15 Communication Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Relationship (And How To Fix Them)

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Navigating the world of relationships can feel like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube – sometimes you find yourself turning in circles! One of the biggest challenges is communication, and mishaps in this area can lead to misunderstandings and resentment. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here are some common communication faux pas that might be sabotaging your connection, and more importantly, how you can turn things around.

1. You assume your partner can read your mind.

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We all wish our partners had telepathic powers, but expecting them to intuit your needs and desires is a recipe for disappointment. Instead of dropping hints or getting upset when they don’t “get it,” be upfront and express what you’re thinking and feeling. Remember, clear and direct communication is key.

2. You always play the blame game.

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Pointing fingers and saying “you always” or “you never” can quickly escalate a minor disagreement into a full-blown argument. Instead of focusing on assigning blame, try to express how your partner’s actions make you feel. Use “I” statements to explain your perspective and avoid accusatory language.

3. You’re a chronic interrupter.

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It’s frustrating when someone talks over you, right? Well, your partner probably feels the same way if you’re constantly interrupting them. Make a conscious effort to listen actively when they’re speaking. Show them you’re engaged by making eye contact, nodding, and responding thoughtfully.

4. You turn disagreements into personal attacks.

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It’s easy to let emotions take over during a heated discussion, but resorting to insults or name-calling will only make things worse. Keep the focus on the issue at hand and avoid attacking your partner’s character. Remember, you’re on the same team, even when you disagree.

5. You hold grudges like souvenirs.

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Everyone messes up sometimes, and holding on to past grievances will only create resentment. While it’s important to address issues, learn to forgive and move forward. Holding on to anger and bitterness will prevent you from building a healthy, happy relationship.

6. You bottle up your feelings.

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Keeping your emotions under wraps might seem like the “strong” thing to do, but it can lead to resentment and miscommunication, Verywell Mind notes. When something bothers you, talk about it calmly and respectfully with your partner. Sharing your feelings openly will help you build trust and intimacy.

7. You bombard your partner with negativity.

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Nobody likes a constant stream of complaints and criticism. Even if you’re having a tough day, try to balance the negative with positive feedback. Show your appreciation for the good things your partner does, and offer support and encouragement when they’re struggling.

8. You avoid talking about the “big” things.

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Whether it’s finances, future plans, or personal values, avoiding tough conversations will only create a disconnect between you and your partner. Set aside time to talk about the important stuff, even if it feels uncomfortable at first. Open communication will help you build a stronger foundation for your relationship.

9. You compare your relationship to other people’s.

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It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing your relationship to those of your friends, family, or even people on social media. However, every relationship is unique, and focusing on what other people have can lead to dissatisfaction and resentment. Instead, appreciate the strengths of your own connection and work on building a fulfilling partnership that’s right for you and your partner.

10. You overshare on social media.

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While it’s natural to want to share your life with people, posting every detail of your relationship online can create unnecessary drama and invade your partner’s privacy. Before you hit “share,” consider whether your post could be hurtful or embarrassing to your partner. Remember, some things are best kept between the two of you.

11. You’re always on your phone.

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It’s so easy to get glued to our screens, but constantly checking your phone when you’re with your partner sends the message that you’re not fully present. Make an effort to put your phone away and focus on quality time together. It’s hard, but ultimately worth it, and it comes with plenty of benefits, as Jia Tolentino of The New Yorker explains. Be present in the moment and show your partner that they have your undivided attention.

12. You make promises you can’t keep.

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Whether it’s a small gesture or a major commitment, breaking promises can erode trust and create resentment. Think carefully before making a commitment, and if you’re unsure whether you can follow through, be honest with your partner. It’s better to be upfront than to disappoint them later on.

13. You use passive-aggressive tactics.

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Sarcasm, backhanded compliments, and the silent treatment are all forms of passive aggression, and they’re toxic to any relationship. If you have an issue, address it directly and honestly. Passive aggression only creates confusion and resentment, making it harder to resolve conflicts.

14. You don’t take responsibility for your mistakes.

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Everyone makes mistakes, but refusing to acknowledge your role in a conflict can damage your relationship. Be willing to admit when you’re wrong and apologize sincerely. Taking responsibility for your actions shows your partner that you respect them and value their feelings.

15. You forget to have fun together.

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Life can get busy, but it’s important to prioritize fun and connection with your partner. Make time for activities you both enjoy, whether it’s trying a new restaurant, going for a hike, or simply cuddling up on the couch and watching a movie. Shared experiences and laughter can strengthen your bond and remind you why you fell in love in the first place.

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