17 Habits Of Women Who Exude Quiet Confidence

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While some people could probably reign their confidence in a little, others aren’t quite as flashy about it.

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Many women know who they are and have set up their lives and routines to help themselves thrive, even when things feel so busy they can’t catch their breath. It’s definitely more attractive to be confidence but silent about it than to be the loudest person around. If you’re confident with who you are, but don’t feel the need to shout it from the rooftops, you likely have these good habits.

1. You don’t always need to share your opinion.

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It’s easy to think that if you have an opinion about politics or the latest Netflix series, you have to tell everyone you know. But if you’re confident, you can figure out when to say what you feel and when it’s best to stay silent because you might hurt a friend’s feelings. You’ve learned that it’s unnecessary to say everything you’re thinking, which is a great quality to have.

2. You have a morning and evening routine.

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If you live your life with a generally positive, chill, and confident attitude, you likely have some systems in place to ensure you’re putting your best foot forward. Maybe you wake up an hour before you have to get to work so you can meditate and drink coffee while listening to a favorite podcast. Or you always take a bath and read for half an hour before bed. While you’re not strict about these habits because sometimes you want to sleep in or you’re traveling, you know what to do to feel your best.

3. You know when to stay calm and when it makes sense to get upset.

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It’s unrealistic to be carefree and content all the time, Psychology Today admits, but being angry about small mishaps isn’t going to help you, either. When you’re secure with yourself, you know when you should stay calm so you don’t get stressed out and when it’s okay and logical to be mad. You’re great at keeping your stress levels down, which is great.

4. You give great advice because you’re not jealous of people.

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It can be hard to give advice when you think other people have better or happier lives than you. Since you’re confident without being conceited, you don’t think that’s the case. People likely turn to you for wisdom because they know you’ll suggest practical changes and that you’ll celebrate them, even if their life looks different from yours.

5. You don’t need to be the center of attention.

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While some people thrive on getting compliments and praise from other people, you like being part of a group and don’t care about being the person everyone pays attention to. This not only makes you happier since you don’t care about being popular and well-liked, but it also makes you a more pleasant friend and coworker.

6. You go to events or parties when you only know the host.

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Everyone has been in this awkward position: getting an invitation to a fun party but realizing you don’t know anyone there except for the friend throwing the gathering. You ask a few friends to join and no one can come. Instead of being sad and sitting at home alone, you’re confident enough to go anyway. This is definitely an admirable habit to have because it allows you to have a full, fun social life no matter what.

7. You’re comfortable with solo travel or going to the movies alone.

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Even if you’re an introvert who’s more outgoing than others, you like doing things on your own. You don’t blink at the idea of going on a trip by yourself and if there’s a movie you want to see, you head over to your local theater instead of wondering if someone else will go with you. While other people might be nervous about all this alone time, you know you can rely on yourself.

8. You accept criticism with a mature attitude and a smile.

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Being confident without being loud means you’re okay with not pleasing everyone all the time, and you know it’s natural to make mistakes. When someone criticizes you, whether during a review at work or when a relative is upset with you, you can handle what they’re telling you. It’s not possible to only hear positive things (even though of course that would be great), and it’s helpful that you can deal with these types of comments.

9. You don’t need to brag about everything you accomplish.

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Sure, there’s nothing wrong with sharing great work news in an Instagram post or texting all your friends and family members when you get engaged. But if you’re secure with who you are, you like keeping some things to yourself. You can bask in the glow of the good times in your life, and you feel good about what you’ve done. You don’t need anyone else’s approval.

10. You stick to your beliefs and don’t let anyone steer you away from your path.

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Maybe you know the qualities you want your future partner to have or you’re working hard because you have a promotion or dream position in mind. While other people might try to tell you you’re being too difficult or spending too much time at the office, you can shrug off their statements. You know what you want, and you know how to get it, and you don’t take much notice of what everyone else thinks you should do.

11. You would rather focus on yourself than follow a stressful, rigid timeline.

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If you’re a confident person but not loud and flashy about it, you know that it’s important to be at peace with your life. You don’t feel like you need to get married and have kids or buy a house just because your friends are on that path. You’d rather do things as they feel natural and right. Since you have such a healthy mindset about life stages and changes, it’s definitely possible that your friends are envious of this quality.

12. You accept the things you’re not good at.

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It’s just as important to know your weaknesses as your strengths, whether at your job or in other areas of your life. Maybe sports have never been your thing and so you don’t mind saying no when a friend asks if you want to play badminton in the park this weekend. Maybe you dislike public speaking and are happy to let a coworker take the reins of a presentation, and you’ll answer questions after. Figuring out your best qualities is all part of being comfortable with who you are.

13. You know when to fix things yourself and when to ask for help.

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If your washing machine in your condo breaks, of course you’re going to ask the super to come by. But most of the time, you try to solve problems without getting anyone else involved. You’re confident enough to know the difference between when you should trust yourself and when you need someone to assist you. This is a smart habit because it only makes you more secure.

14. You’re not scared to ask questions.

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If you’re nervous about people judging you for not knowing something, you’re not going to want to ask anyone questions, whether that’s your family, friends, or manager. Since you have a calm confidence, you can admit when you have a knowledge gap. You’re comfortable not knowing everything and want to get the answer so you can fix a problem.

15. You leave first (or third) dates when necessary.

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Being confident enough to walk out on a date definitely takes some time. If you’ve been in the dating world for several years now, you know when a date just isn’t going anywhere (or when someone is being a jerk, and you shouldn’t give them a second more of your time). When you can politely say you need to be somewhere else and go home, you know you have pride in yourself.

16. You give compliments freely.

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When you’re insecure about something, it can be tough to praise people because you’re not sure what you should say or if you should even talk at all. Since you have a silent confidence, you’re happy to tell your coworker that you loved the idea she pitched in that last meeting, and you can make your sister feel great about her latest life decision. You like spreading good vibes around because you feel content about who you are and what you’re doing.

17. You like organizing your life.

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From writing down doctors’ appointments to making sure you have enough groceries for a busy week ahead, you’re in the habit of being organized even at the worst of times. You’re confident enough to know that even if other people think you’re boring because you like spending a Sunday night at home to plan for the week, that’s okay. You know what helps you live the best life you can, and you hold on to your positive habits.

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