending their presentations, or simply engaging in thoughtful conversations. By showing a willingness to learn from other people, you validate their knowledge and expertise and expand your own understanding of the world.

15. Express gratitude for their contributions.

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A simple “thank you” can go a long way in making someone feel appreciated and valued, Forbes explains. When someone shares their insights, offers their help, or simply contributes to a conversation, express your gratitude for their contribution. This reinforces their sense of worth and encourages them to continue sharing their knowledge and expertise in the future.

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