16 Things Mentally Strong People Do To Move On From a Toxic Relationship

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Leaving a toxic relationship can be a challenging and emotionally draining experience, but mentally strong people have certain strategies they use to move on and heal. It’s a process that takes time, effort, and a whole lot of self-compassion. So, let’s explore some of the things mentally strong people do to break free from the grip of a toxic past and create a brighter, healthier future for themselves.

1. They Acknowledge the Toxicity.

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The first step to moving on from a toxic relationship is recognizing that it was, in fact, toxic. Mentally strong people don’t make excuses for the harmful behavior they endured or try to downplay the negative impact it had on them. They accept the reality of the situation and understand that they deserve to be treated with respect and kindness.

2. They Set Firm Boundaries.

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One of the most important things mentally strong people do is establish clear boundaries with their ex-partner. This might involve blocking them on social media, cutting off contact, or simply limiting communication to essential matters. By setting these boundaries, they protect themselves from further emotional harm and create space for healing.

3. They Practice Self-Care.

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Mentally strong people understand that taking care of themselves is crucial during this time of recovery. This might involve engaging in activities they enjoy, spending time with loved ones, practicing mindfulness or meditation, getting regular exercise, or simply allowing themselves to rest and recharge. Self-care is not selfish, it’s essential for maintaining emotional well-being.

4. They Forgive Themselves.

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It’s common for people who have been in toxic relationships to blame themselves for the situation or for not leaving sooner. Mentally strong people recognize that it’s not their fault and practice self-compassion. They understand that they were doing the best they could with the information and resources they had at the time.

5. They Focus on the Present.

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Dwelling on the past and ruminating on what went wrong can be detrimental to the healing process. Mentally strong people focus on the present moment and take things one day at a time. They set goals for themselves, engage in activities that bring them joy, and make sure they’re taking care of themselves.

6. They Seek Support from Loved Ones.

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Mentally strong people understand the importance of having a support system. They reach out to trusted friends and family members, therapists, or support groups to share their experiences, receive guidance, and feel less alone. As Psychology News Today notes, talking about what they’ve been through can be incredibly healing and empowering.

7. They Learn from the Experience.

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While the pain of a toxic relationship can be immense, mentally strong people view it as an opportunity for growth. They reflect on what they’ve learned about themselves, their values, and the qualities they want in a partner. They use this knowledge to make healthier choices in the future and avoid repeating the same patterns.

8. They Allow Themselves to Feel Their Emotions.

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Mentally strong people understand that healing involves feeling a wide range of emotions, from sadness and anger to grief and acceptance. They allow themselves to experience these emotions without judgment, knowing that it’s a natural part of the healing process. They might journal, express themselves through art or music, or simply talk to a trusted friend to process their feelings.

9. They Reclaim Their Independence.

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Toxic relationships often involve a loss of autonomy and personal identity. Mentally strong people prioritize reclaiming their independence by setting personal goals, pursuing their own interests, and making decisions for themselves. They rediscover their passions, reconnect with hobbies they might have neglected, and create a life that is uniquely their own.

10. They Challenge Negative Thoughts.

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Toxic relationships can leave lasting emotional scars, including negative self-talk and self-doubt. Mentally strong people actively challenge these thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations. They practice self-compassion, recognizing that they are worthy of love and happiness, and focus on their strengths and accomplishments.

11. They Set Healthy Boundaries in Future Relationships.

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After experiencing a toxic relationship, mentally strong people become more aware of the red flags and warning signs. They learn to establish healthy boundaries from the outset of any new relationship, ensuring that they are treated with respect and consideration. They prioritize open communication, mutual support, and shared values.

12. They Focus on Gratitude.

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Gratitude can be a powerful tool for healing and moving on. Mentally strong people make a conscious effort to focus on the positive aspects of their lives, even when things are tough. They express gratitude for the lessons they’ve learned, the support they’ve received, and the opportunities for growth that lie ahead.

13. They Seek Professional Help if Needed.

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There’s no shame in seeking professional help to heal from the trauma of a toxic relationship. Mentally strong people recognize when they need additional support and are willing to invest in their own well-being. Therapy can provide a safe space to process emotions, develop coping mechanisms, and gain insights into healthier relationship patterns.

14. They Celebrate Small Victories.

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Recovery from a toxic relationship is a journey, not a destination. Mentally strong people celebrate the small victories along the way, whether it’s making it through a tough day without contacting their ex or finally feeling a sense of peace and acceptance. These milestones are important reminders of their progress and resilience.

15. They Don’t Rush into a New Relationship.

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While it might be tempting to rebound into a new relationship to fill the void left by the toxic one, mentally strong people prioritize their own healing and well-being. They take the time to process their emotions, rebuild their self-esteem, and establish healthy boundaries before considering entering into a new romantic partnership. In turn, this makes their whole lives better, as Refinery29 explains.

16. They Believe in Their Own Strength.

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Mentally strong people understand that they have the inner strength to overcome adversity and create a fulfilling life for themselves. They believe in their own resilience, their ability to heal, and their capacity for love and happiness. This unwavering belief in themselves is what ultimately allows them to move on from a toxic relationship and create a brighter future.

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