15 Signs You’re In A Relationship With A Very Faithful Man

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We always talk about relationship red flags to spot, but what about the green lights that show you it’s safe to proceed through the dating milestones? If your guy is showing you these 15 signs, he’s fiercely loyal to you. He’s worth your time and energy, and won’t break your heart. He’s a keeper!

1. He’s given you a deep dive into his previous relationships.

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A guy who’s honest will give you lots of information about his previous girlfriends, without you having to drill him for it. This behavior reveals that he’s transparent and had nothing to hide from you, which is a good omen for your relationship. You’re less likely to worry that he’s going to cheat than if he’s vague about his previous relationships or keeps them under lock and key.

2. He gives you consistent communication.

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You know that horrible feeling of uncertainty when the guy you’re dating leaves you on “read” for hours or days? It sucks and makes you wonder what he’s getting up to when you’re not around. By comparison, a faithful guy will be consistent in how he communicates with you, such as by calling or texting daily. When he does this, it makes you feel like he’s letting you into his life and isn’t messing you around. As Talkspace notes, this creates a great foundation on which to build a relationship.

3. He respects your boundaries.

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It’s easier to trust a man when he shows you that he’s not trying to violate your boundaries. Instead, he respects your need for privacy, personal space, and happy relationships outside of your relationship with him. He encourages you to live your life without trying to be controlling. Some guys who have controlling tendencies tend to betray their partners. They want to feel in control in relationships, and cheating on their partners is a way for them to achieve this.

4. He makes promises and has follow-through.

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When he says he’ll call you at a certain time or hang out with you on the weekend, this guy does what he’s promised. If something happens to get in the way of his plans, he’ll be open and clear about it, instead of leaving you guessing about where he’s at. He doesn’t want to play games with you or give you mixed messages, both of which are red flags that someone has the potential to be unfaithful.

5. He speaks in terms of “we,” not just “I.”

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A guy who’s serious about you and wants to be committed to you will easily speak about your future together. He’ll include you in his plans and make his intentions clear. Similarly, he won’t only talk about what he wants out of life, which can make you feel excluded or like you’re not a priority for him. By talking about your mutual future, he’s showing that he wants to take your relationship to a higher level of closeness, instead of flying solo in life.

6. He’s open about his female friends.

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When he talks about his platonic female friends or acquaintances, he’s open about them. If he’s meeting a friend for coffee, he’ll tell you about it before you find out and assume he’s cheating on you. Similarly, he’ll introduce you to his female friends right away to show you that he’s got nothing to hide. You never have to see a woman’s name on his phone and wonder who she is.

7. He checks your level of discomfort when it comes to his friends.

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Not only does he tell you the truth about his friendships with other women, but he always checks to make sure you feel comfortable about them. He wants to respect your boundaries in the relationship so that he doesn’t hurt you. So, if you don’t feel comfortable with him spending time with certain female friends who give you a vibe, he’ll respect your opinions and accommodate your needs. By doing this, he always makes you feel like you come first in his life.

8. His friends and family know who you are.

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Instead of hiding you away from his loved ones, a guy who’s faithful is going to let you meet them early on. This clearly shows you that he’s inviting you into his life because you matter to him. By being honest with his loved ones about who you are and that he’s into you, he’ll make you feel more comfortable and secure in the relationship. There’s also a sense of accountability when a guy introduces you to his loved ones because everyone knows that he’s with you and off the market.

9. He doesn’t drool over other women.

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Although it’s totes normal for a guy to check out other women when you’re together, he doesn’t do this in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable or disrespected. For example, he won’t be super-charming with waitstaff or ogle over women as though he could jump them in the middle of the restaurant, both of which can make you feel like he’s going to leave you for someone else the second an opportunity arises.

10. He asks you for your advice.

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A guy who truly cares about you and is committed to you will come to you with his problems, whether they involve  issues with his career, friends, mental health, or anything else. He values your advice and wants to include you in whatever he’s going through. When he talks about his life, he’s also showing you that he wants you to play a role in his decisions. You’re not “just dating,” you’re a team.

11. He wants to work through your relationship issues.

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When you and your partner hit a setback or challenge in the relationship, how he reacts will tell you if he’s trustworthy and faithful, or not. If he’s ready to sit down with you and talk through your issues, instead of trying to ignore them or brush off your feelings, this shows that he wants to make things work. He’s putting in the effort required for a happy, healthy relationship.

12. He defends you when others are mean.

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If people try to bring you down or hurt you, such as your partner’s loved ones who don’t like you, your boyfriend won’t stand for it. He’ll defend you no matter what, such as by calling people out for their cruel comments or shutting down malicious gossip about you. This makes it easy for you to feel like you can rely on him — he’s showing you that you’re number one in his life.

13. He makes it clear that he trusts you.

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If your partner trusts you, this is usually a good sign that he’s also trustworthy. Whenever someone questions your behavior and suspects you of cheating even though you’re innocent, this is usually a sign that they’re actually to blame for infidelity — or they’re thinking about getting someone else on the side. They’re projecting their trust and insecurity issues onto you, which isn’t what a faithful guy will do.

14. He wants emotional intimacy with you.

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A guy who’s only interested in physical intimacy isn’t someone who wants to build a long-term, committed relationship with you. By comparison, someone who wants to become emotionally close is showing that they’re faithful. They want to connect on a deeper level, making you feel like you’re truly seen in the relationship. When your relationship has emotional intimacy, you feel safe to share your private issues with your partner without fear of them betraying your trust.

15. He doesn’t hide his phone away.

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A guy who keeps hiding his phone away from you or taking calls or texts in the other room when you’re around is showing you something’s up. You might wonder if he’s being unfaithful. By comparison, a loyal partner will be chilled around his phone. He’ll show you who’s texting him, share funny messages he’s received, or let you answer his calls when he’s in the shower. This is a huge sign that he’s being transparent, not just about his phone but his life in general.

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